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南京園博園悅榕莊景觀設計 | 瀚世景觀

瀚世國際設計 2022-01-06
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    xf photography- Voyager 21、賴連取




A stone can be as big as a mountain.
Stones can become building materials, borders and shelters.
Stone can decompose and interact with wate、 sunshine 、 air breed life.



Discussing with the designer whether to choose stone or greening is like the focus of debate in the original design report. I think the landscape design is not to make the greening  full even if it is finished。 At best, it can only be said to be greening. I prefer to see this stone burst into new green seedlings after wind and rain; The mechanism of sunlight reflecting on ore at different angles; It is like the magnificence of human civilization on the new star, and the wonderful expression of all residents shuttling between the future and reality.


The quarry left bare rock strata, which reflected dazzling geological features and exposed the most primitive geological charm.


General layout of Nanjing banyan tree garden


Using the succession of pioneer plant community


Pioneer plants are the first plant communities to be established. Lichens generally begin to grow on rocks or bare ground, because lichens are the pioneer communities of xerophytic primary succession, and lichens have the strongest vitality in the plant world. According to tests, lichens can grow at a low temperature of minus 273 degrees, so they can grow in deserts, the Arctic and even on the back of sea turtles, In the transformation of saline alkali land and sandy wasteland, the adaptive plant species shall be selected according to the specific conditions of climate and soil, and the pioneer plant community shall be established, so as to gradually transform the barren land into a land where plants can grow.



With the historical process of rock weathering and soil development, pioneer communities such as lichen and moss first appeared on the rock surface, and then replaced by herb community, shrub community and forest community. Each plant community connected with each other in the historical development constitutes a succession series; Perennial grasses: Miscanthus formosana, Miscanthus tenuifolia, Pennisetum - perennial herbs, like warm, humid and sufficient light conditions, cold and drought resistance, regardless of soil。Barren resistant plants: pine, fir, oak, poplar and Sophora japonica - drought and cold resistant, barren resistant, suitable for growing in sandy soil with good drainage. These plants usually have strong vitality; The method of building ecological community with pioneer species is called species framework method. For an ecological community to be restored, light loving and easy to spread herbs are usually used as pioneer species. They appear in the early stage of succession, which can change the soil quality of the area, attract animals and create conditions for the recovery of other plants and animals,This stage is called the pioneer stage.


Flowing water changes the desertification surface and slowly recovers its vitality.


The water can denude the rock, produce the alluvial and floodplain on the river bank, and collect the rainwater system by using the canyon terrain. The introduction of the water system causes the damage of the rock, including weathering and denudation Weathering is the destruction of rocks in situ. The valley develops into a wide valley bottom. At ordinary times, sediment accumulates on the floodplain on both sides of the riverbed, the rainwater accumulates and rises repeatedly, and the alluvium continues to thicken to form the water bank floodplain plain, which opens the growth of grassland landscape.



Due to long-term mechanical mining in old mines, water and soil loss and serious desertification of land lead to the inability of animals and plants to regenerate; In order to make the exposed rocks slowly revive and turn the mine into a unique geological and geomorphic experience, regenerate a mine garden looking for wild interest.


Wilderness landscape design based on nature

峽谷中自然的生長與衰敗,植物群落的演替與發展,自然主義的景觀設計方法,充滿原生性、多樣性、開發性、偶然性,依循自然的荒野景觀,荷蘭的野草之神Piet Outdolf打造的荒野四季花園,呈現最美又野榮枯衰敗都是美,呈現植物走過四季更迭的自然模樣,同樣理念,我們在恢復礦坑花園樣貌的進程中,是漸進的是演替的是可持續發展的,恢復生態系統中的生物多樣性表現其天然生長的魅力。

The natural growth and decline in the canyon, the succession and development of plant communities, and the naturalistic landscape design method are full of originality, diversity, development and contingency. Following the natural wilderness landscape, the wilderness four seasons garden built by Piet outdoor, the God of wild grass in the Netherlands, is the most beautiful and beautiful, showing the natural appearance of plants passing through the change of seasons, Similarly, in the process of restoring the appearance of the mine garden, we are progressive, successive and sustainable. Restoring the biodiversity in the ecosystem shows the charm of its natural growth.


Like the architectural style and polar landscape of the new planet colony


The primary strategy of Banyan tree in Nanjing Garden Expo landscape design is to show the changes of all things on the earth. The magnificent mountain cliffs, the movement of stars, water elements, sunlight and water streams turn the quarry into the birthplace of plants, which is like a planetary journey. The building blocks reflecting the sun's sunshine are a familiar scene of the existence of human civilization, and the new planetary civilization formed by buildings clinging to the rock mass, It is a warm space capsule isolated from the polar climate, a hot spring platform suspended in the middle of the mountain, looking up at the night sky and embracing the warm spring, like the first human living on the cliff. Walking in the building garden at night is the best corridor to look at the stars.


It is the primitive people who look for habitat to find safe and comfortable habitat


The hot spring area adopts the rough layout of original stones without subtle carving decoration. The gift heat energy from the center of the earth keeps pouring out with the spring; The small pool is full of ten people. The child's original joy runs around the cave, looks at the endless Red Valley rock wall in the pool, and the red sun slowly sinks into the surface. After soaking in the hot spring, he feels comfortable, feels the energy of nature flowing around his body, and makes a primitive self.


When humans haven't found fire and can't obtain heat energy artificially, it is possible that underground heat energy is an important source for primitive people to obtain energy. Now we are used to gas stove or electric heating, and we forget the importance of natural energy. When the blazing sun goes down to the horizon, we soak in the hot spring like monkeys in the snow to fight against the cold air, Using the heat energy from the center of the earth to warm the body, the energy of nature is so close and interdependent with us.


Desolation  silence, nothingness expectation、surprise、exploring the strange world of ignorance


Creating life starts from exploring "ignorance". This site was originally an industrial and mining site, which was formed by workers pulling open the surface with one axe and one chisel, exposing the rock stratum 30 meters below the surface. Usually, the original appearance is rarely seen, that is, it is naturally full of an atmosphere of surprise everywhere. The architectural design is built by climbing the rock mass, which is the starting point of the exploration path and the cabin for peeping into the polar region, And we are camped star travelers.


南京園博園規劃的宗旨是打造永遠盛開的“南京花園”,用造園 藝術 + 生態培育 + 多樣功能等多種方式,創造世界級的花園群; 技術上采用生態系統、踐行城市雙修理念、修復生態基底,構建生態走廊。悅榕莊位于1990 年始建的湯山龍泉采石場,大片灰白、崖壁山石裸露是基地的現狀,建筑的形態是依山而設、融于山林石壁。 景觀設計最主要的目的是保留工業遺址景觀特色、風貌再現,所以我們用縹緲云池、懸浮觀景,半山崖壁、多維空間的景象融入到景觀設計之中,形態如半山崖壁懸浮半空中,形如半室內,內外空間融合,形如居于云海之上空中花園。

Vacation is a discovery.Different places, different paths.Different buildings, different rooms.Different habits, different tastes.
The purpose of Nanjing Expo park planning is to create a "Nanjing garden" in full bloom forever, and create a world-class garden group by means of gardening art + ecological cultivation + diversified functions; Technically, adopt ecosystem, practice the concept of urban double repair, repair the ecological base and build an ecological corridor. Banyan tree is located in Tangshan Longquan quarry built in 1990. Large areas of gray and bare cliffs and rocks are the current situation of the base. The shape of the building is built close to the mountain and integrated into the mountain forest and stone walls. The main purpose of landscape design is to retain the landscape characteristics and style reproduction of industrial sites. Therefore, we use ethereal cloud pool and suspension viewing, and integrate the scene of mid mountain cliffs and multi-dimensional space into the landscape design. The form is like mid mountain cliffs suspended in mid air, like the integration of indoor and outdoor space, and like an air garden above the sea of clouds.











攝影師:xf photography- Voyager 21、賴連取

客戶: 南京園博園

Project information

Project name:Banyan Tree Hotel Nanjing Garden Expo

English abbreviation:HANCS Landscape Planning and Design (Shanghai) Co.English abbreviation:HANCS   (JERRY LAI)

Interior design team: CCD

Architectural design team: China Architectural Design Institute (academician Cui Kai)

Company website (WeChat official account):HANCS

Contact email :595745276@qq.com

Landscape Design & completion time: April 2019-october 2021

Project location:Nanjing

square meters:40000㎡

Photographer:xf photography- Voyager 21、Jerry Lai

Clients:Nanjing Garden Expo









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