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荷蘭默茲河奧延至萬瑟姆段水利景觀規劃設計 | H+N+S

H+N+S 2021-07-27
  • 項目名稱:
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  • 所獲獎項:
    LILA 2021國際景觀獎 基礎設施類
  • 圖片來源:
    H+N+S Landscape Architects, Siebe Swart, Hans van der Meer, Paul Poels

1993年和1995年,荷蘭林堡省的默茲河發生了兩次令人震驚的大洪水,自1926年以來從未出現過如此高的水位,經濟損失巨大。1996 年該地區采取了臨時措施,如修建應急堤壩,關閉奧延鎮和萬瑟姆鎮之間的舊河道Oude Maasarm等,以期在短期內保障該地區的水安全。但從長遠來看,這些臨時措施是不夠的。

In 1993 and 1995, the Dutch province of Limburg was startled by two major floods of the Meuse. Such highwater levels had not occurred since 1926 and the economic damage was enormous. Temporary measures were taken in 1996 to improve the water safety of the area in the short term: emergency dikes were constructed in various places and the old river course between Ooijen-Wanssum, the ‘Oude Maasarm’ was closed. In the long term, these temporary measures however are not sufficient. 


Centrum Wanssum  ? Paul Poels

High tide_centrum Wanssum (photo Paul Poels Fotografie).jpg


Plan Ooijen Wanssum ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

Plan Ooijen Wanssum.jpg

項目在建設堤壩的同時將河道拓寬,從而更好地保護該地區免受高水位影響。項目新建了20多公里的堤壩,同時通過降低Weerd河漫灘高度、重新打通Oude Maasarm河道等措施,使水位下降了35厘米。此外,項目還增加了超過300公頃可供人們使用的自然植被覆蓋區,精細的地面高差設計為草地、長滿蘆葦的濕地和濱水森林的發展提供了最佳條件。最后,新環路建設使萬瑟姆鎮的生活品質得以提高,而城鎮中心空間的重新設計也為該地區注入了新的經濟活力。項目建成后,為該地區帶來了空間和生活上的雙重提升。

With this project, the area is better protected against high water by a combination of dike construction and river widening. More than 20 km of new dikes are constructed and a 35 cm drop in water level is realized by lowering the ‘weerd’ (floodplain along the river) and by reactivating the ‘Oude Maasarm’. In addition more than 300 hectares of new, freely accessible nature is realized: with a sophisticated ground level design, the optimal conditions are offered for the development of special grasslands, sedge swamps and river forests. Finally, the quality of life in the town of Wanssum is increased by the construction of a new ring road and the redesign of the town center and space is created for new economic developments in the area. Both the spatial quality and the quality of life are boosted as a result of this project.


The water calendar with flow directions ? H+N+S Landscape Architects 

The water calendar with flow directions.jpg


Project brings a higher quality of landscape along the Meuse ? Paul Poels

new nature area bridge and steep edge dike_foto paul poels.jpg


What is special about the project is the integrality of the plan, the close cooperation between all parties involved and the high degree of attention to spatial quality and innovations. Most striking and priceworthy part of the design is a new and unique approach to the dike reinforcement task. 


construction of the steep edge dike and lowering of the flood plains ? Siebe Swart

construction of the steep edge dike and lowering of the flood plains_foto siebe swart.jpg


aerial photo ? Siebe Swart

aerial foto during construction_foto siebe swart.jpg


With the dike design a solution has been devised for water safety without affecting the traditional terraced landscape of the Meuse, that until the construction of the emergency dikes in 1996 never included dikes. To this result two new dike types were developed that merge into the landscape: the ‘steep-edge dike’ and the ‘high ground dike’. 


scheme traditional dike vs new dike types ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

scheme traditional dike vs new dike types.jpg


The new dikes have a smaller net space requirement, more usage possibilities including arable farming and reforestation and a smaller management burden for the Water Board. The dikes are made with local soil that is released during the lowering of the floodplains. This makes it possible to achieve a virtually closed ground balance. Deep sand extraction with its negative environmental impact is avoided as well as large (CO2) emissions and costs of the removal of enormous amounts of soil from the floodplains and the supply of dike clay. In order to realize this innovation, we worked very closely with the water board and the dikes were tested in a hydrodynamic laboratory in Hamburg. 


Steep-edge dike


principal profile steep edge dike ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

principal profile steep edge dike.jpg


The steep-edge dike has an a-symmetrical profile that fits in with the natural relief of the Meuse landscape, which only has gentle or steep relief transitions. The steep-edge dike is implemented at the transition from the upper middle terrace to the lower terrace, on the border of the new nature reserve. This boundary is shaped like a steep edge with a 2:1 slope. Natural erosion processes are allowed in this steep edge, creating an interesting, natural image with high ecological value. Vegetation with trees, grazing with large grazers and erosion are no problem. The entrances to the nature reserve are strikingly designed as incisions in the dike. To guarantee water safety, a strong ‘erosion buffer’ of local materials is built behind this 'natural buffer', replacing the clay layer and grass cover of a traditional flood defense. At the inside of the dike a slight slope is constructed at least 1:8, preferably 1:20 and enclosed lower areas are filled, which will improve agricultural conditions and the water system. The current land use can be continued on this slight slope.  


construction of steep edge dike and bridge bastions ? Hans van der Meer

construction of steep edge dike and bridge bastions_foto hans van der meer.jpg


lowerd flood plains with steep edge dike in background ? Hans van der Meer

lowerd flood plains with steep edge dike in background_foto hans van der meer.jpg


The steep-edge dike is allowed to erode ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

The steep-edge dike is allowed to erode.jpg

端莊且標志性的新橋梁橫跨Oude Maasarm河,橋梁就地澆筑,因其纖細的設計、與景觀的契合而聞名。橋頭設計為堡壘形式,以便與堤壩區別開。

New, modest yet iconic cross the Oude Maasarm. The bridges are cast in situ and are notable for their slender design, subordinate to the landscape. The bridge heads form distinctions on the dike as bastions.


iconic bridges ? Paul Poels

iconic bridges_foto paul poels.jpg


new nature area and bridge ? Paul Poels

new nature area and bridge_foto paul poels.jpg

bridge blitterswijck new nature area and steep edge dike.jpg


new bridge and village centre wanssum ? Hans van der Meer

new bridge and village centre wanssum_foto hans van der meer.jpg


High Ground dike


principal profile of high ground dike ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

Principal profile high ground dike.jpg


The high ground dike is an invisible dike, completely merging into the landscape which is rich in relief. With local soil from the lowering of the flood plains additional height and width are applied above the technically required profile of the flood defense. Due to this robust and future-proof profile, the high ground dike does not have to be maintained as a flood defense by the water board and there are no obstacles to its use. The dikes can remain in agricultural use with third parties and may even be overgrown by forest. An additional advantage is that no land needs to be purchased. The high ground dike is used on the sections where the dike runs straight across the middle terrace.


the high ground dike invisible in the landscape ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

the high ground dike invisible in the landscape copy.jpg


the high ground dike merges in the landscape and is used for arable farming ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

the high ground dike merges in the landscape and is used for arable farming copy.jpg


For the sake of cohesion, the dike types are applied consistently. In special places, such as the old castle ruins at Blitterswijck or where buildings are close to the dike, customized work is provided which enriches the view.


look out tower at high tide ? Paul Poels

look out tower at high tide_foto paul poels.jpg


steep edge dike and integration of old castle site bastion ? Siebe Swart

steep edge dike and integration of old castle site bastion_foto siebe swart.jpg



impression design area blitterswijck ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

impression design area blitterswijck.jpg


impression design area ooijen ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

impression design area ooijen.jpg


impression design area wanssum ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

impression design area wanssum.jpg


plan in layers ooijen wanssum  ? H+N+S Landscape Architects

plan in layers ooijen wanssum copy.jpg





設計公司: H+N+S景觀事務所




圖片來源:H+N+S Landscape Architects, Siebe Swart, Hans van der Meer, Paul Poels

所獲獎項:LILA 2021國際景觀獎 基礎設施類

Project name: Area Development Ooijen-Wanssum

Location: Ooijen-Wanssum, Province of Limburg, the Netherlands

Landscape Architect: H+N+S Landscape Architects

Client: Province of Limburg, Municipality of Venray, Municipality of Horst aan de Maas, Water Board Limburg, Rijkswaterstaat

Design peirod: 2015-2020

Construction time: 2017-2021

Photography: H+N+S Landscape Architects, Siebe Swart, Hans van der Meer, Paul Poels

Awards: Winner of the LILA 2021 in the infrastructure category









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