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江陰市濱江公園景觀設計 | BAU建筑與城市設計事務所

BAU建筑城市設計 2021-04-23
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    江蘇 江陰
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▲設計保留了場地歷史痕跡,重新建立了生態廊道 This design maintained traces of the site's history and re-established indigenous eco-system corridors ? 夏至


Jiangyin is on the Yangtze, the world’s busiest working river. The city is regenerating part of its industrial docklands as a high density live-work district. Stage one of this major project is the creation of a 4km public realm along the river edge. The design was selected through invited competition. 

Stage one of this major project is the creation of a 4km public realm along the river edge..jpg

▲項目的第一階段是沿著江邊再造一個長達4公里的公共區域 Stage one of this major project is the creation of a 4km public realm along the river edge ? 夏至

▲步道、自行車道、水上木板路、場地內外視野的延伸以及新區域的路徑等都使城市與水系的聯系更加緊密 pedestrian paths, bike paths, water boardwalk, extensions of views to and from the site–all maximizing links between the city and the water ? 夏至

1. 柔和邊界與生態長廊 

Soft edges and eco corridors 


The Yangtze at this location is tidal. This project rehabilitates, preserves, enhances and extends a raft of microhabitats. Complexity of the existing river edge is formally maintained, enhanced and secured with loose rock scaled for habitat. A new corridor of indigenous trees and plants weaves through the project’s length to connect the Ebizui mountain ecological node to the east with the canal eco corridor towards the west.  

▲一條由當地綠植貫穿的長廊連接了整個項目 A new corridor of indigenous trees and plants weaves through ? 夏至

▲江河邊緣的復雜性通過巖石固定得以加強與穩固 Complexity of the existing river edge is formally maintained, enhanced and secured with loose rock scaled for habitat ? 夏至

▲項目修復、還原并提升擴充了該地區的微生境 This project rehabilitates, preserves, enhances and extends a raft of microhabitats ? 夏至

2. 后工業時代的詩意 

Post-industrial poetics


The vast worn concrete wharves are colored by the brown earth washed down the Yangtze. Overlooking the two-kilometer river from the prosaic empty docks presents an overwhelming scale and sense of the sublime. This design preserves even the most brutal of structures. Necessary new interventions on and around the wharves share the scale, robustness and clarity of this industrial context. Whilst the future district promises to be filled with vibrancy, and much of the landscape is rich in complexity, the wharf edges provide a rare escape. 

被染成棕色的碼頭 The vast worn concrete wharves are colored by the brown earth washed down the Yangtze ? 夏至

Necessary new interventions on and around the wharves share the scale, robustness and clarity of this industrial context..jpg

▲圍繞碼頭進行的干預措施使原有工業環境的巨型規模、健壯性和清晰度得以保留 Necessary new interventions on and around the wharves share the scale, robustness and clarity of this industrial context ? 夏至

Overlooking the two-kilometer river from the prosaic empty docks presents an overwhelming scale and sense of the sublime..jpg

▲場地遠眺 Overlooking the two-kilometer river from the prosaic empty docks ? 夏至

much of the landscape is rich in complexity, the wharf edges provide a rare escape.jpg

▲為居民提供一片逃離世俗繁雜的休憩地 Much of the landscape is rich in complexity, the wharf edges provide a rare escape ? 夏至


Continuity with the Past 


Palimpsest – Ship Building Park


Whilst the majority of the site was open and flat for stockpiling raw materials, the eastern portion of the site was recently a functioning ship building facility. The design strategy maintained traces of the site's history and overlaid a number of ecological, circulation and programmatic layers. The result is a complex palimpsest supporting inclusive and diverse open spaces and activities.

▲歷史痕跡:起重機與軌道 The history layer: gantry cranes and rails ? 夏至

The history layer:jetties.jpg

▲歷史痕跡:防浪堤 The history layer:jetties ? 夏至


The history layer includes ship slipways; gantry cranes and rails; ship building factory structures; jetties; a Chinese garden; a tree lined road; and numerous other artefacts. Other layers across the site include: connections (pedestrian paths, bike paths, water boardwalk, extensions of views to and from the site, and paths from the new districts – all maximizing links between the city and the water); active leisure (sports courts and skate park); play (children’s adventure playground in the form of a ship, and elderly exercise area); social gathering (large plaza, visitor center, and large pavilions); relaxation (small pavilions, intimate seating, picnic tables, and  ship interpretation installation); and ecological (rain gardens, water edge habitats, eco-corridor). 

Continuity with the Past.jpg

▲船型的兒童探險游樂場 Children's adventure playground in the form of a ship ? 曾江河

relaxation (small pavilions, intimate seating).jpg

▲小亭子與座椅 Small pavilions and intimate seating ? 曾江河

relaxation (small pavilions, intimate seating).jpg

▲小亭子與座椅 Small pavilions and intimate seating ? 夏至

▲場地保留了工業特色和粗獷的結構 Industrial character and the most brutal of structures are preserved ? 夏至


Three Historic Ports


Jiangyin’s origins as a port city date back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Research revealed the location of three historic ports. The site of Huang Tian Port, reputedly dating back nearly 2000 years, has been developed as the dockland’s major open space for public events. Interpretive mapping of the Yangtze River is integrated in its paving. Historic Jiu Cai Port has been named and restored in its most recent iteration, as industrial port. A new restaurant designed as an urban hill provides a lookout point. Shiyu Port dates from the 1500s and was a renowned fish market. The new landscape here establishes a plaza, park, and fish restaurant. An integrated paving artwork provides further interpretation. 

▲2000多年歷史的黃田港成為港區的主要公共活動空間 The site of Huang Tian Port, reputedly dating back nearly 2000 years, has been developed as the dockland's major open space for public events ? 夏至

▲地面鋪裝上的長江解說地圖保留了場地歷史 Interpretive mapping of the Yangtse River is integrated in its paving. Maintaining presence of the historic past ? 夏至

▲韭菜港作為工業港口進行修復 Jiu Cai Port has been named and restored in its most recent iteration, as industrial port ? 夏至

Shiyu Port dates from the 1500s and was a renowned fish market..jpg

▲原為魚市的鰣魚港改造后成為擁有鮮魚餐廳的公園廣場 Shiyu Port was a renowned fish market and the new landscape here establishes a plaza, park, and fish restaurant ? 夏至


New era of leisure 


After a hiatus of nearly fifty years China is prospering and its citizens are rediscovering all variety of leisure pursuits. This landscape introduces opportunities for the very young to the very old. It is the city’s largest playground. Linked by a 4km jogging track are dozens of outdoor sports courts and frequent gym equipment stations for public use. A more leisurely path weaves the length of the site and connects several large children’s playgrounds, a skate park, and numerous groupings of exercise equipment for the elderly. Frequent throughout the landscape are dancing plazas, a popular local pursuit. A host of pavilions, tables for games, and lawns for picnics, tents and programs yet to come. The park ushers in a novel, exotic era of health and play.

a 4km jogging track.jpg

▲4公里長的慢跑道 A 4km jogging track ? 夏至

variety of leisure pursuits..jpg

▲豐富的休閑設施 variety of leisure pursuits ? 夏至


Emerging park network 



The bicycle path in this docklands park has initiated a 20km bicycle loop tracing existing and proposed lineal parks in the city. Linking the disparate parks with this loop, or greenway, brings about an accompanying ecological link. An extensive eco-system network is emerging. Pedestrian paths extend along the Yangtze either way. To the east a narrow boardwalk has been installed to enable people to pass around the steep mountain edge. The docklands park is also designed to smoothly connect to the urban district under construction. The circulation of the foreshore is coupled with the urban circulation. Plazas and city-river view corridors are located on street axis from where landscape paths radiate.

▲連接向場地外延伸,形成新的城市公園網絡 links beyond the site for the emergence of a city park network ? 夏至


▲總平面圖 Overall masterplan ? BAU

▲船廠公園和鰣魚港公園平面圖 Masterplan ship building park + shiyu port park ? BAU

▲韭菜港公園及黃田港公園平面圖 masterplans jiucai port park + huangtian port park ? BAU

Project Status: Completed 2020


Location: Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, China

地點: 中國,江蘇省,江陰市

Year: 2012-2020

年份: 2012-2020

Client: Jiangyin Urban Planning Bureau

客戶: 江陰市規劃局

Construction Area: 36.7 Ha (Ship Building Park 7.6Ha; Shiyu Port Park 6.9 Ha; Jiucai Port Park 7.2 Ha; Huangtian Port Park 15 Ha)

建設面積: 36.7公頃(船廠公園:7.6公頃、鰣魚港:6.9公頃、韭菜港:7.2公頃、黃田港:15公頃)

Construction Cost: RMB 369 million (Ship Building Park RMB 30 million; Shiyu Port Park RMB 59 million; Jiucai Port Park RMB 70 million; Huangtian Port Park RMB 210 million)

建設投資: 3億6千9百萬人民幣(船廠公園:3000萬、鰣魚港:5900萬、韭菜港:7000萬、黃田港:21000萬)

Typology: Public park, sports park, waterfront

類型: 公共綠地,體育公園,濱水公園

Program: Sustainable urban drainage, city garden, wetland, parkland, heritage preservation, plazas, emergency docks, skate park adventure playground, tennis courts, basketball courts, gate ball courts, table tennis courts, soccer fields, outdoor swimming pool, outdoor theater, bike paths, running track, pavilions, commercial and amenities buildings and tourist information centers.

功能項目: 可持續城市排水系統、城市花園、生態濕地、公共綠地、工業遺跡保護、廣場、應急碼頭、兒童游樂場、極限運動場、網球場、籃球場、門球場、乒乓球場、足球場、室外游泳池、室外劇場、慢跑道、自行車道、景觀亭、音樂噴泉、商業及服務配套建筑,以及游客中心。


BAU Project Team:

方案主創:James Brearley

Principal: James Brearley

景觀設計 Landscape

項目組長:黃芳 Project Leader: Fang Huang

項目組成員:Robin Armstrong、王粲、熊娟、李淑蕓、盧穎宏、方旭杰、陳燕玲、王晨磊、黃俊彪、劉小博、Lisa Ann Gray、Alexander Abke、王天葵、羅莉、程業典

Landscape Architecture Team: Robin Armstrong, Wang Can, Xiong Juan, Li Shuyun, Lu Yinghong, Fang Xujie, Chen Yanling, Wang Chenlei, Huang Junbiao, Liu Xiaobo, Lisa Ann Gray, Alexander Abke, Wang Tiankui, Luo Li, Cheng Yedian

建筑設計 Architecture 

項目負責人:蔣涵 Project Manager: Jiang Han 

項目組成員:Steve Whitford 、Joseph Tran、張旭、高衛國、倪瑋、侯慧麟、Tatjana Djordjevic、李福明、王克明、李冬冬、楊泰、莆棱烽、郭林

Architecture Team: Steve Whitford, Joseph Tran, Zhang Xu, Gao Weiguo, Ni Wei, Hou Huilin, Tatjana Djordjevic, Li Fuming, Wang Keming, Li Dongdong, Yang Tai, Pu Lengfeng

施工單位: 江蘇大自然環境建設集團有限公司、常熟古建園林股份有限公司、蘇州吳林園林發展有限公司

Contractor: Jiangsu Natural Environment Construction Group Co., Ltd., Changshu Traditional Chinese Architecture & Landscaping Construction Co.,Ltd., Suzhou Wu Lin Landscape Development Co., Ltd.


Engineer: Jiangyin Urban and Rural Planning Design Institute

景觀施工圖: 江陰市城鄉規劃設計院

Landscape Construction Documentation: Jiangyin Urban and Rural Planning Design Institute

3D渲染: BAU

3D Rendering: BAU

攝影: 曾江河、夏至

Photographs: Zeng Jianghe, Xiazhi






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