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馬德里新冠應急醫院景觀設計 | Cjcpaisaje

Cjcpaisaje 2021-09-13
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    Dezeen Awards 2021
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Emergency Hospital Landscape in Madrid ? Cjcpaisaje  

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The micro-parklands of the Emergency Hospital in Madrid create a natural system of prefabricated elements following the aim of rapid implementation, isolation, and protection taking as reference the simple integrated system of living microorganisms. These enclosures provide circular areas where patients, visitors or healthcare professionals can meet in secret places surrounded by trees and shrubs or they can walk around large green islands.


large green islands surrounded by trees and shrubs ? Cjcpaisaje  

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項目位于馬德里Hortaleza 區Medicina Legal大樓的北側,占地面積7434 平米,約為總地塊面積的十分之一。它位于“司法之城”園區法醫大樓的北側,在新冠疫情期間,這里僅用100 天建成了一座應急公立醫院。地塊呈四邊形,高差有4.5米。


The landscape architecture project has a surface of 7,434 sqm and occupies a plot of 69,781 sqm located in the Hortaleza district of Madrid. This plot, belonging to the previous City of Justice project on the north side of the Medicina Legal building, is destinated to a public hospital constructed in 100 days during the Covid-19 pandemic. The plot is trapezoidal and has a drop of 4.5 meters. 
Due to dry climatic conditions, adapted species with low water demand have been selected reducing the risk of allergies or respiratory problems. The topography has been modified to conserve rainwater and direct it to green areas that act as sponges that reduce runoff, store water, remove sediment and pollutants and release it into other ecosystems.  


Plants selection adapting to the local climatic conditions and reducing the risk of allergies or respiratory problems  ? Cjcpaisaje

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The landscape architecture intervention are extracted from microorganisms elements ? Cjcpaisaje



The essential elements considered in defining the landscape architecture intervention are extracted from the crucial role of microorganisms in the regulation of climate change and they are as follows:


Essential elements considered in defining the landscape architecture ? Cjcpaisaje



Protection system_Cell Wall. The green bands parallel to the three buildings of the hospital complex close to the landscape intervention where the presence of rows of trees, aromatic shrubs, and colorful groundcovers make up a highly sensitive natural environment close to the Hospital. The scheme of clean roads parallel to the street that joins the three pavilions follows the straight lines that characterize the hospital corridors. The parallel green bands to the main road meet the objective of border and protection taking as reference the planting palette of the Sierra Norte Layer.


Protection system_Cell Wall ? Cjcpaisaje

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匯集點, 細胞核DNA。周圍環繞著不會引發呼吸道問題或過敏的果樹、芳香灌木和地被。以家庭為單位的到訪者可以被帶到這些戶外候診室,未來還將放置長凳、椅子、桌子于其中。軟景借鑒了南部草原的植物搭配。這些微空間能供所有年齡段的人玩耍、遠程辦公以及休息。

Meeting point_Nucleus DNA. Surrounded by fruit trees, aromatic shrubs, and groundcovers that do not cause respiratory problems or allergies, family units can be brought together into these outdoor waiting rooms that will house benches, chairs, and support tables in the future. The soft landscape takes as reference the planting palette of the Estepa Sur Layer. These micro-spaces are opened to multiple uses of all ages for playing, teleworking, and resting.

▼匯集點, 細胞核

DNA  Meeting point_Nucleus DNA ? Cjcpaisaje

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循環系統_液泡。由橢圓和縱向的綠色葉片所構成的設計語言,塑造出了空間的圍合感,同時又保持了與公園內的通暢視野。這些“括號”型的綠地圍合出了核心區域,并連接著安全通道。新冠患者的康復過程有時會伴隨有副作用,例如由血流量增大導致腿部靜脈的血栓形成。醫生建議在康復期間進行日常鍛煉和長時間散步。另外,這些綠色區域參考了Vega Campi?a Layer的植物配置。

Circulation system _Vacuoles. The landscape design made of elliptical and longitudinal green areas leaves controlled enclosures between them and opened views over parks around. These "parentheses" enclose the core areas and lead to safe walkways. The recovery of Covid-19 patients can leave side effects such as the formation of thrombosis in the leg veins by increasing blood flow. Doctors recommend daily exercise and long walks during recovery. These green areas take as reference the planting palette of the Vega Campi?a Layer.


Circulation system _Vacuoles ? Cjcpaisaje

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滲透基質_細胞質。壓實的紅土充當一種粒狀流體??蓾B透的路面是采用石灰石、碾碎的紅色花崗巖、石英、長石、云母等材料鋪成,并根據地形的輪廓壓實。在先前未完成的“City of Justice”項目基礎上,部分景觀措施被要求在地下結構層中增設額外的鋪層,如防水、防潮、排水和其它綠色屋頂常用的基層。為了保證排放物的密實性,場地還必須進行清理作業,清除碎屑和未壓實的土壤。

Porous base materials_ Cytoplasm. Compacted red soil acts as a granular fluid. The pavements are porous using materials such as limestone, crushed red granite, quartz, feldspar, mica, and they are compacted following the contours of the terrain. On the underground galleries belonging to the previous unfinished City of Justice project, a part of the landscape intervention has required additional layers such as waterproofing, vapor barriers, drainage, and other elements typical of green roofs. To guarantee the compactness of the discharges, it has been necessary to carry out cleaning operations to remove the disintegrated and non-compacted soils.


Porous base materials_ Cytoplasm ? Cjcpaisaje

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這個項目是為了輔助醫院的康復計劃,為候診區增設室外部分。它作為醫院運作的一部分,來療愈新冠病人和緩解疫情所帶來的壓力和情感創傷。耐候鋼輪廓線劃定了室外的聚集空間,同時也能用作那些接受治療或接種疫苗后,需要被隔離開的等待區。此外,集中的綠色區域有助于保持與周圍公園的連續性,如Valdebebas和Juan Carlos 公園。

The aim of the landscape architecture project is to support the hospital in the outdoor areas as part of the recovery program and waiting areas. It is intended to be a part of the machine to heal and to provide relief from the stress and emotional trauma of the Covid-19 hospital environment. Corten steel contours delimit spaces such as outdoor meeting rooms and can serve to enclose isolated enclosures for post-treatment or waiting areas for the vaccination process. Additionally, the concentration of green areas helps to give continuity with the surrounding parks such as Valdebebas Park and Juan Carlos I Park.


Outdoor areas supports as part of the recovery program and waiting areas ? Cjcpaisaje

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Microorganisms are beneficial in producing oxygen, decomposing organic material, providing nutrients for plants, and maintaining human health, but some can be pathogenic and cause disease in plants and humans. Although viruses are classified as microorganisms, they are not considered living organisms. Viruses cannot reproduce outside a host cell and cannot metabolize on their own. Beyond viruses, it is the other vital system of primitive organisms that has guided the design and distribution of these external areas that acts against possible infections.
Due to the urgency in the inauguration, the economic restrictions, and the extra cost of the Madrid Emergency Hospital with respect to the initial budget, some parts of the landscape architecture project have not yet been built and others have had to be modified and reduced.


Design scenario and the site before construction ? Cjcpaisaje

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Plan of Phase i ? Cjcpaisaje

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Detailed Plan of Phase i ? Cjcpaisaje

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Detailed Plan of Phase with Extensive Greenroof i ? Cjcpaisaje

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Plan of Phase ii ? Cjcpaisaje

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Diagram of landscape intervention ? Cjcpaisaje

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項目名稱:Emergency Hospital Landscape in Madrid 馬德里應急醫院景觀

項目地點:Madrid, Spain馬德里,西班牙


景觀設計師 & 公司:Cristina Jorge_Cjcpaisaje

建筑設計:Chile15 arquitectos

委托方:Servicio de Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid  馬德里社會衛生部




所獲獎項:Dezeen Awards 2021

Project: Emergency Hospital Landscape in Madrid

Location: Madrid, Spain

Surface: 7.434 m2

Designer & Landscape architecture office: Cristina Jorge_Cjcpaisaje

Architecture: Chile15 arquitectos

Commissioned by: Servicio de Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid

Design: 2020

Realisation: 2020

Photography: Cjcpaisaje

Awards: Dezeen Awards 2021











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