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西班牙巴達霍斯金融中心庭院與屋頂花園景觀設計 | Cristina Jorge - Cjcpaisaje

Cjcpaisaje 2021-10-27
  • 項目名稱:
  • 項目地點:
  • 項目規模:
    19.963 m2
  • 設計公司:
  • 施工單位:
    Joca + Senpa Charcofrío
  • 委托方:
    Caja de Badajoz
  • 圖片來源:


An archipelago of islands with planting in the park ? Cjcpaisaje

03 DEHESA Landscape_Urban Park_Current State.jpg


Dehesa landscape helps us to understand the productive agricultural system of the western area of Spain, Extremadura; indeed, what we contemplate is an archipelago of islands of holm oaks, cork oaks and olives trees among scrubs and pastures. The pattern of concentric shapes of the landscape design, like circles, ovals and ellipses, pay a lot attention to the survival system of the Dehesa ecosystem in the western part of Spain where trees have big canopies and many other plants and animals can live under their shadows because of the low temperature and high humidity in the interior that is in contrast with the temperature outside where sun’s heat does not allow grass can grow. 


An archipelago of islands with planting in the garden ? Cjcpaisaje

04 DEHESA Landscape_Gardens_Current State.jpg


An archipelago of islands with planting on the roof ? Cjcpaisaje

01 DEHESA BADAJOZ_Final State.jpg


Bir’s eye view of the landscape project ? Cjcpaisaje


? 郊野公園的公共空間和連接著河岸、草地與灌木林地的城市停車場。

? 有五個不同用途庭院的半公共文化設施庭院,包括:文化中心、幼兒園、體育館、住宅與車庫。

? 有16層樓83米高的辦公大樓私人開放空間的綠色屋頂。

The landscape project deals with the analysis, design and management of park, gardens and green roof by means of a design of archipelagos; the research is focused on analyzing the normal scale (humans, animals, plants, machines), micro scale (unicellular beings) and macro scale (thermodynamics parameters). At the same time, some areas are to lay out with a minimum of detailed spaces for activities, and do no offer anything, but necessary conditions; they are freely accessible for people of various ages who use them for fun. Dehesa landscape’s programme has the following three fields:
?The public realm of the rural park and in the urban car park connecting riverbank, meadowland and shrub land.
?The garden design of the semi-public cultural base through five courtyards of different uses: cultural center, kindergarten, gymnasium, housing and garage.
?The green roof design of the private open space for an office tower, which has 16 floors and height 83m.


Bird’s view of the rural park ? Cjcpaisaje

07 DEHESA Landscape_Urban Park_Construction State.jpg


The rural park connects riverbank ? Cjcpaisaje

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Eye-level view of the garden ? Cjcpaisaje

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The green roof of the private open space ? Cjcpaisaje


The activity space with minimum detailed design ? Cjcpaisaje

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Islands of landscape reveal the possibility of using balanced resources, which consist of the proper qualities and proportions of water, drainage, minerals and electricity, need to maintain growth, such as state-of-art laboratory; they provide the option of erasing the poor soil quality. Concentric patterns include circles, ovoids and straight lines such as nodes where lines of infrastructure converge and where activities concentrate. The original geometry will be affected by the impacts of extreme weather and the time of day and night; so far away of the desire to impose order such as repetitive geometry in nature which is rare, and usually temporary. 


The concentric patterns and linear design in the park ? Cjcpaisaje


Dehesa landscape project can be read as three landscapes in which shade of shrub land, light of river bank and twilight of meadow land share the territory equally. Islands as cool spots inside hot areas are spread. The analysis is how distance and area are combined to regulate the balance between the endogenous and exogenous species. Landscapes are dynamic systems like the result of physical processes (such as erosion and sedimentation) and of biological processes (involving growth, blossoming and decay). It is significant the arrival of volunteer plants and the remarkably dynamic way in which plant species intercross and the role of insects and animals in such developments. Isolates spots concentrate their energy resources such as survival landscape for humans, animals and plants.


Landscape islands provides shade as cool spots ? Cjcpaisaje

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Constructions details of the project ? Cjcpaisaje


Main plan ? Cjcpaisaje

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Main garden plan ? Cjcpaisaje

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Plants species plan ? Cjcpaisaje

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項目規模:19.963 m2



景觀設計師:Cristina Jorge - Cjcpaisaje 

景觀設計師郵箱: cristina.jorge@ua.es

建筑設計師:Estudio Lamela

施工方:Joca + Senpa Charcofrío

委托方:Caja de Badajoz 


Program: Dehesa Landscape——Park, Courtyards and Green roof of Caja Badajoz Financial Centre

Location: Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain

Designer Landscape Project: Cristina Jorge - Cjcpaisaje 

Landscape Designer E-mail: cristina.jorge@ua.es

Designer Architectural Project: Estudio Lamela

Constructors: Joca + Senpa Charcofrío

Commissioned by: Caja de Badajoz 

Area: 19.963 m2

Design: 2008-2010

Implementation Period: 2010-2012

Picture Resource:Cjcpaisaje









  • 國外
  • https://cristinajorgecamacho.com/
  • info@cjcpaisaje.com