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上海張江藝術公園景觀設計 | WEST 8

West?8 2021-08-11
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    WEST 8 
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張江藝術公園位于上海浦東張江科學城西北片區的核心,原來是兩座比鄰的公園,被春曉路一南一北分開,建于不同年代、風格各異。北側的公園較為開敞,南側則林木茂密。張江當代藝術館位于南側公園中, 多年以來積攢了大量優秀的室外雕塑作品,密集放置在南側公園有限的空間中。

作為West 8參與的張江科學城西北片區城市更新項目的一部分,張江藝術公園的整合提升將成為西北片區更新的第一步。在規劃上作為西北片區核心帶狀公共空間--“綠框”公園--的西部起點,張江藝術公園將推動整個西北片區各街區的多樣化進程,帶動社區商業和文化的發展。

Zhangjiang Art Park is located in the core of the northwest area of Zhangjiang Science City in Pudong, Shanghai. Originally two, adjacent parks divided by the Chunxiao Road in the middle, the north and south parks which were built in different eras and with different landscape styles. The park on the north side was designed with an open character, while park on the south side was densely forested. In addition, the Zhangjiang Contemporary Art Museum is located in the southern park. Over the years, this southern park accumulated a large number of free-standing outdoor sculpture works, which were densely placed in the limited space around the museum.
As part of the West 8’s Northwest District Urban Upgrade Project of the Zhangjiang Science City, the integration and upgrading of Zhangjiang Art Park will be the first step in the renewal of the northwest area. In terms of urban planning, as the western starting point of the central located strip-shaped public space in the northwest area - the "Green frame" park - Zhangjiang Art Park will promote the diversification of the entire northwest area and the development of community commerce and culture.


Urban Upgrade Master Plan of Northwest District 

01 MASTERPLAN  ? West 8.jpg

West 8主導了張江藝術公園的總體規劃和景觀設計,同時與同濟景觀院等本地顧問團隊進行了深化合作。


West 8 led the overall planning and landscape design of Zhangjiang Art Park and cooperated with local consultant teams including the landscape department of the Tongji Architectual Design (Group) Co., Ltd. for the developed design and construction supervision. 
The foundation of landscape transformation of the two parks arrived from a comprehensive analysis and positioning from an urban design perspective. The first step was to define the interface between the park and the city, the relationship between the park and the two main roads: Bibo Road on the West and Zuchong Road on the south. In the past, due to the fences and shrubs between the park and Bibo Road, this introverted park could neither accumulate visitors through the urban streets, nor provide a pleasant landscape experience for the surrounded urban blocks.



former park edge

03 park edge (before)  ? West 8.jpg

在“綠框”串聯功能的前提指引下,一條全新的濱水道沿著公園碧波路一側縱向推進。寬闊的濱水道上,三色嵌套重疊的鋪裝圖案,強調了這里作為城市生活魅力核心展示空間的重要性。 同時,它也是內側柔性公園的景觀背脊線,清澈的湖面和茂盛的花木沿著這條主要動線的東側徐徐展開,發散出去的園路和跨越水面的景觀橋使行走在林蔭道上的城市人群擁有了隨時可以進入或離開公園的靈活選擇自由度。濱水道如同一條拉鏈,將以往割裂的公園和城市街區縫合在一起。景觀與城市發展相互帶動、共生共榮。

Under the urban reconnecting principle of the green framed park, a brand new waterfront boulevard is extended along the park edge of Bibo Road. On the widened pedestrian walkway, the three-color overlapped paving pattern emphasizes the importance of this location as the core “show- off space” as the charm of urban life. At the same time, it also acts as the landscape ridgeline between the soft and green park on the inner side. The clear lake and lush flowers and trees slowly spread out along the east side of this main traffic axis. The diverging park paths and the pedestrian bridges across the water give the urban crowd on the boulevard the flexibility to enter or leave the park at any time. The waterfront boulevard is like a zipper, stitching the previously separated parks and urban blocks together. This project is proof that integrating Landscape and urban development drive, coexist and prosper each other, together.



waterfront boulevard and path system 

02 boulevard and path system  ? West 8.jpg


waterfront boulevard

04 park edge- new boulevard R1_High_003 ? Wang Zilu.jpg


paving pattern of the  waterfront boulevard

05 boulevard pattern ? West 8.jpg


On the south side of the park, the Zuchongzi Road with its heavy traffic and Zhangjiang High-tech Metro Station are facing the axis of Zhang Contemporary Art Museum. The entrance plaza, covered by the cherry tree canopy, faces the turbulent traffic to declare the main entrance of the park and strengthen the axis towards the Art Museum. The lush canopy filters out the noise of the Zuchongzi Road and brings people into the green environment of the park step by step. The transformation of the museum axis respects the original layout. The large trees that have grown over the years are kept. At the same time, the space under the trees are cleaned and unified with a coherent design language. The space in this area, which has been gradually scattered over the years, is now reorganized into a clear and linear space, a three-layer axis of "museum - green trail - waterfront walkway".



former museum axis

06 museum axis (before)  ? West 8.jpg


the entrance plaza under the tree canopy and the museum axis

07 museum axis ? Wang Zilu.jpg



The original paths in the park have been reorganized and adjusted. The existing foundation that can be reused is recycled as much as possible; whereas the park paths which hinder the overall accessibility of the future park is decisively removed. The selection of hard landscape materials are a comfortable and low-key gray color: The main pathways uses gray asphalt which is suitable for jogging, the secondary pathways use traditional and stable blue-gray bricks.
30 cm wide granite curbstones, wider than the general park path, and small cobble stones are holding the path in place on both sides. Besides visually delicate and stable, it is easier to transfer to and easier to maintain the soft green on both sides. As the extension of the drainage slope of the path surface, the cross-section of the curbstone is a gentle curve, akin to a pillow, as a cushioned edge to the soft terrain. "The soft hardscape" - the gentle and soft look and feel bring an unexpected closeness to the sharp and hard granite and brick landscape.


the “soft” hardscape

08 soft path R2_High_018 ? Wang Zilu.jpg


The artworks, previously densely placed in the park on the south side, are now the hidden treasures of the combined park. During this renovation, the artworks were rearranged, repositioned and relocated in both north and south parks of the park. Against the backdrop of the newly designed terrain, water features and vegetation communities, these artworks with their own independent stages turn to be the most representative focus points in the park an provide a unified theming to the combined parks. 



artworks densely located in the former park

09 artwork too crowded (before)  ? West 8.jpg


artworks turned to be the focus points in the park

10 art work reorganized  ? West 8.jpg


artworks obtained own stages

11 art with new stage R2_High_022 ? Wang Zilu.jpg


The original lake and waterways in the park are not only the main elements dividing the park spaces, but also an important stage for the display of the artworks. The transformation of the park needs to start with the transformation of the water body. Water bodys that had been disconnected due to siltation were relinked. After the silt is cleaned up, ecological water plants that can improve water quality are planted on the bottom of the water. The former muddy water body once again became a leisure place for citizens to congregate. Large surfaces of lush flowers are planted on the sloping banks. Today, you will see sculptures are lying on the waterside, as nature and art are both expertly highlighted with the changing of the seasons.



the clean lake became a leisure place for the citizens

12 new water body R1_High_024 ? Wang Zilu.jpg


flowers on the water edge

13 plant on the water edge R1_High_019 ? Wang Zilu.jpg

這次改造的另一個決定性措施, 是清理公園中叢生的園林類雜灌木。經過多年生長,園中的林灌木茂密。但由于缺乏統一的養護標準,公園中的中下層植被生長過度。加上原有古典園林式的多層植物配置方式,使得公園的可達性、安全性和公共活動屬性受到嚴重干擾。甚至于常來此地的人都不曾意識到這座公園的存在。 

Another important measure for this renovation was the cleaning up of the garden-style bushes in the park. After years of growth, due to the lack of coherent maintenance standards, the middle and lower vegetation in the park had become overgrown and dense. People who often visited the area were not aware of the existence of the park. This overgrown, dense planting was a symptom of the former classical garden-style multi-layer planting strategy. Today, the park’s accessibility, safety and public awareness is greatly improved. 


in the former park, overgrown garden-style bushes blocks the view

14 planting(before)  ? West 8.jpg

一座位于城市核心區的市民公園需要與之匹配的植栽策略。 經過多輪方案比較,業主項目管理團隊和設計團隊下決心做減法,將阻隔視線和游客活動的0.8-2米區間中高類灌木去除,打造可以成為城市開放空間的“疏林草地”景觀。打通后的公園視線深遠、舒朗大氣、綠草濃蔭,通過開敞、富有層次感的綠色空間,城市-公園一體化的人群視線監控,消除了以往公園帶給人的局促和不安全感。


A civic park located in the city center needs a matching planting strategy. After rounds of scheme comparisons, the client’s project management team and the design team together determined to remove the medium-high shrubs. Planting in the range of 0.8-2.0-meter-high which blocked the sight and tourist activities were removed to create a type of landscape that can become an public open space in the city: a sparse forest with grass field. Today, the opened-up park has far-reaching sight-lines, a comfortable atmosphere and casts welcoming green shadows. The open layered green spaces and the city-park feeling help to eliminate the previously cramped, unsecured park.
Comparatively, the current tree species in the park are very rich. After years of growth, the canopies of the transplanted trees have opened and fully stretched to form a covering that is incomparable by newly-built parks. While making the transformation strategy, besides the necessary cleaning and removing, most of the well-growing trees have been retained. The area where new trees must be added is purposefully controlled within the range of the two tree species: zelkova is placed on the boulevard and swamp cypress is planted within the park. This maintains the diversity of the original trees, but avoids a messy or cluttered view.


preserved mature trees and new themed groundcovers

15 exi tree+ new groundcover R1_High_022 ? Wang Zilu.jpg


Combined, the North and South parks have a large and one small open, sunny lawn, providing space for recreation of leisure activities for visitors. Under the shade of the trees are winding, undulating ground cover belts, all below one meter of height. In accordance to the growing environment, the ground cover belts are divided into four colorful themes: thick shade, evergreen, rhododendron valley and a four seasons herbaceous border, which provide contrasts with the neutral color, uniform style, simple and low-key hard landscape. The selection of plants is not only full and natural, but also easy to maintain. The design team carefully avoided using plants with artificial textures or appearances, or species with uncontrollable growth stages or appearances in certain seasons. Walking on the park paths, passing through the patches of plant communities with seasonal colors and different themes, it is a treat for the eyes and also emphasizes the people-oriented design goal of the park:  nature as a priority, hardscape as background.



Citizens enjoy the sun and fresh air

16 lawn on the north R2_High_006 ? Wang Zilu.jpg

West 8認為:改造類項目需要挑戰更多的實際落地問題。特別是在項目后期,會面臨各類現場突發情況,要求業主方和設計方不斷根據調整中的時間表、造價、規范、地下開挖情況做出相應的妥協。


West 8 believes that, within a transformation project, there is  a need to challenge and propose practical implementation methods and understand the issues regarding a renovation. Especially in the later stages of the project, there will be various on-site emergencies, requiring both owner and the designer to make corresponding compromises according to the adjusted timetable, cost, specifications, and underground excavation conditions. 
A project can easily deviate from the original total strategy due to various trivial and intensive external pressures, leading to the fragmentation of space and the disorder of design vocabulary. In this project, the close cooperation between the client and the designers is particularly crucial. The designer must provide the client with objective and reliable explanations and provide suggestions from a professional perspective to help the client maintain a holistic perspective to make long-term decisions. This process includes not only the overall control from the urban design perspective, but also the persistence on unities in the process of detail adjustment.


A layered green space with far-reaching vision 

17 layered open space R1_High_011 ? Wang Zilu.jpg


Within this project, hard work brought great rewards. The natural advantages of the site --- large trees with beautiful shapes and excellent artworks laid an irreplaceable atmosphere for the park at the first moment after opening. Because the natural environment already passed the test of time, the new park "framework" provided by West 8 has provided a high-quality open space which will benefit the surrounding city and neighbourhood for a long time in the future.








Project: Zhangjiang Northwest Area – Art Park 

Location: Shanghai, China 

Design: 2017-2018

Realisation: 2019-2019

Size: 8.5ha

Scope of Works: park renovation

Client: Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Company  

Design Team: Christian Dobrick, Yichun He, Laura Font Gallart, Yuxin He, Emanuele Paladin, Fernando Diez, XiaoJun Liu, Francesca Pelizzaro, Ela Chojecka

In association with: Tongji Architectual Design (Group) Co., Ltd. 

More information:  pr@west8.com









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