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深圳弘毅大廈景觀設計 | ASPECT Studios

ASPECTStudios 2022-06-27
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    王文杰、Stephen Buckle

ASPECT Studios在深圳前海核心地帶為弘毅大廈打造一處都市謐靜。

ASPECT Studios created a biophilic urban retreat for Hony Tower at the heart of Qianhai District of Shenzhen.



ASPECT Studios 在深圳前海核心地帶為弘毅投資的全新城市辦公和社區項目打造一處充滿生態自然的都市謐境。 由KPF和ASPECT Studios聯合打造的弘毅大廈塑造了一種獨一無二的城市生活體驗, 將弘毅總部、城市公共空間、社區空間、人居空間融合一體,打造了一個屬于所有人的都市桃源。

ASPECT Studios has created a biophilic urban retreat as the heart of a new urban office and community development in Qianhai District of Shenzhen. A KPF and ASPECT Studios collaboration, the Hony Capital Tower development offers a unique mix of urban life, combining the Hony headquarters, an urban park community space, a place of unity, retreat for everyone.



The landscape design aims to create a new landmark office landscape and an international condominium community in Qianhai. It provides a garden-like ecological office environment for the office workers, residents and public to retreat, relax and interact with each other away from the busy and intense urban surroundings. An overall goal for the design team was the creation of an environment for lifestyle and brand through defining a landscape with a calming and elegant character, bursting with fine-grain details, materiality and textures. 


圖片由KPF建筑事務所授權展示,攝影? 存在建筑
image courtesy of design architect KPF, ? arch-exist photography




Where the tower meets the ground, it passes the baton to the landscape, converting the scale of the built experience into a more human one; a place where people engage with the project’s tactile modernity.






業主希望通過景觀打造出一個有意義,可達性強的城市公共空間,為弘毅社區創造出一個獨一無二、以人為本的環境?;诖嗽妇埃珹SPECT Studios 在城市嘈雜紛擾環境中打造了一處安寧的生態謐境, 供在城市中奔波忙碌的人們短暫休憩、舒緩身心的庇護空間。

The brief was to create a meaningful and accessible urban public space that created a unique and identifiable people orientated setting for the Hony community. ASPECT Studios responded with a vision of a peaceful biophilic retreat in the midst of the city’s noise and chaos.



The basis of the design thinking is the idea that the landscape is the green foundation to the Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF-designed HONY Tower. The landscape design creates a human scale experience that responds to the local microclimate, the intensity of city life and creates human scale connection to the two high rise towers and their urban scale and proportions. Through manipulation of scale, material and planting the landscape becomes a green base for the imposing tower , creating an enjoyable and intimate spatial experience. By using the same materials as the building, the ground space echoes the building’s color, tone and texture.




Design for the City  

項目位于深圳充滿活力的前海,毗鄰桂灣河,項目地址距離地鐵650米左右, 是前海合作區整體城市形象的核心商務區,吸引著大量金融、科技企業總部集聚于此。

Located in Shenzhen's vibrant Qianhai area, adjacent to the Guiwan River, Hony Capital Tower is about 650 metres from the metro. It is the core business area of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone representing the city image, which attracts many financial and technological headquarters to gather here. 




Shenzhen is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world, with very little quality outdoor space open to the public in a bustling metropolis of 17.56 million people. The project aims to create a vibrant biophilic urban oasis in the heart of a densely populated new development district, a place for people where residents, office workers, young families and the wider public have the opportunity to escape from the stress of urban life in a quiet, open space emersed by thriving green plants and tree shaded cool stone sofas. 




The landscape design of Hony Tower is defined by a unified design expression of stone, form and planting. Through deep analysis of site in terms of view, circulation, microclimate and privacy, the landscape framework and approach bring together the two separate plots, yet created two defined urban places for the office and condominium, the entire development is unified with an active urban boundary that combines a municipal road with a multifunctional shared community space.








The generously proportioned landscape elements help to create a defined unique identity of place and to connect the open spaces to the dominant architectural forms, whilst being suitable and sensitive to human scale, interaction and use. 


場地中材料的選取十分考究,耐候的淺色調材料能夠確保長時間的使用并能有效減緩城市熱島效應。 同時也注重材料的質感,無論是顏色、質地還是觸感都襯托出空間精致典雅的氣質,在風格上與建筑特色和諧一致,簡潔大氣而不失底蘊。

The materials were carefully selected to perform over the long-term, and to mitigate the urban heat island effect through the use of lighter tones of materiality, while also paying attention to texture, both in terms of colour, texture and touch, to present a refined and elegant quality of place that harmonizes the architectural character, understated yet, elegant, refined and strong.





A common material palette echoes and extends from landscape to the architecture. A unified palette transitioning from the active planting edges and stone sofas up onto the building facades.

設計團隊在種植池邊界結構設計上對細節進行仔細推敲,結合人體工學對種植池的深度及負荷限制進行了優化,設計了多功能的種植邊界供人們聚集、連接。特別定制的 “石質沙發”完全嵌入到種植池側壁中。每一個石質沙發都是由當地的石匠用整塊花崗巖手工打磨而成??臻g中大量的淺色調的材質能夠反射太陽輻射,而石材可以吸收熱量,實現降溫,讓整個環境的溫度維持在宜人舒適的范圍內。斑駁樹蔭之下的石質沙發為人們在炎炎夏日中帶來絲絲涼意,在當地酷熱的微氣候條件下創造了一個可供人們愜意的放松、連接的涼爽空間。

The design team studied the ergonomic interactions to develop an active edge boundary which optimized the depth and loading constrains of the podium and create places for people to come gather and connect.  The bespoke “stone sofas” are set into the elevation of the edge thresholds. Each are hand crafted by local stonemasons from solid granite. The light tonal qualities reflect the solar radiation and the thermal mass of the stone results in a cooling effect.  Positioned  in the dappled tree shade, the “Stone Sofas” provide people with a cool and comfortable place to relax and connect in the hot local microclimate.





The Heart of the Urban Retreat 


The condominium area in the north of the site consists of a distinctive paved entrance plaza, raised community lawn and private garden for residents to engage and relax. The space is designed with abundant subtropical plants to create a unique and immersive biophilic experience. The combination of plants and the raised community lawn offer privacy to the residents and urban users. The introduction of various species of flowering plants presents a seasonally changing scenery and an injection of vitality to the space. The dense planting of trees on the southside of the park merge and hide the underground car park entrance within the landscape.


Hony Tower 


Entrance and arriving space of Hony towers is defined by clean elegant simplicity, a circular central water feature with the mirror reflection and cascading sides creates a refined urban atmosphere while the scale of the space, unified materiality and refined creates the sense of calm dignity.




The planting wall, shrubs and densely planted trees, combine to provide a sense of enclosure, offering a glimpse of greenery from within the lobby. The tree plaza at the southeast corner serves as an arrival area with a full row of trees to create a sense of formality in the office space; the water features at the two north and south entrances define a sense of ceremony to visitors and office workers alike.




Streetscape & Public Realm 


The three rows of street trees linking the north and south plots provide a clear spatial orientation, directing many people to the southern main entrance, while the tree canopy provides shade for pedestrians on hot summer days, helping to passively cool the streetscape.In addition to the rows of planted trees and distinctive paving to guide pedestrian flow, the north side of the boulevard is combined with the public spillout and to form a comfortable space for pedestrians to linger and stay. The signature stone sofas along the boulevard provide internal resting space for people to take a break, contributing to a highly engaging public urban boundary. 


Planting Design 


Specific tree species were selected to for their resilience and ability thrive in the typhoon prone challenging subtropical monsoon climate. They have been developed to maximize shade and help create a cooler pleasant environment all year around. Native and adaptive species with lush foliage have been used extensively throughout the project.

在植物種植方面結合不同地塊區域功能屬性的基礎上,場地細分出六種種植效果:開闊草坪結合遮蔭作為承載社區和居民開展活動的多功能區域。草坪選用耐踐踏的進口高爾夫球場草,并提高種植基層的排水效率保證草坪的成活率。草坪周圍的種植池中采用豐富的亞熱帶季向植物, 充分體現地域特色,疏密有致的生態種植和純粹開闊的草坪形成了視覺上的對比,顯得開合有致。在視覺焦點的入口或大堂對景處則采用特色喬木配合小組團的種植手法將植物作為點景。在地塊四周的行道樹采用分支點較高且挺拔的常綠行道樹,提升城市形象的同時也易于維護。

The site is subdivided into six types of planting effects based on the functional properties of the different plots: the open lawn of the urban retreat combined with shade is used as a multi-functional activity area by the community and residents. For the lawn golf course grass was used which offered good resistance to trampling and improves the drainage efficiency of the grass base to ensure the rate of survival of the lawn. The planting boundary around the perimeter is a combination of subtropical seasonal plants used to reflect the characteristics of the area whilst creating a dense biophilic contrast to the open lawn. Feature trees planted in clusters define the offices tower and entrances. The street trees around the site have an elevated canopy that creates a defined green wall to the perimeter and provides a coherent urban image, that is low maintenance.






景觀設計: ASPECT Studios

設計總監: Stephen Buckle

景觀設計團隊:Stephen Buckle、陳曦、王亞會、何琛、謝沂純、葉舒萍、張紅杉



施工單位: 東莞市菁盛園林工程有限公司

標識設計:EBU 東筑廣告(上海)有限公司 

燈光設計: Tillotson Design Associates

攝影: 王文杰、Stephen Buckle


項目地址: 深圳前海桂灣金融街1號

Project Data 

Project Name: Hony Tower

Client: Hony Capital 

Completion: 2021

Landscape Area: 7,811 sqm

Landscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios

Design Director: Stephen Buckle

Landscape Team: Sissy Chen, Mandy Wang, Chenoa He, Amber Xie, Suki Ye, Angela Zhang

Architect: KPF New York (Kohn Pedersen Fox)

Landscape LDI: Guangzhou Top Design Landscape Design Co.,Ltd.,

Contractor: Dongguan Jingsheng Garden Engineering Co., Ltd.

Signage Design: Essence Balance Uniqueness

Lighting Design: Tillotson Design Associates

Photographer: Wenjie Wang, Stephen Buckle

Video: Wenjie Wang

Location: No.1 Guiwan Financial Street, Qianhai, Shenzhen







