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antao安道 2021-01-08 來源:景觀中國網






Although the 20th anniversary renewal plan of Liangzhu Cultural Village has come to an end, the effects of the micro-update are still fermenting.

After the Egret Park and Binhe Park has been renewed, not only the surrounding have more outdoor activities, but tourists have also listed it as a leisure and entertainment destination. The scope of residents' activities has increased, and their lives have become more diverse.

Children are the most sensitive perceiver of environmental changes. There are more children playing in the park, and more inadvertent interactions among all age groups... Residents’ life experience has been improved, and the relationship between people and the environment, the interaction between people them has become more energetic and warm.

With the display of vitality, the place of Liangzhu has been recognized and explored again

Using micro-renewal to activate the space and make people have a deeper connection with the environment is the starting point of this renewal and the spirit of place-making.


01 什么是地方營造?

What is Place-making?




Place-making was originally a concept used for urban planning and management. It originated in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, and was proposed by scholars who challenged mainstream urban planning theories in the United States at that time. They emphasized that urban planning should be people-oriented, providing convenience and creating meaning for people's daily lives, rather than just serving cars and shopping malls.

In recent years, "place-making" has frequently appeared in China's urban planning and rural construction. It refers to the development of corresponding plans and measures to improve the local living environment and improve the quality of life of residents after inspecting and evaluating a certain place. A comprehensive local construction activity.



To understand what place-making is, you must first understand what place is. Place is not only the object to be observed, but also the way of observation; it is not only a space given meaning, but also a strategy for giving space meaning. The shaping of a place usually finds the spirit of the place through changes in the environment and the fermentation of events, thereby establishing a connection between people and people, and between people and the urban environment.

It can be seen from English place-making that place-making is a continuous process, not just a design or installation. This process requires everyone to work together and diligently reshape the public domain. In the process, to maximize the shared value, encourage residents to invest together, give full play to creativity, and strengthen the cultural identity and identity of local residents.



Place-making is not necessarily a major project, as long as it can open up the possibility of underutilized public space, even decorate a sidewalk with strokes, and add a basketball hoop to the sports field, it can be a place-making.

Place-making, in essence, is to construct and nurture the relationship between people and the environment and between people through the change of the environment, so that the space of life becomes a "place" where emotions and attachments are generated.


02 地方營造激活空間

Place-making activate space



How to use the concept of place-making to explore the topic of living space in the city? Amsterdam Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands gave us a good inspiration.

In addition to a distinctive shopping and dining environment, Schiphol Airport also has a museum, library and airport park. At this airport, you can admire the long-term collections and various art exhibitions of Dutch golden age art masters, enjoy the green grass and sun terrace, and enjoy the visual feast brought by hybrid virtual technology.



The most commendable thing is that the airport has set up multiple themed social spaces at the same time, where passengers can share interesting travel stories and communicate emotionally. Ceramic cows, transparent conveyor belts, large design clocks and other details integrate space and architecture. Countless travelers who stay, rest and meet here do not need to enter the Netherlands, as if they have arrived at their destination and feel the local customs.

This airport has also evolved from a transit point into a popular tourist destination, where people wait for the flight, shop, entertain, and socialize... "space" has become "place". Locals have a more sense of belonging, and outsiders have a more sense of experience.


03 用策略來營造地方

Use strategies to make places



Place-making, in addition to the way of design, we hope to stimulate the vitality of the place through comprehensive strategies and events.

The Land Art Exhibition of Echigo-Tsumari has turned the desolate village into a pilgrimage for art lovers; the Autumn Leaf Art Festival of the China Academy of Art turns the fallen leaves on the street into living works of art. We want to use Liangzhu’s ecology and landforms to awaken the artistic genes here through curation.

22. 良渚文化村的藝術裝置:星空之戒.jpg



Forests, big trees, lawns, streams and rivers, Liangzhu, a space with multiple native landforms and natural forms, incorporates the large roof culture and the artistic genes brought by the addition of the Academy of Fine Arts, and already has a superior activity base.

We want to create the first Liangzhu Forest Art Festival here, using the hidden hedge belt of Bailu Park to pass through the secret language of the forest, the gate of illusion, the midsummer dream, the ring of stars, any gate, the mystery of annual rings, and the hedgerow street And the new moon party and other art installations open the door of art.

Through the holding of the Forest Art Festival, this place is revitalized, and it is hoped that this place will become the birthplace of event celebrations, connecting more people and events; it is hoped that this place will be the place where art academies activities are held, so that art can intervene in the daily lives of villagers; hope that this place will become the origin of the Liangzhu Renaissance, more folk art appeared here...



Due to the rush of time, except for two art installations, Secret Language in the Forest and Ring of Stars, the Forest Art Festival did not finally land. However, we hope that the planted seeds of art can take root here in the future. I also hope that there will be more opportunities in the future to explore and shape more "places" through a variety of activities and events.

04 地方營造的啟示

Enlightenment of place-making



Place-making, the most important thing is human participation.

The micro-renewal of Antao’s Mijia community creates a community by means of place-making. Let the residents participate in the micro-update process, let the residents draw their own design drawings, let the residents comment and request like Party A, let the residents participate in the micro-update by themselves...Through various ways, the "birthplace of daily life" will be activated, so that residents and the place have a deeper emotional connection, and also let the outsiders have more opportunities to understand the local culture.



The construction of rural cultural tourism in Antao has shaped the countryside through the way of place-making. Xiyue Farm in Jiaxing creatively transforms agricultural greenhouses into a pastoral life complex and becomes a living room connecting urban and rural areas; Outlets in Chengdu integrates rural nature and production values with urban functions to open up a new rural lifestyle; Ningbo Xiexiaobai Nature School explores local culture and spirit through courses and activities, and explores new ways for rural cultural tourism.

Changing and creating value is the philosophy of local creation and also the mission of Antao. We hope that we can explore the future of cities and villages from a new perspective. We also hope that these explorations can inspire local planners and managers, and bring people a better living space and happier life scenes.




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