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多倫多“前路光明” – 公共藝術裝置設計 | Giaimo

經典案例 2021-01-12 來源:gooood
  • 項目名稱:
    多倫多“前路光明” – 公共藝術裝置設計
  • 項目地點:
  • 設計公司:

2020年秋季,安大略省建筑保護協會(ACO)和Giaimo設計事務所在多倫多的Oculus Pavilion揭幕了一個新的臨時公共藝術裝置“前路光明”,作為Oculus振興項目的一部分。

In Fall 2020 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) and Giaimo revealed a new temporary public art installation, Brighter Days Ahead, at The Oculus Pavilion in Toronto as part of a revitalization initiative.


▲項目外觀,general view ? doublespace photography

該裝置的屋頂由放射狀的黃色條紋構成,象征陽光照射著下方的涼亭空間,同時也讓這座廢棄的現代主義建筑重新獲得了對充滿活力的未來的期待。裝置位于多倫多南漢伯公園的沿河休閑步道旁,將持續展出至2021年Oculus Pavilion修復完成之后。

Designed by Toronto architecture firm Giaimo, and sponsored by Creative Silhouettes Inc., Brighter Days Ahead is made of radiating yellow stripes that represent sun rays shining through the pavilion and also reference the vibrant future planned for this derelict modernist structure. Located in the City of Toronto’s South Humber Park along the Humber River Recreational Trail, the art installation will be up for the next few months until the restoration of the pavilion takes place in 2021.


▲放射狀的黃色條紋,象征陽光照射著下方的涼亭空間,the radiating yellow stripes represent sun rays shining through the pavilion ? Giaimo

2019年夏季,Oculus振興項目被選為公共空間孵化器資助計劃(PSI)中的五個項目之一,并由Balsam基金會和規劃公司Ken and Eti Greenberg共同提供資金。PSI計劃旨在鼓勵和支持下一代創意公共空間的建設,ACO和Giaimo希望借此機會將Oculus Pavilion改造為一個溫馨的社區集會空間,使其在保持既有現代主義外觀的同時得到修復和清潔,同時置入新的、靈活且與環境相適宜的戶外家具。

In Summer 2019, The Oculus Revitalization project led by ACO and Giaimo was announced as one of five projects selected for Park People’s Public Space Incubator Grant (PSI), funded by the Balsam Foundation and Ken and Eti Greenberg. The PSI program aims to encourage and support the next generation of creative public space projects by providing access to funding and professional networks. ACO and Giaimo are using the grant to transform The Oculus into a welcoming community gathering place along the trail by restoring and cleaning the existing pavilion as per its original modernist appearance, and also implementing new flexible and contextual outdoor furniture.


▲涼亭近景,close view to the pavilion ? Giaimo


The revitalization project also includes a series of engaging and educational programming and public art to provide the community with ongoing occasions to visit the site, explore the space, and learn about Toronto’s built heritage. Given the sculptural quality of the structure, the pavilion has unique acoustic qualities that create an outdoor echo effect when one enters the centre of the space, and as such there is exciting potential for music and performances to occur within the space.


▲亭子里的音樂表演,music performance in the pavilion ? doublespace photography







