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上海莊行社區花園景觀設計 | 四葉草堂&泛境景觀設計

四葉草堂 2021-06-03
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    劉悅來 嚴建雯 李杰 拾柒 奧沙-亞瑟


Project Overview



The project is located in Fengxian New Town, Shanghai, covering an area of about 5 hectares. It is located between the planned green corridor and the ecological corridor. It is also located in the residential living circle. There are many communities and schools around it. There is a Zhuanghang Country Park in the same area. The community foundation and ecology The base is in good condition.
The base was originally a garbage dump, which was transformed into an urban green space in 2019. However, there is a lack of facilities and space in the site to meet the growing demand for leisure and the exchange of surrounding residents. In addition, the largest firefly habitat in Shanghai was discovered in Qixian Village, which is in the same area as the base, and more than a dozen fireflies listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature were also found 1.3 kilometers away from the base. Species red list of dog badgers. The badger is the largest existing terrestrial wild mammal in Shanghai. It is a key protected wild animal in Shanghai, and it is also a "very small population species" in Shanghai. From 1997 to 2007, according to two wild animal resource surveys and daily monitoring in Shanghai 10 years apart, the population of dog badgers in the suburbs of Shanghai has been distributed in isolated spots. The population of the city is less than 25. If effective measures are not taken, The dog badger will soon be completely extinct in the suburbs of Shanghai. The existence of the habitats of yellow-veined winged fireflies and dog badgers puts forward extremely high requirements on the ecological design of the project base. The special conditions of the base and the precious surrounding ecological resources make the development and design of the plot full of challenges.

▼ 螢螢鄰里樂園鳥瞰 

Aerial view of Firefly Neighborhood Park ? 奧沙-亞瑟

螢螢鄰里樂園鳥瞰 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg


Design Strategy


The existing site is transformed from a waste landfill. There are high-voltage lines above the site and liquefied oil pipes are buried underground, which restricts crowd activities and landscape planting. Based on this situation, in the design, the east side of the site is set as an ecological section focusing on ecological conservation, and the main crowd activities are placed in the community section on the west side of the site. Taking into account the needs of the applicable people in the surrounding residential areas and community nursing homes, and comprehensively considering the daily activities of the whole age group, the community section is divided into the health care area/parent-child play area/outdoor sports area/cute pet paradise. The first phase of the project focuses on creating a parent-child play area with the theme of the local star species fireflies, and a recreation area that stimulates the elderly's sense of social belonging and mental health as the starting point.



Plane analysis



The parent-child amusement area is based on the theme of the native star species of fireflies, the yellow-veined fireflies, with the four metamorphosis processes of the yellow-veined fireflies’ eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults as the mainline. The fireflies are connected in the natural environment as umbrella guards. "Neighbors" such as earthworms, garden spiders, dogs, white-headed bulbuls, fireflies, and decorated frogs. In the overall landscape narrative, natural species are personified, and the habitat elements of their "neighbors" are refined, and they are transformed into interesting and interactive landscape nodes through space design techniques. In addition, combined with landscape design, a series of popular science signs, guidebooks, habitat manuals, and a series of activities that guide parents and children to participate in interaction have been produced. It is hoped that these contents will guide community park users (especially children) to pay attention to the nature around them, understand the importance of habitat, and promote the link between people and nature in community activities.
The design of the health care area pays attention to the spiritual needs of the elderly and hopes to create a place where the body and soul are endowed with a sense of security, comfort, belonging, respect, and self-worth through landscape design. Starting from the daily scenes of the elderly, the power of nature is added, so that the elderly can learn, depending on, provide for, enjoy, and protect the elderly here. The design is aimed at the behavior pattern characteristics and physical and mental needs of the elderly, and the Wuyue Garden, Gardening Experience Garden, Herb Garden, Healing Trail, and other areas are implanted in the space to give the elderly a garden experience that is close to nature and physically and mentally happy.






Science signs - habitat manuals



Node sequence



Relying on the original topography and ecological base, Zhuanghang Park takes the four metamorphosis processes from the eggs, larvae, pupae to adults of the yellow-veined firefly as the mainline, imitating the flight path of the yellow-veined firefly, connecting the fireflies in the ecological environment. "Men.
In the overall landscape narrative, natural species are personified, and the habitat characteristics of their "neighbors" are refined into interesting and interactive landscape nodes through space design.


Habitat story and node sequence combined with map


1 螢火蟲初生

The birth of firefly



The protagonist——Yingying was born on the moist moss. Bulb lamps and ferns are used to mimic the living environment of firefly eggs in mosses.



The birth of firefly ? 劉悅來

01節點:螢火蟲初生 攝影:劉悅來.jpg

2 蚯蚓





Yingying, still a baby, meets grandpa earthworm in the soil,and joins him for a walk.The holes encourage people to imitate the moving behavior of earthworms in order to understand how earthworms travel in nature. Willow woven corridor mimics how earthworms travel through existing corridors in earth. People will learn how earthworms breathe, eat organic matters and be encouraged to observe earthworms.



Earthworm ? 奧沙-亞瑟


02節點:蚯蚓2 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

3 蝸牛迷宮

Snail maze



Yingying comes to the snail maze where he will find his only food source the door snails. Visitors are encouraged to walk through the maze to look for snails and learn how Cutos costipennis eat the door snails: he would anesthetize the snail first and inject digestive enzymes to turn the snail into a meat soup.


Snail maze ? 奧沙-亞瑟

03節點:蝸牛迷宮 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

4 蜘蛛蹦床

Spider trampoline



After Yingying gets his wings, he runs into the orb-weaving spiders where he jumps up in fright but tactfully saves a friend Lingling. The act of jumping reminds participants that the spider is the enemy of the firefly, and that fireflies also emit light and smell when in danger.



Spider trampoline ? 奧沙-亞瑟

04節點:蜘蛛蹦床 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

5 狗獾之家(小小游樂場)

Badger’s House(Little Amusement Park)



Yingying and Lingling fly at night when they meet brother badger who is looking for food. They visited his home later. 
Little Amusement Park is designed for children aged 3-12. The wall mimics the distribution of badgers' cave, and the ground is inlaid with 1:1 proportion of badgers' footprints. Children can find the home along the badgers' footsteps and know the distribution of badgers' toilets and bedrooms with the slide track.



Badger’s House ? 奧沙-亞瑟

05節點:狗獾之家 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

05節點:狗獾之家2 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

6 觀鳥臺

Bird watching



Yingying and Ling Ling follow their badger brother to search for fruit in the Broussonetia papyrifera and find the light-vented bulbul is taking a nap. There are binoculars on the bird watching platform and people will learn about other common birds in Shanghai through interactive signs where instructions for birth watching are shown as well.



Bird watching? 嚴建雯

06節點:觀鳥臺 攝影:嚴建雯.jpg

7 螢火蟲溜索

Firefly zip line



Yingying and Lingling fly to the water's edge where they meet another relative in Shanghai, Luciola substriata.Luciola substriata are aquatic fireflies whose flight path is a straight line. Through the zip line, people will learn how this firefly flies.



Firefly zip line ? 奧沙-亞瑟

07節點:螢火蟲溜索 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg


Frog pond



This is the last neighbor Yingying and Lingling encounter. The importance of water in nature is introduced in the design, and different forms of water are presented through fog, dry creek and other design techniques. The frog pond is equipped with abundant submerged, floating and emergent plants, hoping to attract more species of frogs to inhabit here.


Frog pond ? 奧沙-亞瑟

08節點:青蛙水池01 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

08節點:青蛙水池02 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

9 螢火蟲產卵

Firefly pupa



Yingying and Lingling give birth on a clean and moist moss and thus peacefully retire from life.The hope is that the fireflies will thrive in this land and coexist with its neighbors, including humans.


Firefly pupa ? 奧沙-亞瑟

08節點:螢火蟲產卵 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg


Healing garden and Allotment garden


菜園通過在地育苗、種植、收獲、堆肥,讓能量循環可持續,同時融入中國傳統的二十四節氣指導種植,注入文化內涵。 這樣的“共享菜園”在社區營造中起到重要作用,為周邊老人及兒童提供種植、互動的空間。


The allotment garden and the healing garden are specially designed. By cultivating seeds, planting, harvesting and composting, the materials and energy are recycled. The traditional Chinese 24 solar terms are used to guide the planting. This shared garden is very important in community building and provides space for growing and interactions especially for the local elderly and children. The healing garden stimulates our five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste) through a sensory environment with insects, birds, plants and water. The interactions will help people to relieve stress, soothe emotions and restore energy.



Healing garden ? 奧沙-亞瑟/嚴建雯

為老設計1 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

為老設計2 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

為老設計3 攝影:嚴建雯.jpg


Design highlights



The material used are considered for their eco-friendly qualities:the hardscape with pervious concrete, the play area cushion and buffer layer uses tree bark, the dry creek area behaving like a rain garden and some seats with insect boxes embedded. It is not very common to use tree barks for the buffer area in playground thus there were disagreements between designers and the construction team. After a thorough discussion, the designers convinced the construction team to turn the base layer into concrete with permeable qualities. The whole designed area is permeable which Is very effective during Shanghai’s June and July rain seasons.



The play area cushion and buffer layer uses tree bark ? 奧沙-亞瑟

游樂區樹皮緩沖墊層 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg


The design content also planned activities of different themes in December. In July this year, we ushered in the opening ceremony & cultural festival of the Firefly Community Garden. On the opening day of the community garden, there were young parents with their children, grandparents with their family and friends coming together. The designers were very touched to see many smiling faces and hear many positive feedbacks.The opening day attracted many local institutions and businesses. They will further be selected based on the activities they provide and their popularity to be long term partners with the garden. They will also help with training volunteers with the guidance of the community organizer to increase work opportunities locally and become the local force for a sustainable future.



Children playing by the pool ? 拾柒

兒童在水池邊嬉戲 攝影:拾柒.jpg


Opening of the park in July ? 拾柒

七月份開園活動 攝影:拾柒.jpg


We have always been working hard to build a beautiful home where man and nature coexist. As designers, as community planners, as community event planners and participants, we are pursuing this sincere dream. Sometimes inspired, sometimes hindered, and more often unknown and diligent. But like every time the project was Built, when we came to the Zhanghang Park after it built, we heard the croaking of frogs in the pond, saw the smiling faces of children chasing insects, and imagined the coming of fireflies in the future. We have gained some strength, enough to support us forward.



Signage design ? 奧沙-亞瑟/嚴建雯

公園入口 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

標識系統設計03 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

標識系統設計01 攝影:奧沙-亞瑟.jpg

標識系統設計02 攝影:嚴建雯.jpg






主創設計師: 魏閩 嚴建雯






攝影師:劉悅來 嚴建雯 李杰 拾柒 奧沙-亞瑟

Project name: Shanghai Zhuanghang Community Garden

Completed: July 2020

Area: Site area-52,000㎡, Phase I: 8,300 ㎡

Project location: Nanting Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai

Design company: Shanghai Clover Nature School & Pandscape Design

Lead designer: Wei Min, Yan Jianwen

Construction drawing design: Hou Xuebing, Wang Xiangying

Planting Design: Xie Wenwan

Signage design: Ji Lin, He Jie

Ecological design: Li Jie

Developer: Dowell Group

Photographer: Liu Yuelai, Yan Jianwen, Li Jie, Shi Qi, Aosha-Arthur








