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南京新加坡·南京生態科技島景觀設計 | 棕櫚設計

經典案例 2020-09-09 來源:gooood
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In spring, enjoy blooming flowers in the breeze and drizzle; in summer, watch the shadows of the trees in the green shade of cicadas.

In autumn, appreciate grass and wheatears dancing under the moon and the stars; in winter, watch the snow stepping on the branches in silvery white.

The four seasons reincarnate. Time flies like a flowing river. Have we ever thought of returning to nature and soothing our tired hearts while running in a hurry in the city?


Return to nature from the hustle and bustle of the city. Feel the wild in the ecological nature. Enjoy life in a wild space.

▲項目概覽,overview ?棕櫚設計

初見 | First sight



A sail makes a big splash. Lush forests and verdant waters are endless. Jiangxinzhou is the hinge of the Yangtze River, which separates on its north and reunites at the south…

Singapore-Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island (hereinafter referred to as “Jiangxinzhou”) is located in the Yangtze River, only 6 kilometers from the downtown of Nanjing. It stretches from southwest to northeast, resembling a green plum, and is also called “Meizizhou”. Based on the overall planning concept of “Ecological Technology ? Wild City”, Jiangxinzhou is committed to creating a model city integrating high-tech industrial development, low-carbon life, and tourism and leisure functions into a whole.


▲“江心洲”鳥瞰,aerial view ?棕櫚設計



The project is located in the south of Jiangxinzhou, on the downstream slope of the Jiajiang River between Diding Road and Huandao Road, and is an important part of the Jiangxinzhou Waterfront Scenic Belt.

The site has not yet been developed at our first survey. The original ecological plants, ponds and dense woodland were scattered freely, exuding the original ecological charm of the waterfront style of the Yangtze River. Therefore, we thought how to integrate the waterfront style into the future site design, and rearrange and design the topography of the site to create a natural, comfortable and pleasant green waterfront corridor, attracting urbanites out of the city and re-enjoy the wild beauty of the nature.

▲場地原狀,original site ?棕櫚設計

續寫 | Continuation Writing


Setting sun, fragrant flowers…the wild beauty of the nature makes people forget all the pains and troubles. What a beautiful natural world! Sunlight shining, shadows in the water mottled, flowers and plants overgrown, birds chirping and bugs singing everywhere…


▲花飛樵路香,fragrant flowers along the path ?棕櫚設計

長江邊的野趣綠廊 | Wild green corridor by the Yangtze River


The project occupies a total area of nearly 370,000 m2, with a length of 2.5 kilometers and width of 40-130 meters. The ecological and wild green corridor along the river is like a green emerald necklace inlaid on the bank of Jiangxinzhou. We reorganized the site topography, and reasonably connected the site, urban roads and the Diding Road, paid attention to the spatial opening and closing changes of the site, and used a large number of ecological plant varieties to construct the landscape style and characteristics of the site, showing an ecological, wild and technological overall design concept.


▲綠廊平面圖和交通系統分析,green corridor plan & transport system ?棕櫚設計

觀賞植物的種植組合及應用 | Planting combination and application of ornamental plants


“Plants” are the most sensitive to time among all the landscape elements. Although the four seasons change as usual, there are always surprises. We minimized the intervention of natural conditions, reorganized and used the existing vegetation, and integrated over 300 varieties of wild ornamental vegetation to make the entire park with a colorful, wild and smart landscape atmosphere.

▲多彩繽紛,野趣靈動的景觀氛圍,a colorful, wild and smart landscape atmosphere ?棕櫚設計

應用大面積觀賞草來渲染生態自然之美,借景“南京國際文化青年中心” 與“南京眼步行橋”的建筑體現現代科技之美,生態野趣的種植與現代科技的背景相結合,希望能在金色暖陽中,收獲生態與現代的交界體驗。

A large area of ornamental grass was used to highlight the beauty of ecological nature. The views of “Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center” and “Nanjing Eye Pedestrian Bridge” were used to reflect the beauty of modern technology. The ecological and wild planting is combined with the background of modern technology. Hope that people here get the interface experience between ecology and modernity.


▲生態野趣的種植與現代科技的背景相結合,the ecological and wild planting is combined with the background of modern technology ?棕櫚設計

尊重與重塑場地地形 | Respect and reshape the site terrain


We made use of terrain condition in landscape design, focusing on function and landscape, to create relaxing and flexible spatial changes. As the maximum elevation difference between Diding Road and Huandao Road is nearly 4 meters, we used the gradual and natural grading methods to solve the elevation difference between the site and the Diding Road. The terrain was carefully designed to make it natural, reasonable and changeable. Sometimes it is gentle and sparse, sometimes high and undulating, attracting visitors to entertain and play.


▲設計運用逐級放坡和自然放坡的方式消化了場地與堤頂路的高差,gradual and natural grading methods were used to solve the elevation difference between the site and the Diding Road ?棕櫚設計


The Diding Road facing the inner side formed a terrain slope suitable for the growth of regenerated forests and wildflower meadows by the terrain modification. When the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the flowers and plants on the slope, the shadows of the trees and the mottled light and shadow make the grass slope very attractive.

▲草坡,grass slope ?棕櫚設計

豐富的空間開合變化 | Rich space opening and closing changes


Space opening and closing, and color changes, under different conditions and light, are full of different interests and changes. The project relies on plants to create a lawn field that sometimes open for gatherings, sometimes a quiet place private for you to empty your thoughts and whisper, sometimes half-open to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and feel the beating and rhythm that nature brings us .


▲開放的草坪場地,the open lawn field ?棕櫚設計



Here is an open lawn space; the turn is a half-enclosed space for wild gardens and trees; and the distance is a large lawn for relaxing, with shades of trees.

The shrubs and grasses retreat, leaving space for the lawn, half-open and half-closed. The terrain is slightly undulating, decorated with some flower bands and fundamental trees, branches sticking out, slightly hidden. Visitors can take a break on the lawn, and enjoy the pleasure under the shade of trees.

▲灌木、草坪、花帶和掩映的樹,shrubs, grass, flower bands and fundamental trees ?棕櫚設計


We connected the main entrances and exits with the upper green island transportation system plan to ensure the coordination of the ecological scenic belt. Meanwhile, it is hoped that this design can fundamentally improve the surrounding ecology and put it into leisure spaces, using shaped curve elements to reflect the harmony between technology and surrounding environment. Chirping birds, fragrant flowers, and dense plants …are faintly visible in the park.


▲出入口鳥瞰,aerial view to the entrance/exit ?棕櫚設計

▲景觀座椅,the landscaped seating area ?棕櫚設計


Arbors provide shade for visitors, while landscape stones are arranged casually, where visitors can sit and relax. The project creates a contemporary and aesthetic space environment based on the principle of “Pleasant Design”, which meets the needs of modern urban residents to go outing and return to nature.

▲喬木和景石,arbors and landscape stones ?棕櫚設計


Zaha Hadid’s works “Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center” and “Nanjing Eye Pedestrian Bridge” are used as a distant view to show the charm of modern cities. The front space is fully blanked with a large lawn and framed by plants. Facing each other across the sky, it seems to have an interesting dialogue between natural ecology and modern technology.


▲從園區望向南京國際文化青年中心,view to Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center from the park ?棕櫚設計


▲從園區望向南京眼步行橋,view to Nanjing Eye Pedestrian Bridge from the park ?棕櫚設計


Slow walking trails, with twists and turns, run throughout, follow the delicate flowers beside, and feel the unique tenderness.

▲步道兩旁的花溪,the delicate flowers along side the trails ?棕櫚設計

彰顯 | Highlight



When we are in nature with chirping birds, fragrant flowers and fresh air, we will feel that everything is thriving. However, have you ever appreciated nature carefully?

Plants show the natural beauty and group beauty of individual growth. They are full of wild interest, pursuing the style and essence that originate from nature, present nature, and return to nature. We used a variety of unique ways such as creative forest, flower border, and ecological grass ditch to reflect the wild beauty of spaces and plants, so as to highlight the feeling of smart changes and colorful colors.


▲萬物欣欣向榮,everything is thriving in the park ?棕櫚設計

鉆云樟林 | Camphor Forest


Camphor tree (a kind of wild camphor, its trunk is upright, with high branches and small crowns). The design boldly utilized the unusual species of camphor trees to create the enclosed space, making it the background and highlight of the site, which not only guarantees the economy, but also gives the site different landscape.


▲鉆云樟成為場地的背景和亮點,the camphor forest has become a background and highlight of the site ?棕櫚設計

草原花境 | Grassland Flower Border


Nearly a hundred kinds of ornamental herbs and gravel pavement create a wild and interesting plant collocation atmosphere, where visitors can experience their growth from different angles, and enjoy the changes with time.

▲草原花境,grassland flower border ?棕櫚設計

生態草溝 | Ecological grass ditch


We used a large number of aquatic and wet plants to create wild and interesting ecological grass planting ditches, instead of traditional ditch drainage system. Rainwater was pre-treated and transported to slow down the flow rate of runoff, remove pollutants in the runoff, and lower drainage pressure and pollution.

▲生態植草溝代替傳統的溝渠排水系統,the traditional ditch drainage system was replaced by ecological grass planting ditches ?棕櫚設計


“Lack of Nature” is very common in the city nowadays. Designers who know the significance of nature profoundly designed the plant landscape for this project to make up for that. Here, we can search for the traces of nature, fully enjoy the beauty of ecology, and return to the origin of ecology.











特別鳴謝:余曉琨 劉坤良

Project: Singapore-Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island Waterfront Scenic Belt (Southern Section of the Jiangjiang River)

Location: Jiangxinzhou, Nanjing

Client: Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island Development Co., Ltd.

Landscape Design: Palm Design Co., Ltd.

Landscape Construction: Palm Eco-Town Development Co., Ltd.

Area: 370,000 m2

Design Year: 2017

Completion Year: 2020

Acknowledgement: Xiaokun Yu, Kunliang Liu









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