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深圳招商局集團媽灣港園區景觀全過程咨詢實踐 | 未名顧問WMLA

未名設計(WMLA) 2023-10-07
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China Merchants Group's Ma Wan Port Park Quality Enhancement Project has been under construction since March 2021 and was constructed in June 2021. As the consultant company, WMLA undertook the whole process of consulting tasks from planning to construction, including design, engineering, and cost management. In the past two years since the delivery of the project, it has passed the time test, gained praise from the owner, and contributed an excellent case for the quality construction of modern industrial parks.


Ma Wan Port growing up with Shenzhen City


The "Ma Wan Port", a port inscribed by Xi Zhongxun, is located on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary, in the west of Shenzhen City, and is also in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Advance Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the Special Economic Zone of Shenzhen, the Qianhai Shekou Area of Guangdong's Self-Trade Zone, and the Qianhai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Co-operation Zone, and it is the only port in China that possesses the advantage of the superposition of the five zones at present.


Ma Wan Port - A Modern Smart Port with Magnificent Upgrades

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Ma Wan Port was originally built in 1981.  Before the renovation, it was used as a traditional bulk and general cargo wharf, helping to promote the urban construction of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone by transporting infrastructure materials such as steel, cement, sand, and gravel, and making a positive contribution to the prosperity of Shenzhen. 2021 June, Ma Wan Port has been magnificently upgraded. From the original 4 bulk cargo berths, it was transformed into 3-4# 2 200,000 tones berths, with a shoreline length of 850m, which can berth the world's largest container liner; and connected with the original 5-7# berths of Ma Wan Port, forming a new pattern of port area with a total area of 870,000 square meters, with a total length of 1,930 meters of berths shoreline, with 5 berths dedicated to container liner, and an annual design throughput capacity of 3.35 million TEU. At the same time, Ma Wan Port follows the technological upgrading and environmental protection requirements, becoming the first 5G green low-carbon smart port in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Bay Area, and the first smart port in China upgraded from the traditional bulk and general cargo wharf, which is a glorious empowerment for Shenzhen to create a bridgehead of the "Maritime Silk Road".


Building a high-quality park with industrial aesthetics


In the context of industrial upgrading, the quality of the park's environment also needs to be optimized. The project's main objective is to create a technology and modernity industrial office park, highlighting industrial aesthetics.


The project focuses on core demands such as corporate office, visiting reception, promoting corporate culture, publicizing corporate development, embodying corporate services, business leisure, and festive activities, etc., and implements the demands into the spatial scenarios:


Complete and clear border image, ceremonial entrance and drop-off area, efficient and convenient parking, wind and rain corridor with its own scenery, comfortable and relaxing outdoor plaza, seasonal plant scenes, delivery of corporate elements, and modern lawn with container wall.

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The entrance image echoes left and right, and the soft lines are consistent with the main body of the building; the traffic flow is reorganized to create a sequence of shade trees, and the drop-off area at the front of the building is increased to meet the demand for visits and receptions.



The Starfish Building, like a huge ship sailing in the blue waves, and the Flagstaff Tower, straight and high, accompanied by the kapok, constitute the main style of the office park.

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The corridor retains its original body, with the rusted brick-red steel plates painted a warm white color, allowing the corridor to become a landscape by itself. The corridor serves as a shelter from the rain and shade and also carries the cultural threads of port development and corporate development.



The uniquely planted kapok stands up like a hero, and the ground is engraved with the port's global network map, which is both the business map of China Merchants Port and the dream of China Merchants Port. The culture wall takes the port container as the background, and the wall continues the vertical texture of the container, reflecting the industrial characteristics. The inscription on the wall reads "Empty talk is misleading to the country, practical work will build up the country", which is the best illustration for the struggle history of China Merchants Group in the past hundred years. The sea breeze passes through the Phoenix sylvestris’ forest, and the ships are weaving like the heartbeat of the times, knocking out a strong and unceasing sound.

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The title stone engraved with "Ma Wan Port" is the symbol stone of the park, witnessing the amazing transformation of the harbor area from a mudflat to a modern port, and embodying the indomitable spirit of struggle of several generations of Shenzhen people who dare to be, dare to do, and always strive to be the first.

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The car park takes rational use as the starting point, changes the traditional way of strong rows of parking spaces, and lays out a variety of flow scenarios in order to optimize the parking experience. The overall material of the ground is upgraded to permeable asphalt, and the periphery of the car park is surrounded by Terminalia neotaliala trees, highlighting the overall sense of space.

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The intensive car parking arrangement leaves space for the sunshine lawn, which is the spiritual place of the park people. It is surrounded by a flat lawn with a multi-level streamlined terrace, which meets the demand for rest and leisure, and people can either sit on the terrace or enjoy the sunshine and sea breeze in the center of the lawn. On the periphery of the terrace is a wall of mini containers spray-painted with the shipping company's logo, reflecting the value concept of "inspiring newness and self-improvement, integrating and win-win" of the Ma Wan Port, and it has also become a regular stopping point for the team-building activities or visitors' photo-taking.




Whole process consultation insights


Excellent project is the result of the full cooperation of all parties, and WMLA provides consulting services for the project with professional technical ability and management ability in the whole process and guarantees the quality presentation of the project. Looking back on the consulting journey, we have the following insights:

01 將心比心,與業主成為伙伴 

Learn to think like an owner, and become partners with the owners


With the ability to empathize with the owner and act a role of "not party B but party A-A", we can make the owner feel relieved and comfortable. In the process of service, we think side by side with the owners, and jointly think about the beautiful vision of the project; in the process of solving problems, we are proactive and effectively deal with various problems in the process of the project.

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02 立體咨詢,以實戰經驗沉淀支撐咨詢專業度

All major consulting with extensive practical experiences


Focus on the project and make it with research, design, consultancy, and advisory overall process. After more than ten years of accumulation of professional knowledge and a variety of types of project cases, the team carries out the design in the way of research, to provide a full range of professional consultancy services from planning to operation and maintenance, to create a complete landscape for the urban and rural customers of the public products and the whole process of service.

03 科學嚴謹,體系化支撐顧問咨詢管理能力

Scientific and systematic system to support the consultancy and advisory management capabilities


After determining the objectives, the landscape management quadrant system is constructed through hierarchical control and dimensional management, and the management dimensions are subdivided into demand management, quality management, process risk management, cost resource management, and other elements, to realize the precise application of tools and efficient management paths.

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04 高效決策,提供判斷以供決策、提供路徑以供實現

Provide judgments for decision-making and pathways for implementation efficiently

WMLA應用Carl Steinitz景觀模型體系,將描述-過程-評價-改變-影響-決策過程進行閉環式檢驗,以產品思維分析用戶需求、洞察明確需求,最終回歸項目目標加以驗證,從而提供專業判斷以支持決策,設計可行路徑以幫助實現。

WMLA applies the Carl Steinitz Landscape Modeling System, which is a closed-loop examination of the description-process-evaluation-change-impact-decision-making process, analyzing user needs and gaining insights into clear requirements with a product mindset, and ultimately returning to the project objectives to verify them, thus providing professional judgment to support decision-making and designing feasible paths to help achieve them.

05 深度服務,駐場顧問在地服務與總部支持協同

Synergy between on-site consultants on the ground and headquarters support


WMLA has formed a consultant service system that combines on-site consultant services with multi-disciplinary support from headquarters. Resident consultants can provide timely and effective consulting services at the project site. The headquarter supports the resident consultants with the comprehensive capability of research, design, consulting, and management, which strongly guarantees the promotion and implementation of consulting services.

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WMLA始終致力于融合多專業、多學科知識與經驗,堅持 “腳下有土地、眼中有社會,心里有人”的價值觀。秉承“以項目為綱、以創造美好生活與工作場景”的目標,以研究、設計、顧問三維一體,遵守完整性、創新性、公共性與生態性原則,審慎對待每寸土地,為城鄉土地與客戶提供完整的景觀公共產品和全過程服務。

WMLA has always been committed to integrating multi-professional and multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience, and adhering to the values of "land under our feet, society in our eyes, and people in our hearts". Insisting on the goal of "taking the project as the key point and creating a better living and working scene", and with the integration of research, design, and consultancy, WMLA abides by the principles of completeness, innovativeness, publicity, and ecology, treats every inch of land with prudence, and provides urban and rural land and customers with complete landscape public products and whole-process services.


WMLA has carried out consulting services in many types of public projects in the Bay Area, formed a "whole process design consulting" and "project management consulting" business system, and actively promoted the development of the industry through the presentation of high-quality projects, and is committed to the establishment of modern industry standards, contributing to the construction of the urban environment and professional strength.












Project Information

Project Name: Design, Construction and Maintenance General Contractor for Landscape Upgrading Project of China Merchants Port A-Ma Bay Smart Harbour Park

Project scale: 23528 ㎡

Completion date: July 1st, 2021

Project Location: Ma Wan Port Area, Shenzhen Port, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Owner: Shenzhen Starfish Port Development Co.

Designers: China Energy Conservation Tiehan Ecological Environment Co.

Construction unit: China Energy Conservation Tiehan Ecological Environment Co.

Consultant Advisory Unit:Shenzhen Weiming Design Consulting CO., LTD(WMLA)

Design Team: Di CHE, Fang YANG, Yuan XIE, Tianlan CAI, Yue LIU, Lei YU,Yanyu LONG

Photography: TAL/ Tianpei Zeng, Shenzhen Weiming Design Consulting CO., LTD (WMLA)







