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浙江湖州未來峯前場景觀設計 | Wutopia Lab

經典案例 2020-09-18 來源:gooood
  • 項目名稱:
    White Upland(未來峯前場)
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    CreatAR Images

上海惠建邀請Wutopia Lab為他們在湖州項目的售樓中心設計一個前場。甲方希望這個前場要不一樣,至于如何不一樣,請建筑師決定。如果需要可以改建售樓中心的立面,但需要保留室內。

Shanghai Huijian invited Wutopia Lab to design a welcoming stage in front of the sales’ center of their project in Huzhou. The only request from the client was to make it different. We can design the fa?ade of the sales’ center but keep the interior unchanged.

▲視頻,video ?CreatAR Images

從一線城市到三四線城市新區的人們都居住一種似乎有規劃但實際無個性、無歷史、無中心、無規劃的相似面貌的新城里。都居住在無差別的房型里面以及清一色的房地產之新古典主義或者新Art ‘deco的立面后。你們事實上各不相同的生活就被這現實中的閃閃發光的Generic City所掩埋。

In China, no matter where you are, as long as you live in a so-called “modern city”, you can find the drastic similarity among all of them, that they are all “seems” new, but with no character, no history, no center and no planning. People are living in similar houses that either are “Neo-Classicalism” or have a “New Art Deco” fa?ade. Every one actually lives very differently. However, now our distinctive lives are all covered by those generic but flashy Generic City masks.


▲鳥瞰,aerial view ?CreatAR Images


Yu Ting was invited to design the interior of an apartment in a Reality TV Show called Dream Home. He took every wall he could take from the apartment, which means that he changed it from a three-bedroom to a one-bedroom apartment. This move brought Yu Ting criticism from all over the internet. That was one of his experiments to change the way people live normally (although this normal had just lasted for less than 40 years).


▲設計生成,generation diagram ?Wutopia Lab

既然發展商大方地把設計的主導權交給了俞挺。他覺得可以去主動創造這么一個新場所,這個后來被他命名為White upland的鋼鐵花園,是綜合了建筑,景觀,室內,照明,裝置藝術以及我們生活中某些回憶和情緒的魔幻現實主義場所,把一個銷售中心的前場變成一個周邊地區都可以共享,甚至整個湖州人民都可以使用的開放的超現實主義花園,它就是一個反Generic City宣言。

Since the client generously gave Yu Ting the freedom to design this stage, Yu ting could not let this chance go. He wants to create this new space, later named White Upland by him, that is a combination of architecture, landscape, interior, lighting, art installation and the most personal moments we have in our lives, memories and emotions. He made this welcoming stage of a sales’ center a communal place, a surreal garden where people around this neighborhood, as well as people from Huzhou could come to enjoy. This is his Manifesto of Anti-generic city.


▲城市中的共享花園,public garden in the city ?CreatAR Images

俞挺在2018年第四期的《時代建筑》的文章《必須主觀:客觀的當代設計無法繼承主觀的古典園林》一文中提出了主觀性設計態度。所以在White upland。他從自身的經歷和體悟出發,決定以夢境為主題。這個場所可以擋住售樓中心的立面而不用花費精力去改建它。這個完整但普遍的售樓中心鑲嵌在普遍的枯燥的彌漫蔓延的新區一起以無個性、無歷史、無中心成為邊界清晰中心明確,同時純粹有個性創造歷史的White upland的上句。主觀性也是反Generic City的。

In White Upland, Yu Ting started from his own experience and decided to make Dream as the design principle. Instead of changing the fa?ade of the sales’ center, he chose to cover it by his design. While the original sales’ center remains most normal, boring condition, it becomes the most powerful contrast to this distinctive, history-making White Upland. Subjectivity is also anti-generic.


▲頂視圖,top view ?CreatAR Images

生活是一系列的挫折和打擊,“我們根本沒有能力遺忘或者粉飾那些我們認定的災禍,它們撕裂我們,重擊,棒打,灼傷我們,讓我們窒息。(西塞羅)” 只有在風暴,人們才能深刻體會家對于人生的重要意義。就此,如果有這么一個場所,能夠讓人有那么一個瞬間脫離現實,忘記痛苦以及時間加諸于因人各異的身體上的痛苦和精神上的焦慮。它就應該是美好回憶以及祝福未來的夢境。一個讓人忘記了時間的場所。這正如維特根斯坦感慨的那樣“唯有當人不活在時間之中,而只活在當下,他才快樂”。是的,人們需要一個快樂的白日夢。白日夢一定是反Generic City的。

Life is a series of obstacles and challenges. Only within the storm, people could deeply perceive the most important meaning of life. Therefore, if there is one place, where people could escape from the reality, forget the pain and pressure that time brings us physically and mentally, it must be in the dreams. Yes, people need daydreams, and daydreaming is anti-generic.

▲與城市環境形成對比的場所,a place contrasting the urban environment ?CreatAR Images

發展商希望這個花園能展示項目預制技術應用的特點。俞挺決定使用Generic的鋼材。在工廠制作成型后到現場安裝。他很滿意在建筑模型博物館中用連續的直立鋼桿形成半透明的連續界面。于是這次他用529根6米高的鋼柱來構成White Upland半透明的形狀完整的邊界,并就此消解了售樓中心的立面。

Our client wants this garden to showcase the prefabrication technologies in this project. Yu Ting chose the very generic material, steel. Last time the Models in Model, he managed to create a semi-transparent screen from continuous steel column. This time, to achieve the same result, he used 529 six-meter-high steel columns to mark the boundary of White Upland, as well as resolve the fa?ade of the sales’ center.


▲直立杠桿形成半透明的連續界面,steel columns creating a continuous semi-transparent screen ?CreatAR Images

White Upland的入口,有一個被16株紅楓所環抱的水墨園。50噸黑山石有如墨跡在白色夢境中暗示了本地作為江南的歷史,地理以及文化的一絲痕跡。

At the entrance of White Upland, there is an ink garden surrounded by 16 red maple trees. The 50 tons of black mountain stones are like ink, which in the white dream implies a trace of local history, geography and culture as the south of the Yangtze River.


▲入口頂視圖,由16株紅楓環抱,top view of the entrance embraced by 16 red maple trees ?CreatAR Images

▲水墨園,ink garden ?CreatAR Images

White Upland的眼睛是從水墨園在進入暗示未來的森林前的一個深藍色但光線泠泠的山洞。在這個眼睛的停頓的瞬間里,你們會明白無論生活有多少不確定,但至少這個瞬間是堅定和幸福的,是希望。

Going through the Ink Garden, before entering the forest that suggests the future, you will encounter the White Upland’s eye, a dark blue but cool-lighted cave. In this moment when you paused in the “eye”, you will understand that no matter how much uncertainty life has, but at least this moment is firm and happy, is hope.


▲入口處的山洞空間頂視,top view of the cave at the entrance ?CreatAR Images


▲深藍色的內部空間,interior space in dark blue ?CreatAR Images

▲穿孔板細部,details of the perforated panels ?CreatAR Images


▲通向花園的出口,exit connecting to the garden ?CreatAR Images

White Upland里你們可以像愛麗絲吃了縮小藥那樣。脆弱的三葉草成為參天大樹成為森林。變形后的你們可以重新認識自己的身體,并強化了它們。

In White Upland, you can shrink like Alice in the Wonderland. The fragile clover becomes a towering tree then form a forest. Through this transformation, you can recognize your bodies and strengthen them.


▲巨大的三葉草花園,garden composed of large steel clovers ?CreatAR Images



▲水霧讓空間如同夢境,mist making the place like in a dream ?CreatAR Images

White upland作為一個新類型的場所本身就是一個編織了你們生活中許多欲望,情緒以及回憶和希望的超級建筑學文本。其基本構成來自于俞挺女兒堂堂的夢中和繪畫里時常出現的場—森林。俞挺用108根三種尺寸的鋼鐵三葉草作為基本要素構建了抽象森林。并以森林形態為依據沿著參觀路徑創造了巖洞,山丘,溪流,涌泉,作為空地的林間劇場,巨石和荒原。他參考了瑪格利特的繪畫,將這些物體改寫成白色的精致幾何體。并以設備模擬了星空,云朵,晨藹,迷霧,鳥叫和花香以及篝火。這一切都是白色的,抽離所有物體的物質性而讓一切顯得不真實。最后他用Generic的材料和最基本的形式重復以及組合而建造了復雜豐富的anti-Generic之夢—106噸鋼鑄就的3300平米的White upland。

White Upland creates a mega architecture context, woven in a lot of desires, emotions, memories and hopes in our lives. The main narrative of White Upland was inspired by Yu Ting’s daughter, Tangtang’s dream. Forest is one of the most frequent elements in Tangtang’s dream. Yu Ting used 108 white steel columns in three sizes to form this abstract forest. Then follow the visitors’ circulation, he made different landscapes, such as caves, hills, streams, rocks, highlands, waterfalls and theatres in the woods. He referenced from Rene Magritte’s painting, to abstract those landscapes. He also used facilities to create weather here, then it has starry sky, cloudy sky, sunrise, fog, sounds and smells from the nature, and a bonfire. Making them white makes all of them surreal. Eventually, Yu Ting succeeded in using the most generic materials and manipulations to build an exuberant anti-genetic dream-land, a 3300 m2 White Upland by 106 tons of steel.


▲平面圖,plan ?Wutopia Lab

▲香氛花園,garden of fragrance ?CreatAR Images

你們可以看到云朵下的木馬,這個代表成年孩童心的道具已經在俞挺關于夢境的一系列設計中反復出現。你們也可以看到秋千,看到彩色的沙坑,看到眼睛里的星空。這些曾經在生活中閃過的片段被重新提煉后鑲嵌到White Upland。當然如果算上大熊和獨角獸,而只有這些,那不過是諂媚。生活不止這些形式。俞挺特別喜歡上海靜安嘉里中心的旱地噴泉。那不僅是景觀,也是孩童們互動的游戲場地,更是人們社交的核心去處。所以在林間空地,他執意做了設置了117個噴嘴組成的噴泉。和噴泉相對的是巨大的覆蓋下的劇場,是夏天的樂隊表演的場所。這兩處構成了家庭和朋友們社交的生活場景。森林中央的篝火是大界機器人用5954米熒光碳纖維編織而成的紅色的圓錐體,它是一個可以進入的固體火焰。它在白色森林里,在白色山丘上,它是White Upland的中心,讓人感受安全和溫暖,或者是愛情。如此,看上去真實的White upland其實是真實的生活文本。

You can see the Trojan horse under the clouds. This prop, which represents the innocence of an adult child, has repeatedly appeared in Yu Ting’s series of dream designs. You can also see swings, colorful bunkers, stars in your eyes. These fragments, which once flashed in life, are re-fined and inlaid into White Upland. Of course, if that’s all, it’s just flattery. Life is much more than that. Yu Ting is particularly fond of the fountain in Shanghai’s Jing’an Kerry Center. It is not only a landscape, but also a playground for children to interact with, but also a central place for people to socialize. So on the plaza hidden in the forest, he set up a fountain of 117 nozzles. Opposite the fountain is the huge covered theater, where bands can perform in the summer. These two places make up the social life scene of family and friends. The bonfire in the middle of the forest is a red cone woven by the Roboticplus.ai with 5954 meters of fluorescent carbon fiber. It is a solid flame that one can enter. In the white forest, on the white hills, at the center of white upland, people can find safe and warm, or love. In this way, the unrealistic White Upland actually reflects a real life context.


▲連續而豐富的空間,rich and continuous space ?CreatAR Images


▲劇場,旱噴廣場和圣誕樹,theater, dry fountain and Christmas tree ?CreatAR Images

▲云朵下的木馬,Trojan horses under the clouds ?CreatAR Images


▲圣誕樹,Christmas tree ?CreatAR Images

White Upland也是可以閱讀的,在地面上鑲嵌著代表不同場景的符號,這些抽象的圖案其實是專門為這鋼鐵花園設計的文字。你們可以依據這些文字更深入地解讀夢境的語言。

White Upland can also be read, inlaid with symbols representing different scenes on the ground. These abstract signs are actually words specially designed for this steel garden. They help you understand the language of dreams and read it more thoroughly.

▲頂視圖,地面上鑲有不同符號代表不同場景,top view, symbols on the ground indicating different scenes ?CreatAR Images

White Upland里的時間被減慢的。要知道我們如今的世界被精確的計時器所定義的情況下,每個人對于無法避免地走向終局始終有個讀秒的緊迫感和焦慮。我們流連于微小但此起彼伏的夢境里時,White Upland所減慢的時間的現實意義就突顯出來了。不過在White Upland里還蘊含更高級的時間觀。充滿溫情地贊嘆細微的瞬間的當下之美,饒有趣味的欣賞生命輪回帶來的滿意。輪回是當代人已經不相信的一種時間觀,但觀念所構筑的身后世界成為生命互動的下句,彼此輪回交替讓生命不在恐懼于單一的終點。最后這時間觀貢獻出了中國人最重要的生活經驗—生機。

Time slowed down in White Upland. You know, with our world defined by precise timers, everyone has a sense of urgency and anxiety about the inevitable end. The real significance of the time that White Upland has slowed down becomes apparent as we linger in tiny but recurring dreams. But in White Upland, there is another scale of time. Here you can not only appreciate the beauty of subtle moments, but also find satisfaction in re-thinking the meaning of life cycle. Reincarnation is a concept of time that contemporary people no longer believe. However, the world behind ourselves has become the next stage of life interaction. Reincarnation makes life longer than a single end point. This concept of time contributes to the most important life experience of Chinese people — vitality.

▲在園中漫步,wandering in the garden ?CreatAR Images

White Upland從空中看的輪廓就是一個無限大的符號。夢可以無限大,希望也可以無限大的。人們一定要明白有些東西的暫時性存在比如White Upland也許僅僅是為了體驗目睹某個想法變成現實而帶來的樂趣或者幸福。人們甚至花時間去創造那類基本無任何實用用途的建筑和場所也是有價值的。短暫,轉瞬即逝然而又自相矛盾在White Upland這個場所里具有了更永恒的意味。它不僅僅是夢想,其實也是關于更美好生活的一個神圣空間。

The footprint of White Upland is an infinite symbol. Dream can be infinite. So is hope. It’s important for people to understand that something temporary, like White Upland, is created may be just for the pleasure or happiness of seeing an idea come true. People are even willing to take time to create buildings and places that are basically useless. Transitory, fleeting, yet paradoxical, has a more permanent meaning in White Upland. It’s not just a dream, it’s actually a sacred space about a better life.


▲夜景,night view ?CreatAR Images

當White Upland邊界連續的燈柱在夜色點亮后,任何人都會即刻明白這個充滿隱喻和象征意義的場所比建筑所呈現的形式更為深刻。

When the continuous lampposts of White Upland border are lit in the night, anyone will immediately understand that this place full of metaphor and symbolic meanings is more profound than the form of architecture.


▲被點亮的花園變得更為突出,the garden is emphasized by the lightings ?CreatAR Images

項目名稱:White Upland(未來峯前場)

項目地址:中國 湖州吳興區東坡路與二環南路交叉口





設計公司:Wutopia Lab








導識系統設計:花生設計聯盟、Wutopia Lab


攝影:CreatAR Images

Project Name :  White Upland

Location : Intersect of Dongpo Road and South Erhuan Rd, Wuxin District, Huzhou

Cilent: Shanghai Huijian Investment Co,, Ltd.

Area :  3296 ㎡

Material: Steel, Concrete Panel, Aluminum, Carbon Fiber, Black Mountain Rock, Acrylic, Washed Stone, Adhesive stone, Terrazzo

Design Stage : 2019

Construction Stage: Sept, 2019 – Aug, 2020

Design firm: Wutopia Lab

Chief Architect: Yu Ting

Project Architect : Dai Xinyang, Li Zongze

Project Manager: Li Zongze

Design Team: Li Zongze, Dai Xinyang, Xu Nan

Design Development: Wang Dong, Wu Zheng, Shanghai J.L LV HUA Co,, Ltd.

Lighting Consultant: Zhang Chenglu

Graphic Deisgn Team: HDU23

Photography: CreatAR Images

Clients’ Architect : Wu Gang, Wang Ruizhe









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