The Vortex is a low-budget and recyclable display garden at the 2021 Shenzhen Garden Show. In a context where mostly garden materials are turned into trashes after the garden show is completed, the landscape architects propose to reconsider the life cycle of a temporary garden. A prefabricated module system was devised, through which the garden could be restored with 90% of the items after the garden show. After a short period (21days) of exhibition, the landscape architects had retrieved the planter modules right before the dismantling process started. The recycled modules were successfully reused in three places separately - public roof deck, street corner by the sidewalk, and community garden.
▼由種植模塊搭建而成的漩花園 ?南西攝影
▼種植模塊被再次利用于公共空間中 ?林丙興
▼2021年的漩花園,由220組種植模塊組成 ?南西攝影
盡管設計思路是清晰的,但面對我們的是一道道的挑戰。從設計到建成,除去一個月的建造施工時間,留給設計的時間只有15天。在實地勘探場地后,我們發現場地狹小且有著1.5米高差的坡地,兩側被園路與喬木圍合,綜合考慮到展覽結束后場地需要恢復原狀,我們決定順應場地地勢呈現設計,不對場地地形做過多的干預。模塊化的建造體系很好的幫助我們解決了這些問題。全園除海浪的基礎結構骨架采用焊接形式外,海浪表面的圓形種植盒及頂部懸掛的水母骨架均采用模塊裝配的形式快速搭建, 既能快速展示設計效果還能有效的控制建造成本,也保證回收時的快速拆除。
The garden were displayed in a form of land art which was abstracted from the whirlpool of the sea. This ocean-themed exhibit series were made to call on public’s attention to ocean environmental protection.
The given timeframe is extremely limited, there were about 30 days for construction and 15 days for design. After site investigation, the team found that the site was quite small and there was a 1.5-meter elevation change. The gardens was designed to follow the existing topography so that the site will remain intact after the flower show. Aggregation of modules help solving these problems. Except several welding for the metal frames, the form of vortex were created with assembling of modular planters, which helped budget control, as well as fast removal.
▼漩渦安裝——采取低干預的策略搭建結構骨架,也便于展覽結束后快速復原場地 ?大小營造
▼預制模塊安裝——種植模塊采用螺栓快速固定在建筑模板上;頂部懸掛的玻璃紗預先用魚線縫制在構件上 ?大小營造
After the design was submitted, the team received a number of request from the committee. Through coordination and communication, the design was compromised - plant selection was limited to 70% of bougainvillea and 30% of herbal plants; the area was cut from 320㎡ to 260㎡, and the height was lowered to 4m height.
▼植物種植——工人們在快速種植模塊內的植物 ?大小營造
▼植物調整——設計師對部分效果不理想的植物進行替換補種 ?大小營造
▼開放前一天的最后矯正 ?森斯
Above the Sea
海浪的形態從地面緩緩向上呈向心狀涌起,通過220 組可拆卸的金屬種植模塊與主題花卉有機結合,將不同顏色的花卉通過漸變的手法,模擬海水逐浪的動態過程。種植盒內的花卉,由白色、粉紫色、深藍色逐漸又過渡到白色, 整體色調呈現比較淡雅,用花卉的色調營造了海面色彩層層遞進直至頂端浪花翻涌的唯美景象。為保證海面的完整性及漸變的延續性,這次對種植池內植物的高度也有所限定,沒有選擇用規格比較大的植物品種。
The Vortex was composed of two spiral landform structure made of 220 prefabricated planters, resembling the waves above the sea. A gradient selection of white, pink, purple, and dark blue flora spread with the planters. A field of vortex was created along with the rising of the planter structure.
▼人們駐足、觀賞、互動 ?南西攝影
▼若隱若現的種植模塊 ?南西攝影
Under the Sea
沿著兩側緩緩上升的海浪,步入海底珊瑚秘境后,便來到了一處沉浸式的體驗空間。我們通過篩選不同形態及顏色的花卉,模仿海底千姿百態的珊瑚。通過海浪底部鏡面不銹鋼材料的圍合,將人在海底暢游的景觀 “動”,與園路鋪裝植物“靜”,都倒映在其中,打造了一個絢爛多彩的海底珊瑚世界。結合空中隨風擺動的水母,更為中心海底空間增添一份體驗上的沉浸感。盡管漩花園的占地面積很小,但無論是進出漩渦帶來的空間變化,還是鏡面映射的另一個世界,都給不同年齡的人帶來了豐富的體驗和樂趣。
Along with the path that was framed by the rising vortex, visitors gradually walked into underseas, where succulent and herbal plants with various shapes and colors represent the coral reef. The back sides of the vortex were made of mirror-finish steel panels, which reflect adjacent images, that sensually enlarged the space. The dangling light fabrics were so soft that the light breeze effortlessly made them swim like jellyfish. Even though the footprint of Vortex was modest, the mini garden provided an interesting experience for people to interact with.
▼平面呈螺旋向心的漩花園 ?南西攝影
▼在“海底”玩耍的小朋友們 ?南西攝影
▼傍晚的海底世界 ?南西攝影
▼隨?擺動的“水母”,材質為白色玻璃紗 ?南西攝影
Recycle! Reuse!
After a short period (21 days) of exhibition, the flower show had ended, and the landscape architects had retrieved the planter modules right before the dismantling process started. The recycled modules were successfully reused in three places separately - public roof deck, street corner by the sidewalk, and community garden. The circular modules were reorganized as furniture and planters based on the sizes and locations of the new sites. Whether in the empty roof deck or at the street corner, the reorganized module pieces turned the places into active social spaces.
▼同事們快樂地遇見屋頂露臺上的新花園 ?林丙興
▼步行小街上的“新客廳” ?林丙興
▼小街的變化吸引了路人駐足拍照 ?林丙興
▼新置入的種植池家具漸漸為小街帶來活力 ?林丙興
Despite The Vortex’s extremely limited timeframe and construction budget, the aggregation of modules improved its construction efficiency. More importantly, the modules could be recycled and reused in another places permanently, instead of being destroyed. The Vortex exhibited paying attention the gardens’ life cycle in temporary flower/garden shows, which are meaningful public events for recreation and aesthetics appreciation. Aggregation of modules does not mean compromising on creativity in terms of design. Careful study of typology and repetitive structure are the keys to achieve site identity and richness in design. When these design methods are applied as forms, public will be educated while they enjoy the beauty of the work.
Project Data
Design Name: The Vortex
Project Name: 2021 Shenzhen Bougainvillea Flower Show Bao’an Garden
Project Location: Shenzhen, China
Landscape Design: Atelier Scale Fabrication Lab
Design Team: Qin Yan, Xiang Chen, Fan Wang, Xing Ye
Planting Support Team: Fan Wang, Qin Yan, Yujuan Zhong, Jingwen Zhang, Zhilu Wang, Zhengzheng Xiong
Recycling Support Team: Fan Wang, Qin Yan, Shilong Zhou, Zhihua Chen, Yibin Zhang, Shaozhong Yuan, Jiawei Ling, Zhilu Wang, Yimei Zheng, Jingwen Zhang, Yuantao Lin
Producer: Huicheng Zhong, Bingxing Lin
Client: Shenzhen Bao’an Urban Management bureau
Construction Contractor: Shenzhen Sensi Environmental Art Engineering, Ltd
Photo Credit: Nancy Studio