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上海尚博金融中心景觀設計 | 澳派景觀

ASPECTStudios 2021-01-26
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概述  Overview

景觀提出高度統一的設計解決方案,旨在以強烈的一種設計語言應對限制和挑戰,從而將場地重新整合在一起,同時賦予場地靈活性和兼容性。層疊錯落的懸浮式構筑,以其高低變化和玩味的組合方式,配以恰當的綠植(喬木、灌木組合)以及增加覆土條件, 從而緩和、隱藏并消化原本消極的限制影響。

A singular, unified response that was flexible and adaptive to mitigate the many constraints. The layered shifting frames navigate, rise, fall and adapt playfully throughout the site to alleviate, conceal and simultaneously embrace these constraints while accommodating trees, shrubs and significant soil build up upon the basement structure. Inverting the negative elements into positive solutions for the project was essential.

▲ 項目俯瞰 ? 魯冰

初衷  Intent


We were briefed to create a refined yet unique landscape for the new office community that mitigated the minefield of unsightly constraints. In response to this, we wanted to augment access to plants and greenery, and at the same time provide a space for social interactions and flexibility for future operations. The intent was to enrich the everyday lives of the users, whilst creating a unique environment and identity for the community within its urban setting, ultimately connecting people with nature.

18007-ASPECT Studios-Sunbow- Expoland-11-Photo Credit- Lubing.jpg

 ▲ 綠色長廊  ? 魯冰

隱藏的復雜性  Hidden Complexity


There were varying limitations and challenging restrictions on the design. The highly constrained space, with significant above ground utilities and structural elements peppered the design, fragmenting principal spaces, creating a minefield of considerations. The thought process behind the design was a simple notion of positioning nature as the centerpiece with the idea of a literal expression

 of “framing nature”. The form and composition of the design was developed to be one that was unified, bold, unique yet purposeful and controlled to reflect the architectural simplicity while playfully articulated to create a human scale experience with social pockets and a holistic identity.

 ▲ “自然框景”理念  ? ASPECT Studios

? ASPECT Studios

項目  The Project


The site is located in the new regeneration district in Pudong adjacent to the Huangpu River, the Sunbow Financial Centre sits at the intersection of Pudong Road and Huafeng Road, conveniently placed in a walkable position to the Shanghai Metro line 6 and 7. The project consists of two high rise office buildings, a central garden and landscape promenade around the perimeter, with a total site area of over 13,400sqm. The office communities are encompassed with a network of layered social and plated floating frames with curable pockets. Trees and shrubs are set within defined forms generating social gathering spaces and casual seating nodes, with each building hosting their own private social sky gardens.

 ▲ 綠色長廊鳥瞰 ? 魯冰

漂浮花園  Floating Garden


A central place for the office community to meet, with subtle sounds of cascading water softening and reducing urban noise to create an ambient and relaxing social gathering point. The area has been transformed into an engaging and prominent central feature allowing users to explore, interact and come together enjoying the tranquilities within. 

4. Floating garden concept.jpg

? ASPECT Studios


? ASPECT Studios


Throughout the design process we researched multiple ways. Great efforts were made to express the overall intent of the central floating garden to ultimately satisfy the complex ventilation, structural and MEP engineering requirements, whilst constructing a signature experience and identity.


? 魯冰

7. Floating garden process GIF.jpg

? ASPECT Studios

矩形的框架以分層、立體的形式,構建精簡的結構語序。框架的內部掩藏了多種設備、通道結構、樓梯和電梯,將不美觀的缺點瞬間轉變成場地中央特色。Creating a connection to the simple architecture vernacular, the rectangular frame creates a layered three-dimensional form casing and embracing the multitude of utilities, access structure, stairs and lift heads within. This transformed an unsightly weakness into the hidden basis of the intricate central feature.


? 魯冰

綠色長廊  Green Promenade


The office complex is predominantly used by people working there, occasionally accommodating business banquets and a small number of individuals from nearby communities. The vertical frames create a flexible space with volume and abundant with green textures.Under the strict requirements of green rate and emergency vehicular access, the space has become an adaptable urban hub for conversations and relaxation. Every design touch is subtle, yet elegant.

? 魯冰


Varying frame heights in the green promenade also create opportunities for outdoor sunken spaces and platforms that host a range of activities and art exhibitions. It aims to be a socially and culturally captivating environment that brings meaning, experience and life to the entire street.The design responds directly to the complex balance of the environment and human development. Plants within the commercial zone along the promenade exhibit the seasonal changes and attract butterflies and birds that build a small ecological world of their own.

? 魯冰


活力街道  Dynamic Streetscape


The planter beds embellish a buffer zone between the traffic and the pedestrian street. The streetscape becomes dynamic with walls at various heights, hanging plants, lighting and more. In the evening, the lighting belts create a visual connection with the road.It was indeed a meaningful move to transform the originally ordinary civil site into one that allows connections and interactions at human scale.

18007-ASPECT Studios-Sunbow- Expoland-07-Photo Credit- Lubing.jpg

 ? 魯冰

天空花園  Sky Garden


The sky garden provides pleasant spaces with human comfort. Plantings with different textures have defined the entire rooftop and generated many smaller spaces.


? 魯冰


The arrangement acknowledges different user needs, providing semi-public spaces for discussions and gatherings and semi-private enclosed areas for more intimate interactions.


? 魯冰

Project name: Sunbow Financial Center

Location: Shanghai 

Client: Shanghai Land (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai World Expo Land Holding Co., China Resources Land Shanghai Ltd. (agent construction)

Client Team:(Eastern China region) Chuanfei Sun, (Shanhai) Jinghai Jiang, Yulong Ye 

Landscape Architecture: Stephen Buckle (studio director)

Landscape Architecture Team Member: D.K. Dong, Chenoa He, Melody Lin, Jojo Zhang

Architecture Design: East China Urban Architectural Design & Research Institute

Lighting Design: Gradient Lighting Design Co., Ltd.

Landscape LDI: Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Decoration & Landscape Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Interior Design: HPP Architects

Signage Design: Environmental Art Design

Contractor:Shanghai Shangfang Greening Construction Co., Ltd.

Photographer: Lu Bing

Project Land Size: 13, 255.2 square meter

Landscape Size: 13, 490 square meter

Green Ratio: 20.73%

Construction Start Date: 2019.9

Date of Completion: 2020.1

項目名稱: 尚博金融中心




景觀設計:ASPECT Studios

景觀設計主創:Stephen Buckle (ASPECT Studios工作室總監)









總用地面積: 13,255.2平方米

景觀總面積: 13,490平方米

綠地率: 20.73%

開工時間: 2019年9月

竣工時間: 2020年1月






