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巴塞羅那格拉夫垃圾填埋場景觀修復 | Batlleiroig

BatlleiRoig 2022-02-14
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    Jordi Surroca


A new agricultural landscape ?Jordi Surroca



The progressive recovery of life in the old landfill, configuring a new agricultural landscape through topography, hydrology and vegetation.


Nowadays deposit  ?Jordi Surroca



The landscape restoration of this landfill combines in a single operation the two basic objectives that this type of intervention requires: solving a complex technical problem and defining a new landscape. Even so, the proposal incorporates a third objective by proposing this site as a new free access space in the Garraf Natural Park.


A new free access space in the Garraf Natural Park ?Jordi Surroca

瓦爾·登·瓊(Vall d’en Joan)垃圾填埋場位于Baix Llobregat地區Begues 與 Gavá市的格拉夫自然公園內。該垃圾填埋場的歷史可以追溯到1974年,那時巴塞羅那和大都會區的大多數城市垃圾都填埋在這里。如今,該場地占地60公頃,其中20公頃的填埋場已經關停或修復。

The Vall d’en Joan deposit is located in the Garraf Natural Park within the municipalities of Begues and Gavá in the Baix Llobregat region. The beginning of the exploitation of the deposit dates from the year 1974 with the dumping since then of most of the urban waste of Barcelona and the municipalities of its metropolitan area. At present, it occupies an area of 60 hectares of which 20 hectares have already been restored from the closure and restoration project presented here.


A path that will run through the entire restored space ?Jordi Surroca




The closure and restoration project has been developed from a landscape idea: to create a landscape of agricultural terraces that unifies the whole complex. The reference to the agricultural world offered us three important advantages:
In other parts of the Garraf massif there are cultivated valleys, so transforming the deposit into an agricultural landscape implied integrating it with the same instruments that man has already used.
The agricultural techniques of topographic modification, water control, and crop development had many similarities with the technical needs that had to be resolved in the clause and restoration of this deposit.
The personal fascination for the images that agriculture has created on our territories leads us to think on many occasions that their use is the best solution for the planning of new places.


Various topographic shape of the terraces ?Jordi Surroca


The vegetation implantation process is carried out from highly resistant native species, with few water needs and adapted to the environment. The plantation is organized into plant structures linked to the topographic shape of the terraces –fields, slopes, drains, and roads– using autochthonous legume crops, various tree and shrub species, and species typical of the Mediterranean maquis.


Scenes of winter ?Jordi Surroca


The formalization of the various terraces has made it possible to establish a path that will run through the entire restored space, crossing the different fields and going up through the various terraces. This path allows you to visit the place connecting in its upper part with a landscape itinerary of the Garraf Natural Park. At the same time, this road allows the passage of the necessary maintenance vehicles.


Project plan ? batlleiroig









建筑:Batlleiroig Arquitectura. Enric Batlle Durany, Joan Roig i Duran 

農業工程:Teresa Galí-Izard


建筑:Mario Sú?er Díaz, Xavier Ramoneda, Jordi Nebot, Clara Terradellas Rosell          農業工程和環境保護:Yago Cavaller Galí 

農業工程和景觀設計:Elena Mostazo, Dolors Feu

圖片版權: Jordi Surroca (http://www.instagram.com/jordisurrocabcn)

視頻版權:Jordi Surroca + Xose Cazes


Project name:Landscape restoration of the Garraf Controlled Waste Landfill in Barcelona

Client: AMB – àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Entitat Metropolitana de Serveis Hidràulics i Tractament de Residus

Authors: Batlleiroig Arquitectura. Enric Batlle Durany, Joan Roig i Duran – Architect/ Teresa Galí-Izard – Agricultural engineer 

Team: Mario Sú?er Díaz, Xavier Ramoneda, Jordi Nebot, Clara Terradellas Rosell – Architect / Yago Cavaller Galí – Agricultural engineer and environmentalist / Elena Mostazo, Dolors Feu – Agricultural engineer and landscape architect

Collaborators: Proser – Engineering, Geocisa – Geotechnics and foundations, RDS – Engineering

Builder: Urbaser, FCC – Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, Cepsa, Comsa, Emte

Area: 722.321 m2

Start date: 2000

Location: El Garraf, Barcelona

Photo credits: Jordi Surroca (http://www.instagram.com/jordisurrocabcn)

Video credits: Jordi Surroca + Xose Cazes











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