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西安樊川公園二期景觀設計 | 中電建西北院+赤地設計

上海赤地設計 2022-05-16
  • 項目名稱:
  • 項目地點:
    陜西省??西安市 長安區
  • 項目規模:
  • 設計公司:
  • 施工單位:
  • 委托方:
  • 建成時間:
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It seems that nothing can be more appropriately placed in this site than the lake water of a mirror. The lake surface located on the central axis of the ancient city is like a "double-sided mirror" reflecting the towering magnificence of the Qinling Mountains and the colorful modern city. 

▼ 項目鳥瞰


項 目 概 述



On March 1, 2020, Xi'an municipal government officially issued the three-year action plan for the protection and treatment of Xi'an River and lake water systems, which comprehensively launched the goal of water control and ecological Xi'an. Among them, Yuhe River and its tributaries involve 21 river channel treatment projects, which is the focus of water control in the whole region. Originating from the north foot of Qinling Mountains, Yuhe River was the first-class tributary of Weihe River in ancient times and the most famous river in Xi'an. After the Tang Dynasty, it was diverted into Jiaohe River and merged into Fenghe river. Now it is the main tributary of Fenghe River and the secondary tributary of Weihe River. In ancient times, it was called Jishui, and now it is also called Jue river.
The site is located in the section where the Yuhe river flows into Chang'an urban area, covering an area of about 258 mu. The river flows through Fanchuan and meanders under the Shenheyuan slope. It is silted and diverted all year then form a wide beach here. Human disturbance and flooding over the years have made the beach barren and barren, which has become a "Scar" left on the land by Yuhe River. It is urgent to promote the development of urban site and water control projects.

▼ 場地區位


三 個 挑 戰

Three challenges




1. The space of the site is ordinary. How to make the site lively and interesting and endow the park with richer humanistic connotation through design?This is the first challenge faced by the design.
2. The north side of the site is separated by Yuhe River and Hedi Road, and the south side is blocked by shenheyuan slope with an elevation difference of nearly 20m. How to effectively integrate the site with the environment is the second challenge facing the project.
3. 90% of the land in the site is wasteland, with repeated drought and flood, which is not suitable for vegetation growth. Ecosystem restoration is the third challenge facing the design.

▼ 設計前(2020年6月)


▼ 設計后(2021年6月)


設 計 策 略


2.場地內土方達到就地平衡,利用挖土堆填塑造起豐富的景觀地形系統,構建了兩條不同防洪等級的河堤,并打造了一處絕佳的露營坡地。20年一遇的生態護堤像一條富有韌性的紐帶,使湖面與河道保持一定的彈性空間;50年一遇的護堤則在消化多余土方的同時起到保護原坡穩定的安全作用。 3.架空棧道系統為人們感受美景提供了豐富途徑。棧橋穿梭在高大的楊樹之間,橫跨在潏河之上,通過緩坡與園路連為一體;濱水棧道作為陸地向水面伸展的一部分,使人們得以更接近水體;架空挑臺則利用場地高差形成遠眺的觀景點。

1. Through the systematic combing of spatial and hydrological elements, a regulation and storage water surface with an area of about 54 Mu is designed to be embedded into the river beach. The lake water includes the surrounding scenery, and different viewpoints present people with rich and changeable landscape scenes. At the same time, as an important "node" on the central axis of the ancient city, it has become a fulcrum connecting the city and Qinling Mountains, integrating the park into the huge space-time vision in a more stable way.
 2.The earthwork in the site is balanced locally, the excavation and filling are used to shape a rich landscape and terrain system, two river embankments with different flood control levels are constructed, and an excellent camping slope is created. The once-in-20-year ecological berm is like a tenacious link, keeping a certain elastic space between the lake and the river; The 50 year return berm plays a safe role in protecting the stability of the original slope while digesting the excess earthwork.
3.The overhead trestle system provides a rich way for people to feel the beauty. The trestle shuttles between tall poplars, crosses the Yuhe River. And it is connected with the garden road through a gentle slope; As a part of the land extending to the water surface, the waterfront plank road makes people closer to the water body; The overhead platform uses the height difference of the site to form a scenic spot of the distant view.

▼ 通過就地土方平衡策略解決場地綜合問題


▼ 架空棧道系統為人們體驗美景提供豐富途徑


▼ 規劃總平面圖


建 成 效 果 一

( 夜景 / 2021年6月 )


One side is the city and the other is the nature. The park is embedded in the site in a certain medium, integrating the separated urban edge with the nature, so as to make the original wasteland full of vitality. At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, there are an endless stream of tourists in the park. People enjoy the convenient transformation between urban life and natural experience.

▼ 一面是城市


▼ 一面是自然


▼ 夜景鳥瞰



▼ 臨水休憩的市民

建 成 效 果 二

( 日景 / 2021年6月 )


The lake and the tall poplars retained in the site are intertwined into a blue-green picture. Each functional area is surrounded by the lake area, and the garden roads are intertwined into a network to connect each area. People have carried out rich leisure activities around the water.

▼ 濱湖棧道

▼ 親水平臺與廊架


▼ 拱形爬藤長廊

▼ 根據保留下來的楊樹而設計的兒童活動場地


▼ 兒童活動區

▼ 沙灘區

▼ 露營區

▼ 跨河棧橋


▼ 觀景眺臺


▼ 過水堰


建 成 效 果 三

( 冬景 / 2020年12月 )


In winter, the park is clear and gorgeous, the white walkway outlines the elegant curve, and the red and yellow interlaced tension membrane embellishes it, which has become the focus of attention in the site. The ripped-rock revetment meets the safety of water boundary and maintains ecology to the greatest extent; The overflow weir skillfully uses the ancient irrigation and water management experience to classify the river channel and divert water into the lake.

▼ 城市與公園

▼ 湖心島與棧道


▼ 濱水休息平臺


▼ 兒童活動區


▼ 現狀柳樹與過水堰


▼ 棧道與挑臺


▼ 生態拋石駁岸


▼ 過水堰

▼ 整體鳥瞰

小 結



The original intention of the design is to put the consideration of local sites into a broader spatial context. The wide lake responds to the natural scenes of towering buildings on the urban boundary and distant mountains on a large scale. This way strengthens people's perception of landscape experience, that is, to awaken a primitive communication between man and nature while being somewhere. After the completion of the park, citizens quickly adapt to and like this new environment, which once became the hottest public space in Xi'an.
It took only six months from the site survey to the basic completion of the park, which is undoubtedly a great test for the whole project team. The design team successfully completed this arduous task through close cooperation and in-depth and efficient on-site service.



項目地點:陜西省  西安市 長安區









攝影團隊:張錦 宋昱


Project Name: phase II landscape project of Global water control Fanchuan Park, Chang'an District, Xi'an City

Project location:Chang'an District, Xi'an City,Shanxi Province 

Owner: Water Affairs Bureau,Chang'an District,Xi'an City.

Chang'an urban and rural construction and Development Co.,Ltd.

Designer: Northwest Survey, design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd. of China Power Construction Group

        Shanghai CHIDI Design Office 

Employer: Sinohydro bureau 3 Co., Ltd

Project scale: 17.2 ha (258 mu)

Design time: May, 2020

Completion time: January 2021

Photography team: Zhang Jin ,Song Yu

Copyright: Design in CHIDI









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