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印度尼西亞萬隆市民廣場景觀設計 | SHAU

SHAU 2020-07-22
  • 項目名稱:
    萬隆市民廣場(Alun Alun Cicendo)
  • 項目地點:
  • 項目規模:
    5400 m2
  • 設計公司:
  • 委托方:
  • 建成時間:

萬隆市民廣場(Alun Alun Cicendo)位于印尼西爪哇省萬隆市Aruna路,該街區是著名的鐵匠作坊聚集區。項目要求將該地塊改造為復合功能的公園,并將部分現存的臨街鐵匠作坊遷入公園內,為街道騰出空間。公園內需設有體育設施、中央廣場、藝術展亭、展覽館以及藝術家活動空間等。除此之外,SHAU還添加了枯山水花園和一個與水池相連的峽谷區域。

SHAU was assigned by former Mayor of Bandung and current governor of the province West Java, Ridwan Kamil to design Alun-alun Cicendo in Bandung next to Jalan Aruna, an area which is known for its blacksmith workshops. The brief defined a multifunctional park where parts of the existing blacksmith workshops will be relocated from the street front into the park thus freeing the adjacent street. Further SHAU was asked to include sports facilities, a central square, art kiosks, a pavilion and allocate spaces for local artists. SHAU then included additional features like a dry garden and a canyon ending in a water feature. 

Block Plan.jpg

▲萬隆市民廣場區位圖 ?SHAU


▲場地全貌 ?Mulkisalman


▲峽谷的盡頭是可戲水的水池 ?Sonny Sanjaya


Rather than working with distinct areas allocated to the functions, SHAU decided to opt for a solution where areas start to blend into each other in a more gradual way. For that the concept of rusty steel ribbons was introduced which organizes the flow of visitors around these functions in form of a topography of stepped hills, lending its form to the surrounding landscape of Bandung as well as relating the main material namely steel to the direct neighborhood. 

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▲概念設計:復合功能空間,而不是互相割裂的多功能空間 ?SHAU

Isometry (with tags).jpg 

▲鳥瞰圖 ?SHAU


▲耐候鋼帶呼應當地的鐵匠文化  ?Sonny Sanjaya

設計利用樓梯和可坐式臺階等形式構建出階梯式地形,形成休息和活動的空間,激勵游客探索和利用公園內不同的場地空間。 幾個抬高的臺地成為六位當地藝術家放置和展示他們鋼雕作品的平臺,它們宛如博物館中展覽物的基座。

With the introduction of the stepped topography in form of stairs and seating stairs SHAU creates spaces of rest and movement with the intention to animate the visitors to explore and take different vantage points along the park. The tops of the hills serve as platforms for six local artists to place and display their steel sculptures like pedestals in museums. 

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?Sonny Sanjaya

?Sonny Sanjaya


▲臺地成為展示藝術家雕塑作品的基座 ?Sonny Sanjaya


The area above the blacksmith kiosks is materialized in form of a deck intended to be a quieter area overlooking the whole park. The deck is made partly from steel grating and voids for trees piercing through, establishing a visual connection between deck above and steel workshop alley beneath but also bringing daylight down. 



▲鐵匠作坊區的屋頂如同一個甲板,人們可以在這里俯瞰廣場全貌 ?Sonny Sanjaya

主廣場一側的鋼制展亭棱角分明、十分尖銳,與塑造地形的圓潤流暢的鋼帶形成了鮮明對比。 突出的尖角像楔子一樣插向廣場主要入口,將游客向不同的方向分流,而另一側則向主廣場開放。從立面來看,亭子分為兩個區域,一個是供游客就坐、步行和觀賞的樓梯,另一個則是下方用于臨時展示藝術品的區域。這座三維的、由耐候鋼制成的之字形展亭成為了廣場的中心,在公園的外部也可以觀賞它雕塑一般的形態。展亭下方的開放空間由垂直的橡膠繩圍合,宛如一座無形的立面。游客若想進入這個空間必須用力打開橡膠繩,使進入此處成為了有意識的活動。

Adjacent the main square a steel pavilion was placed. The geometry is angular and pointy and stands in opposition to the more rounded and fluid forms of the topography’s steel ribbons. Here, the pointy side is oriented like a wedge towards the main entrance of Alun-alun bifurcating the flow of visitors into different directions and being open on the other side towards the main square. In elevation the pavilion is designed to have two main areas, again a stair for seating, walking and viewing and an area underneath for displaying art temporarily. The result is a 3-dimensional, rusty steel zig zag which serves as central point of the park being also visible from outside the park and becomes a sculpture itself. The open space underneath the pavilion is framed with vertical rubber strings which serve as an almost non-material fa?ade between two outdoor environments, making the stepping inside a conscious act of crossing a threshold by having to force the rubber strings open. 


?Sonny Sanjaya

?Sonny Sanjaya

?Sonny Sanjaya

▲展亭下方的開放空間由垂直的橡膠繩圍合 ?SHAU


The whole park is accessible at any point for everybody via additional ramps not only stairs. By integrating different programs, establishing accessibility, animating visitors to move, stimulating curiosity, introducing a coherent material theme and sculpting the park and pavilion, SHAU hopes to establish a consistent Gesamtkunstwerk (synthesis of the arts).  

?Sonny Sanjaya




Section (with materials).jpg

▲鋪裝材料 ?SHAU


▲剖面圖 ?SHAU

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▲場地平面圖 ?SHAU









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