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深圳荷水文化基地暨洪湖公園水質凈化廠上部景觀設計 | 南沙原創(chuàng)

南沙原創(chuàng) 2022-03-24
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An Urban Park on Top of a Fully-buried Water Treatment Plant 

▼基礎設施公共化:深圳荷水文化基地 ?張超

Infrastructure Publicization: Shenzhen Lotus Water Culture Base ?Zhang chao


01 背景與歷程

01 Background and History


The Project is located at the northern end of Honghu Park, Luohu District, Shenzhen City, south of Nigang East Road and east of Buji River. Honghu Park is a lotus-themed municipal park known for its bald cypress forest and white egret flock. Completed and opened in 1985, it is not only one of the earliest parks built after the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, but also one of the most important urban parks in the eyes of Shenzhen citizens.

▼場地與城市周邊空間關系 ?NODE

 Relationship between site and surrounding space ?NODE



To tackle the much-concerned water environment problems, the city released Shenzhen Water Control and Quality Improvement Work Plan (2015-2020) was released in 2015, which proposed an investment of CNY 81.6 billion on improvement of water environment, including construction and expansion of 19 sewage treatment plants, improvement of 24 ones, and accelerated river improvement initiatives. The newly built Honghu Park Water Purification Plant, one of the key projects for water pollution control under the Work Plan, employs a leading fully-buried water purification technology and involves the restoration of surface landscape of about 3.24 ha. It aims to effectively alleviate the sewage increase problems resulting from the urban renewal and development in Qingshui River - Sungang Area. Upon completion, the facility can treat and purify about 18 million m3 of domestic sewage for the surrounding areas every year, an equivalent of about 1.3 times the water volume of the West Lake  in Hangzhou.

▼洪湖公園北側地塊原狀航拍(施工前) ?西南市政院

Aerial in the north of Honghu Park (before construction)?Southwest Municipal Council



When we joined the project team, the general contracting designer had completed the design and construction drawings of the underground water purification plant and everything had been ready for construction. In this project, we were asked to design the restored surface landscape on top of the water purification facility, and the underground offices at the northern end.

02 設計挑戰(zhàn)

02 Design Challenges


Though we were engaged to only provide SD for the surface landscape improvement in the Project, we had to achieve sufficient understanding and conduct necessary research about the technical logic and production process/logic behind the landscape design, as the surface landscape is closely related to the underground facility and the surface flood control requirements. On this basis, we intended to go beyond the engineering logic, and tried to create an aesthetic and community-friendly public space. 


Water Safety


In the flood season every year, the water level of Buji River west of the site rises. When the water level reaches a certain height, the river water will flow into Honghu Lake where a flood storage area is formed to alleviate the water level rise in the flood season. As the site is a low land that falls within the flood discharge passage, the final flood control safety assessment of the Project determined that the site elevation for 100-year flood is 12.4 m and that for a 200-year flood is 13.4 m. In this case, the site landscape needed improvement while meeting the requirement on flood discharge passage as a buffer for flood discharge. To ensure water safety, it was fundamental to tackle the existing site elevation and designed ones with due care. For example, the lowest elevation of the vent shaft door and window opening out of the ground must reach  100-year flood is 12.4 m; The evacuation staircase exits and supporting office buildings must reach 200-year flood is 13.4 m.

▼風井與濱水汀步 ?張超

Vent shaft and waterfront ting step ?Zhang Chao



Water Treatment


Honghu Lake Water Treatment Plant on a 1.67 ha site was to be built in two phases. The technical part for water treatment is a fully-buried double-layer frame structure, with the water treatment capacity of 50,000 m3 and 100,000 m3 per day in Phase I and long term respectively. The main indices shall meet the requirements of quasi class IV water body in the Standard for Environmental Quality of Surface Water. The treated effluent is used to supplement the water in the ecological landscape of Honghu Park and Buji River. The design for this part had been fully completed by the general contracting designer before we were brought aboard. In fact, the fully-buried building inevitably brought issues that need no special attention in the case of surface buildings, such as the forms of the visible above-grade part of the underground ventilation and fire control facilities, which were the focus of design. The original intention of buried facilities for "deindustrialization" was actually presented and brought into reality in another form. This was also the unique feature of the Project and one of the most important challenges facing the surface landscape restoration design.

▼地下凈水(-1F)工藝流程示意圖 ?NODE

Diagram of underground water purification (-1F) process ?NODE 


▼地下凈水(-2F)工藝流程示意圖 ?NODE

Diagram of underground water purification (-2F) process ?NODE


▼地下凈水廠(-1F)空間 ?張超

 Underground Water Purification Plant (-1F) Space ? Zhang Chao



Claims of Different Stakeholder


In addition to the above water-related design challenges, we were also faced with various claims from different stakeholders (such as the government, the park authority, and Operator)as we started our designs, due to the park’s importance and much attention it had attracted. For example, the government required that the greening rate of the ground should be restored to 86%, the wetland planning be followed and the relationship between the original ecological bird island(s) and the landscape be well balanced under the sponge city concept. The park management needed nearly 7,000 m2 as a lotus nursery cultivation base, and the restoration of the natural lake shoreline and nearly 5,000 m2 of water body. The operators aspired for creating a “deindustrialized” wild landscape which, coupled with public science visits, may change people’s stereotype about “sewage plant”.  In our opinion, these are typical issues encountered in the design process of many urban projects. Design is always "on the way", and we should always keep a "change-embracing" mindset towards various requirements in different stages, to ensure that the "on-the-way" design will not affect the overall progress of construction; but for us, the biggest challenge was to ensure the original intention and the final completeness of the design in a continuous "changing" process.

▼過程版野趣的Detour方案效果圖 ?NODE

Process version of Detour scheme effect ?NODE


▼最終實施版方案效果圖 ?NODE

Final implementation scheme effect picture ?NODE



Water Landscape - Infrastructure Publicization


As mentioned above, our SD design needed to, on one hand, streamline the technical difficulties or normative preconditions brought by underground production infrastructure and, on the other hand, incorporate the spatial demands of different stakeholders in different stages, the site conditions and our own design ideas. We should not only restore the park landscape, but also create a new public landscape area that is different from any conventional landscape-only design and realize the project goals in terms of mixed-use functions, aesthetic pursuit, public education and diversified and multi-level experience.

▼概念剖面示意  ?NODE

  Concept section ?NODE 


03 策略和設計

03 Strategy and Design Approach


Given the above requirements and challenges, it is critical to focus on the core issue, i.e. the interface between engineering design and space design.

▼泄洪通道及防洪標高 ?NODE

Spillway and flood control elevation ?NODE


▼整體航拍: 突出地面的13個風井 ?張超

Overall aerial photograph: 13 vent shafts protruding from the ground ? Zhang Chao


▼ 順應場地,北側用自然疊水消化高差 ?張超

To adapt to the site, the north side uses natural water to digest the height difference ? Zhang Chao


▼ 軸側功能圖 ?NODE

 Axis Side function diagram ?NODE



Art Installation Treatment and Publicization of Infrastructure

兩層地下凈水廠的工程設計無疑在消防及排水等方面帶來與地面建筑不同的挑戰(zhàn)。出地面風井(部分含消防梯)大小共計13個,大小高度不一,與公園生態(tài)環(huán)境格格不入。公園方希望我們從原洪湖公園的嶺南園林特色中提取歷史符號, 做直接的裝飾。但對我們而言, 不僅是簡單“穿衣戴帽”的裝飾, 還是可以結合公共體驗和自然教育等理念,在空間層次、材料運用及造型語言上做更深層的轉化?這是一個價值觀與設計的雙重問題。我們嘗試對嶺南園林的“塔、亭、榭、廊”空間原型進行適度的設計研究和“元素”提取,用當代設計語言及材料去做轉化及表達,同時結合景觀及植被特點,將文化和自然特點有效結合起來,嘗試化解基礎設施過于工程化的死板形象。

The engineering design of the two-floor underground water treatment plant undoubtedly posed challenges different from those faced by surface buildings in terms of fire protection, drainage, etc,. In particular, thirteen vent shafts (some containing fire evacuation stairs) of different sizes and heights protruded out of the ground level, an inharmonious contract with the ecological environment of the park. The park management encouraged us to extract historical symbols from the Lingnan gardens of the former Honghu Park and use them as ornamental elements. But we must figure out whether ornaments were simple “addition of symbols”, or they could be transformed at a deeper level in terms of space, material and shape in combination with the concepts of public experience, natural education, etc. This was an issue about values and design. We conducted some design research on and “element” extraction from the original spaces of the “pagodas, pavilions, gazebos and corridors” of Lingnan gardens, and transformed and expressed them with contemporary design languages and materials. Then we incorporated the cultural and natural characteristics based on the landscape and vegetation characteristics, and tried to dissolve the stereotype of the infrastructure resulting from overemphasized engineering features. 

▼ 風井分布與公共裝置類型示意 ?NODE

Vent shaft distribution and public device type ?NODE


▼ 裝置概念演變 ?NODE

Device Concept Evolution ?NODE


▼風井與公共裝置軸側示意 ?NODE

Ventilation shaft and public device axis side diagram ?NODE


▼ 三種風井裝置平面圖:#5風井,#12中型風井,荷花塔 ?NODE

Three kinds of vent shafts device plan: #5 air shaft, #12 medium air shaft, Lotus tower ?NODE    


▼三種風井裝置剖面圖:#5風井,#12中型風井,荷花塔 ?NODE

Three kinds of vent shafts device plan: #5 vent shaft, #12 medium vent shaft, Lotus tower ?NODE



For example, the highest deodorizing vent shaft was nealy16 m above the ground, and we naturally made it a 3D abstraction of lotus, the theme plant repeatedly emphasized by the park management, and a public art installation. The bird watching and observation platform helped eliminate the compulsory but visually-awkward vent shafts and evacuation stairs, injecting“useful” experience in them and creating an important lotus landmark in Honghu Park.

▼ 最高風井裝置——荷花塔 ?張超

The highest vent shaft device -- Lotus Tower ? Zhang Chao


▼荷花塔——樓梯上至平臺 ?張超

 Lotus Tower -- Stairway to platform ?Zhang Chao

▼荷花塔—細部結構 ?張超

Lotus Tower—Detail structure ?Zhang Chao



The six medium-sized vent shafts containing evacuation stairs were designed with accessible paths and platforms, reflecting different characteristics in spatial form. The six small ones were dedicated for ventilation, so only facade greening on grilles of similar materials were employed to enhance the natural feel, including a rain shelter with seats. During the whole design process, we’ve been trying to avoid excessive design despite of many unexpected factors “informed” about the underground works. We neither highlight nor cover up, but instead, we made the best out of the project conditions to achieve natural unity and harmony.

▼ 通過水上汀步走入風井 ?張超

Walk through the water into the vent shaft ?Zhang Chao


▼輕盈鋼結構包裹風井 ?張超

Light steel structure wraps the vent shaft ?Zhang Chao


▼ 地面步行系統(tǒng) ?張超

Ground walking system ?Zhang Chao


▼ 慢行體驗小徑 ?張超

 Slow trail ? Zhang Chao



Underground Supporting Building: Explicit and Implicit Presentation of Gardens

北端地下配套建筑整體主要功能為辦公空間,因其位于洪湖公園的末端,位置較偏。如何創(chuàng)造足夠的吸引力,引導公眾發(fā)現(xiàn)并步行而至,這是個關鍵的設計問題。在此,我們采取了“軟硬兼施”的設計策略:一方面是在辦公功能之外,增加公共教育及科普功能,例如結合地下開放花園,設置一個可對公眾開放的凈水科普展廳;另一方面,在地面層,嘗試做出一個有特色的公共空間及園林作為景觀亮點及展廳的暖場區(qū)域,以吸引人流。The northernmost underground supporting building was planned as office space. As it stood at the end of the Park, geographically out of the way, how to create enough magnets to guide the public to discover and walk to it became a key design issue. As response, we adopted a design strategy that emphasizes both software and hardware. On the one hand, we added the functions of public education and science popularization on top of office function, such as creating a water purification exhibition hall in combination with the underground open garden; on the other hand, we tried to create a distinctive public space and garden on ground level as the landscape highlight and the pre-function zone of the exhibition hall to attract people. 

▼ 北側配套辦公區(qū) ?張超

 Supporting Office area in the north ?Zhang Chao


▼配套辦公區(qū)——地面園林景觀 ?張超

Supporting office area — ground landscape garden ?Zhang Chao


▼ 配套辦公區(qū)——地面園林廊亭 ?張超

Supporting Office Area -- Ground garden Gallery ? Zhang Chao



Here, we extended the gardening concept. With reference to the contemporary formal language and constructional forms, we arranged the basic and explicit spatial elements of “pavilion and corridor” around the the underground open garden, and connected them with circulations to the underground public exhibition halls and office spaces. This approach, both a tribute to the classic precedents and a proper innovation, helped create a secluded, quiet and slightly mysterious surface garden.

▼ Logo景觀墻概念效果示意 ?NODE

 Concept effect of Logo Landscape wall ?NODE


▼ 景墻實景 ?張超

 Landscape Wall ?Zhang Chao


04 結語

04 Conclusions 



The project lasted four years from the commencement of our surface landscape design to the project completion. However, for such infrastructure projects posing major engineering and aesthetic challenges, the consensus and cooperation among different disciplines and professional practices cannot be reached overnight. In fact, there is still a long way for us to go, and all stakeholders need to work together toward this goal.Upon its completion, the project was renamed as Shenzhen Lotus Water Culture Base. It represents another important attempt of NODE team in infrastructure publicization projects over the years in terms of interdisciplinary design practice of water purification and landscape architecture. As always, we hope that, through the active design efforts of landscape architects/architects, the water purification facilities that are indispensible for our daily life will become pleasant and ceremonial places in the city for public experience and learning, thus redefine the significance of infrastructure from the dimensions of spirit and landscape/architectural aesthetics.

▼夕陽中的荷花塔與風井 ?張超

 Lotus Tower and Vent Shaft in sunset ? Zhang Chao


▼夜景 ?張超

 Night view ? Zhang Chao



▼ 總平面圖 ?NODE

Master plan ?NODE


▼ 總剖面圖 A-A  ?NODE

Section A-A ?NODE


▼ 總剖面圖B-B ?NODE

Section B-B ?NODE


▼配套辦公區(qū)平面圖 ?NODE

Plan of supporting Office Area ?NODE


▼ 配套辦公區(qū)(-1F)平面圖 ?NODE

Supporting Office Area (-1F) Plan ?NODE


▼配套辦公區(qū)剖面圖1-1 ?NODE

Profile of supporting office area 1-1 ?NODE


▼配套辦公區(qū)剖面圖2-2 ?NODE

Profile of supporting office area 2-2 ?NODE


▼ 配套辦公區(qū)廊亭大樣 ?NODE

Supporting office Area Gallery Pavilion layout ?NODE


▼荷花塔平面圖 ?NODE

 Plan of lotus Tower ?NODE


▼荷花塔剖面圖 ?NODE

Lotus Tower section ?NODE


▼ 風井平面圖 ?NODE

Vent shaft plan ?NODE


▼風井剖面圖 ?NODE

Ventilation shaft profile ?NODE


▼樓梯大樣 ?NODE

Stair details ?NODE


▼疊水剖面大樣 ?NODE

Large sample of superimposed water section ?NODE



項目名稱 : 深圳荷水文化基地暨洪湖公園水質凈化廠上部景觀設計






















結構體系:混凝土框架(凈水廠出地面風井)+ 鋼結構(風井裝置) ,剪力墻結構(地下配套建筑),鋼結構(配套建筑地面亭廊)



Project Name: Landscape Design for Shenzhen Lotus Water Culture Base and Ground Level of Honghu Park 

Water Purification Plant

Project type: Infrastructure

Location: Luohu District, Shenzhen city

Design : NODE Architecture & Urbanism

Lead Architects: Doreen Heng Liu

Program and project process: Doreen Heng Liu,, Jiebin Huang, Zanning Huang 

Overall implementation plan: Doreen Heng Liu,,  Jingyue Xu, Xiaohong Lin, Junhao Huang,Weimin Lu(internship)

Overall program process:  Jiahui Yang,  Zhibo Xu, Qingsong Lu

Vent shafts scheme:  Yupeng Zhou,  Shuya Zeng(internship),  Manzhi Wang (internship)

Supporting Buildings: Yueyu Tang(internship),  Xin Li (internship),  Haoyuan Tian(internship)

Completed status: Completed

Design time: 2017.Nov-2021.Mar

Construction time: 2020.Oct-2021.Sep

Site area: Ground landscape restoration 32,400 sqm

Floor area : Underground supporting office and exhibition 1760 sqm

Construction: Shenzhen Water (Group) Co., LTD

Ground landscape restoration + underground supporting building design scheme and deepening :

NODE Architecture & Urbanism 

Underground water purification plant engineering design : China Municipal Engineering Southwest Design and Research Institute Co., LTD

Design contractor and construction drawing: China Municipal Engineering Southwest Design and Research Institute Co., LTD

Structure + electromechanical: China Municipal Engineering Southwest Design and Research Institute Co., LTD

Lighting Consultant: Shenzhen Light Program Technology Co., LTD

Structural system: concrete frame (air shaft of water purification plant) + steel structure (air shaft device), shear wall structure (underground supporting building), steel structure (ground pavilion gallery of supporting building)

Materials: fluorocarbon coated steel, green bricks and tiles, permeable asphalt, permeable bricks, granite, plastic wood

Photographer: Zhang Chao









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