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曼谷零碳住宅 IDEO O2景觀設計 | Redland-scape.Ltd

Redland-scape.Ltd. 2021-07-27
  • 項目名稱:
    零碳住宅 IDEO O2
  • 項目地點:
  • 項目規模:
  • 設計公司:
  • 委托方:
    Ananda Development Public Company Limited.
  • 建成時間:
  • 圖片來源:

IDEO O2 以推廣零碳居民為中心,戰略上靠近天空鐵車站,從而使公共交通對當地人更具吸引力,以通過減少汽車使用和提高綠色生活水平來緩解邦納的一些問題。

The IDEO O2, being centered around promoting Zero-Carbon Residents, is strategically close to the Sky train station, thereby making public transportation more attractive to the locals, thus alleviating some of Bangna’s problems by reducing car usage and promoting greener living standards. 

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The location of IDEO O2 is in Bangna, one of the fast-growing districts in the East of Bangkok. Bangna is infamous for traffic, inland flooding, urban heat, air pollution and absence of green spaces and parks.



In this location, the design team faced a challenge of long, deep, irregular shapes of the property and fragmented building units. With the collaboration of clients and architects, the landscape architect team proposed several options to minimize the buildings’ footprint by stacking up the units vertically, saving existing trees and expanding it into the ultimate green space for the residents.



In the irregular space, long and narrow property, the landscape design introduce the curve formula to connect open spaces and conceal the sense of narrowness. 

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To solve the challenge of the property, the design team used water as a key landscape element, by interpreting the curve and dynamic form of water and integrated the design with plant materials, as a result tiding urban and natural context together. With the curve gesture, the design team creates the dynamic space that welcomes people to the site and will not let them feel the irregularity of the site’s property.

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總體規劃延續了O2 =氧氣的概念,即提供總面積達60%的戶外花園和休閑空間,增加氧氣,同時為城市降溫。設計團隊集中計算了這些地區的碳吸收率。該小組小心地保護了現有的樹木。并選擇了耐高地下水、耐咸水侵入的天然植物新材料。

The master plan carries on the concept of O2 = Oxygen, that is to provide outdoor gardens and recreational spaces up to 60% of total area, adding oxygen and at the same time cooling down the heat of the city. The design team intensively calculate Carbon absorption rates of the areas. The team carefully preserved the existing trees and chose new plant materials that are native and tolerant of high underground water and salt water intrusion.

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此外,為了幫助過濾細塵PM 2.5,凈化空氣質量,植物選擇的是毛質粗糙,含有大量小葉子的植物。在這里,你可以看到不同層次的植被,有助于減少空氣污染和冷卻該地區。為了幫助緩解內陸洪水,該團隊建立了種植區、地下排水系統和地下蓄水池來管理該項目的雨水徑流。大面積的綠地可以讓水滲入地面,減緩水流速度。多余的水將被收集和儲存在大雨期間,在夏天這些水可以用來澆灌植物。

In addition, to help filter fine dust PM 2.5 and purify air quality, plants’ selection consists of those with rough hairy texture and contain large amount of small leaves.  Here, you can see various layers of vegetations to help reduce air pollution and cool down the area. To help mitigate the inland flood, the team established planting areas, a sub-drain system and an underground retention tank to manage storm water runoff from the project.  Large green spaces will allow water to infiltrate the ground and slow down the flow rate. Excess water will be collected and stored during heavy rains, in summer this water can be used to water the plants.

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IDEO O2是一個獨特的創新住宅項目,提供各種令人愉快的設施。讓居民在家門口就能享受到令人滿意的戶外體驗,欣賞美麗的大自然,呼吸新鮮空氣。謝謝大家!

IDEO O2 is a distinct innovative residential project that provides various pleasant facilities. Giving its residents a satisfying outdoor experience right at their doorstep, as they gaze at beautiful nature and take in fresh air.

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項目名稱:零碳住宅 IDEO O2  

項目地點:曼谷, 班納區



委托方:Ananda Development Public Company Limited.



建筑設計 :ATOM DESIGN Co.,Ltd.

室內設計 :D+S Designs Plus Style Co.,Ltd.

機電工程 :T.T.S. ENGINEERING (2004) CO.,LTD.

土木工程 :T.T.S. ENGINEERING (2004) CO.,LTD.

軟質景觀 :M.J. Gardens Co.,Ltd.

項目類型 :高層樓住宅

攝影師 :Mr.Rungkit Charoenwat、Mr.Vorrarit Anantsorrarak









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  • infos@redland-scape.com
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