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印度孟買綠里樂園景觀設計 | MVRDV

MVRDV 2022-07-31
  • 項目名稱:
  • 項目地點:
  • 設計公司:
  • 委托方:
    Nucleus Office Park
  • 建成時間:
  • 圖片來源:
    Suleiman Merchant, MVRDV


Offers a delightful and holistic urban spatial experience  ? Suleiman Merchant


Plan ? MVRDV

MVRDV聯手StudioPod,通過改造孟買Senapati Bapat Marg立交橋下的一系列荒棄空間,建成了“綠里樂園”。一個具有壓迫感的巨大混凝土基礎設施,變成了服務于整個當地社區的公共空間。設計帶來了急需的便利設施與綠植,提升了流通性,也為當地創造了極強的視覺形象。更廣泛的說,該設計為可持續城市發展提供了能復驗的方法,它給擁擠的印度大都會中那些為充分利用的公共空間確立了一個新的標準。

MVRDV, working alongside co-architects StudioPOD, has completed construction of One Green Mile, transforming a series of neglected spaces below Mumbai’s Senapati Bapat Marg flyover. Turning an overbearing element of concrete infrastructure into a public space for the entire local community, the design adds much-needed amenities and greenery, improves mobility, and creates a strong visual identity for the area. On a broader scale, the design offers a repeatable approach to sustainable urban development that asserts a new benchmark for underused public spaces in the intense Indian metropolis.


design strategy ? MVRDV



the space under the bridge become public space for the entire local community ? Suleiman Merchant

Senapati Bapat Marg立交橋屬于一系列主干道的一部分,道路綿延11公里之多,貫穿孟買中心。它產生了相當的噪音污染,也在相鄰區域間形成了阻隔,限制了流通性。與該地區的一個辦公項目有關,當地建筑公司StudioPOD受Nucleus Office Parks之托,改善天橋旁800米長的街道景觀。而對立交橋下棄置空間這一計劃中最具變革潛力的部分,他們邀請MVRDV協作社區空間,以解決立交的消極影響,并回應該區域對綠植和健身設施的需求。

The Senapati Bapat Marg flyover is part of a series of major roads that extend for over 11 kilometres through the heart of Mumbai, generating significant noise pollution and creating a barrier between neighbouring areas that limits options for mobility. In connection with an office development in the area, local architecture firm StudioPOD was tasked by Nucleus Office Parks to improve an 800-metre stretch of streetscape running alongside the flyover. For the most transformative part of this scheme, in an unused space beneath the flyover structure itself, they invited MVRDV to collaborate on a community space that would address the flyover’s negative impact while responding to the area’s lack of greenery and physical amenities.



StudioPOD initially solved the traffic and street profiles and helped to define the programme and identify the target groups. Expanding upon this, MVRDV designed sinuous blue stripes to create a cohesive visual identity used across all elements of the space, creating a concept for One Green Mile that offers a delightful and holistic urban spatial experience. 


blue stripes used through out the space  ? Suleiman Merchant


A hilly paved landscape transforms the 2-dimensional visual features into a 3D spatial experience, accommodating a whole range of different programmes and providing a dynamic physical attraction. Visual accent colours in materials and graphics make all aspects of the intervention recognizable as a whole. The space is divided into a series of public “rooms” with diverse functions: lounge, gym, shaded seating area, performance space, and reading room. Planting extends throughout the space. Greenery in the design – featured on a series of screens lining the space, an archway at the entrance, and in retaining walls and planters – promotes biodiversity, while cooling the surrounding spaces and dampening noise pollution.


A hilly paved landscape create 3D spatial experience ? MVRDV



The space is divided into a series of public “rooms” with diverse functions ? MVRDV


The space is divided into a series of public “rooms” with diverse functions ? Suleiman Merchant


Planting extends throughout the space ? Suleiman Merchant

“也許有朝一日,將不再需要那些嘈雜、令人不悅又割裂我們城市的的高架,但?前我們的交通系統依然需要它們,?且孟買的?架橋比?部分城市都多。” MVRDV合伙?Stefan de Koning 說道,“通過「綠?樂園」項?,我們提出了?個問題:?架橋是否能夠彌補它給當地造成的割裂?橋下的空間能在炎熱的城市中提供一席蔭蔽,創造一小方土地,雖不能建造高樓,但卻有著公共空間營造的無限潛?。”

“Perhaps one day we will see the end of noisy, unpleasant highways carving up our cities, but for now they are still unfortunately a necessary evil – one you can see in Mumbai more than most cities”, says MVRDV partner Stefan de Koning. “One Green Mile asks the question: what if we expected highways to give something back to the places they cut through? A flyover can provide some shade in a hot city, and creates a small area of land that can’t be developed with tall buildings. It’s not such a crazy idea to make that into a public space.”


One Green Mile can give something back to the places ? Suleiman Merchant


The design enhances connections for pedestrians and cyclists to make the area more comfortable and accessible. Paving, bicycle paths, and bright, large-scale zebra crossings promote access and safety. It improves accessibility with the incorporation of an uninterrupted mobility network and mobility hub to stimulate cycling. The area’s lighting concept works alongside programmatic elements and urban furniture features to make a recognisable place, and ensure safety around the clock.


One Green Mile make the area more comfortable and accessible ? Suleiman Merchant


section ? MVRDV


該項目亦是循環經濟的典范:利用橋下空間,賦予了高架新的價值;除了交通運輸,它也成為了一個遮蔭與聚集的公共空間目的地。另外,項目設置了工程設施來儲存和過濾季風降水,用以灌溉“綠里樂園”大量的植物網絡。著眼于遮蔭和包容性的綠?公共場所,「綠?樂園」這種模式對于城市中其他區域也具有很?的借鑒意義。未來,「綠?樂園」將沿著總?11.22公?的?架橋繼續擴展,從孟買的Mahalaxmi 賽?場延伸到Dharavi 紅樹林地區近3公?的路段。

The project exemplifies a circular economy approach; by utilizing the space underneath, the flyover itself increases in value; in addition to transporting cars, it acquires a new purpose as a sheltered, occupied public space. Engineering features store and filter monsoon water to irrigate One Green Mile’s extensive network of plants. With its focus on shaded and inclusive green public spaces, One Green Mile can easily be repeated elsewhere in the city. For the current project, a planned future extension will expand the revitalisation of public space to 3 kilometres of the flyover’s 11.22- kilometre total stretch, which extends from Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi racecourse to the Dharavi Mangrove Region.





委托方:Nucleus Office Park



創始合伙人負責: Jacob van Rijs

合伙人:Stefan de Koning

設計團隊:Ronald Hoogeveen, Valentina Chiappa Nu?ez, Jose Manuel Garcia Garcia, Prajakta Gawde

策略及發展:Sruti Thakrar

版權:MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries


攝影:? Suleiman Merchant

Project Name: One Green Mile

Location: Mumbai, India

Year: 2022

Client: Nucleus Office Park

Size and Programme: Public space

Architect: MVRDV

Founding Partner in charge: Jacob van Rijs

Partner: Stefan de Koning

Design Team: Ronald Hoogeveen, Valentina Chiappa Nu?ez, Jose Manuel Garcia Garcia, Prajakt Gawde

Strategy and Development: Sruti Thakrar

Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de VriesCo-architect: StudioPOD

Photographs: ? Suleiman Merchant









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