

Landscape architecture office with extensive background in projects focus on bank, health, sports and airport cities. Collaboration with international architectural offices: Gillespies, Foster Partners, Martha Schwartz Partners, Estudio Lamela, Aecom, Chile15 arquitectos, Enero, Trim, Porras&Lacasta, etc. International awards: Grand Prix in the 6th Landscape Architecture Exhibition in Belgrade, Longlisted Dezeen LA Award 2021, Publication in the 4th LAE "On the move", in the 8th European Biennial of Landscape Architecture Barcelona 2015 "A landscape for you" and in the 7/10 Ibero Ilustra 2016/18, an international Illustration exhibition at the Feria International del Libro de Guadalajara Mexico. Exhibitions: Grey to Green Toronto, Cities Alive New York, IFLA San Petersburgo.

  • Velázquez 26, 28001 Madrid
  • info@cjcpaisaje.com
  • 00 34 615871733
  • Cjcpaisaje_arquitectura
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