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四川遂寧南濱江城市走廊景觀設計 | 易蘭規劃設計院 + 四川省建筑設計研究院

易蘭設計 2021-01-22
  • 項目名稱:
  • 項目地點:
  • 項目規模:
    130 萬平方米
  • 設計公司:
  • 委托方:
  • 建成時間:
  • 所獲獎項:
    2021ASLA綜合設計類榮譽獎 ,ULI城市土地學會亞太區卓越獎,IFLA國際風景園林師聯合會基礎設施類杰出獎(Outstanding Award),WAF世界建筑節最佳自然景觀獎
  • 圖片來源:




Suining City, in Sichuan Province, whichlocated in the middle of Sichuan Basinin the middle reaches of Fujiang River,is the core regional city in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone. It has thereputation of Guanyin’s hometown, with a deep cultural background and richwaterfront landscape resources. Suining city has earned the name of “EcologicalGarden City” with its diverse natural and cultural resources, including thewetland ecological park, the national geopark as well as the cultural heritagetown in the heart of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic regional district. Thecontinuous growth of population, economy, and industrial development has playeda leading and driving role to the development of Sichuan province. Themunicipal government’s vision is to add a beautiful landmark and destination toSuining and a popular waterfront leisure place for the citizens through thecreation of the landscape greenway of Binjiang South Road.




The original levee of the site is close to the waterfront, stiff and rigid, and of a single type; the urban interface lacks space for rest and stay, and lacks connection with the waterfront space.How to create a diversified water-philic space combined with a multi-functional urban open space combining the levee and increase the interest of the site are the main points of our design.

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Construct four major urban landscape systems




The Riverfront Greenway Park Project of Suining covers 1,300,000 m2 in area.  The full length is 9km, which is divided into three sections along the Fujiang River. Binjiang Park based on the planning is in the south portion of the city. To meet the diverse recreation needs and activities of the residents and visitors, ECOLAND's design program provides a highly participatory riverside green belt park.




The program focuses on the location and functional connection of the project to the whole urban area, making Binjiang Park the core area of the whole city's slow-moving network. As a result, the waterfront park becomes the most concentrated area for stopping and leisure activities in Fujiang River through the renovation and upgrading of the old wharf. Binjiang Park has become a link between the city and the green corridor, as well as the activity space of the whole city. 

The program deeply studies the route and psychological needs of visitors' activities, designs the path of lodging, viewing, sightseeing, and services, and combines the visual and cultural feelings brought by the urban space form to construct a  slow-moving space system in the city and the space of the overlooking node. Combined with the positioning and characteristics of the bridge across the river, the program focuses on  designing according to the landscape positioning of each section, forming various forms of landscape space area, paying attention to build the continuous slow moving system of the park, enhancing the connection between the city and the park, and introducing the urban crowd into the riverside park in four forms of characteristic walkways: sidewalk, underground passage, pedestrian bridge and landscape pedestrian bridge. 

Part 01 城市活力段-圣平島碼頭

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The dynamic section of the city corresponds to a large area of residential land around it, and the landscape is made for the intersection of the urban road. Between the urban road and the riverside embankment road, several connection channels are added, so that urban residents can easily reach the water’s edge for enjoyment. Retaining the existing flood prevention banks and top roads in this section serves the purpose of reducing the engineering quantity and construction cost. In the renovation, the ecological landscape and leisure functions of the embankment are enhanced, and the straight and boring embankment road is humanized, and made more refined and interesting, as to enrich the landscape experience of visitors. In the areas where conditions permit, the embankment will be transformed into water-friendly steps and additional landscape platforms to provide visitors with a variety of public vitality spaces and waterfront experiences. 

In addition, the original embankment road has been used to add running paths along the embankment, as well as various leisure facilities. Through these measures, the once-boring embankment road has been transformed into a slow-moving system with alternate green trees, that people can slow down or stop to enjoy. 


▲ 空間推演


Renewal and upgrade of flood control levee



Rainwater collection and utilization



The plant community on the site is retained according to the slope, and the surface rainwater is reasonably organized and watered layer by layer. The overlapping water outlets are used along the way to create the landscape, and the surplus rainwater is channeled into the street green belt through exquisitely designed rills on the sidewalk. This design organizes the whole pedestrian street into a stormwater management and display garden to collect and utilize precipitation runoff, organically combine the concept of natural ecology with exquisite design details, and preserve and design the original trees around them. 

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Part 02 城市活力段-休閑濕地

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The ecological wetland section uses the original low-lying pit, adjusts the water level, retains the original wetland structure, and realizes a low-cost restoration mode with the least human intervention. The pothole water system is dredged to enhance the flood storage and water transfer function of the river landscape. Dense aquatic plant growth allows fish and birds to comfortably inhabit the wetland park. The foundation of the original corridor and demolition structure in the pit is preserved and utilized, and a wetland recreation trestle road and view gallery frame are built to provide the citizens with pleasant leisure experience. In addition,  attention is paid the connection between the trestle system and the surrounding land, the walking road is extended through the surrounding business district and residential area to the wetland trestle system, forming the ring network of the area, which is connected with the bus station and the ferry port of the water traffic node. 



Ecological wetland water purification


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Construction Site






The first phase of the project has been fielded, showing that thedesign team used modern techniques to deduce the natural environment andhumanistic tradition of the concept of pursuit, which achieved theenvironmental goals that the government and citizens expected =in an"urban living room, recreation center and ecological hinterland",providing an ideal leisure place for Suining citizens.


項目名稱 :遂寧南濱江城市走廊 

設計單位 :易蘭規劃設計院、四川省建筑設計研究院 

建成時間 :2019-6 

項目規模 :130 萬平方米 

項目地點 :四川省遂寧市 

項目類別 :生態規劃類 

設計團隊 :陳躍中、莫曉、唐艷紅、田維民、楊源鑫、 張金玲、李碩、胡曉丹、陳廷千、高靜、趙華、陳利等 

攝 影 師 :河貍景觀攝影、目外攝影




