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鄭州西川生態修復景觀設計案 | 翰祥景觀

翰祥景觀 2020-09-27
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Origin of design


Xichuan, an agricultural irrigation canal known as ‘Xigan Canal’ before, stretches for 31 kilometers from the south bank of the Yellow River to Moushan Wetland Park in Zhengzhou.


▲項目區位圖,Project location map ? 翰祥景觀


In nearly a decade, the city water system planning is on the agenda with the construction of Zhengzhou industrial park. The role of Xigan Canal has changed to better combining with the on-going development planning of the Yanming Lake area, Zhongmou County, Zhengzhou. Therefore, Xigan Canal is asked to both meet the requirement of irrigation function and create a recreation space for public entertainment and leisure, which can ultimately promote the fusion of nature and humankind.Considering about the overall planning, Xichuan, restored and designed under our charge, is located between Xinwang check gate and Zhulu camp in Dameng Town, Zhongmou County, Zhengzhou. The reconstruction section with a total length of about 2.1 kilometers is defined as the demonstration section of water system reconstruction in Zhongmou County. Its completion will provide guidance for the improvement of regional water systems, especially irrigation channels.


▲鄭州國際文化創意產業園分區水系規劃(2015-2030年),西干渠全段都被定義為景觀水系,需要承擔城市觀景與濱水休閑功能Water system planning for Zhengzhou International Cultural and Creative Industry Park (2015-2030). Xigan Canal is defined as landscape water system which functioned both as urban landscape and waterfront leisure ? 翰祥景觀


Site description

大孟鎮屬北溫帶大陸性季風氣候,冷暖適中、四季分明,春季干旱少雨,夏季炎熱多雨,秋季晴朗日照長,冬季寒冷少雪。全年平均氣溫14.2℃,平均降雨量616 毫米。境內有大小河流124條,分屬于黃河和淮河兩大水系。西干渠屬黃河水系,水源為黃河灌溉引水,水量較少;渠道寬度約6米,深度約1.5米,基底為全硬質混凝土結構以提升灌溉效能。改造段周邊農田已大部分荒廢,地勢平坦,水體表面漂浮大量的農業生活垃圾、枯枝雜草等。渠道基本不具備水生態系統,自身凈化能力較弱,水體總體呈富營養化趨勢。

Dameng Town belongs to the north temperate continental monsoon climate with mean annual temperature of 14.2 ℃ and mean annual precipitation of 616 mm. It has moderate temperature and distinct seasons with dry spring, hot rainy summer, sunny autumn and cold winter with little snow. There are total 124 rivers in this area which belong to Yellow River and Huai River. Xigan Canal belongs to Yellow River water system, which water source is the irrigation and diversion of the Yellow River with a small water yield. The canal is about 6 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep, and its base is made of all-hard concrete structure for the aim of improving irrigation efficiency. The farmland around the reconstruction area is flat and has been largely abandoned, resulted in a massive number of agricultural household garbage, weeds and twigs floating on the surface of water. Hence, due to its weak purification capacity and generally eutrophic water body, the canal basically cannot function as a water ecosystem.


Design strategy: from ‘Xigan Canal’ to ‘Xichuan’







With the acceleration of urban expansion and renewal, a lot of agricultural land has been abandoned in the process of development. A large number of artificial intervention and exploitation have affected the whole ecological environment system, with fewer and fewer native plants and animals left, and the environment of habitat becoming worse and worse. Xigan Canal is a typical case in this way.

The Xigan Canal reconstruction project aims to restore the blue belt ecosystem of the canal and its surrounding areas, and rebuild the continuity and integrity of the river water ecological system. More importantly, this project can help purify the water body and bring the construction of habitat environment into the essential process of city development, which would reconstruct the link between nature and humankind and create vitality and sense of belonging for the city. Last but not the least, transforming the ‘Xigan Canal’, a dirty and dilapidated irrigation canal, into a clean and indispensable ‘Xichuan’ would be an important, new bond to connect city, environment and residents.

At the beginning of the design, we sampled the water quality of the upstream, midstream and downstream of Xigan Canal. The water quality report shows that the water quality problem in the canal is mainly due to organic pollution and the high content of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which will lead to the rapid propagation of algae and the continuous deterioration of the water, and importantly, the loss of self-purification function. Therefore, regulation of water pollution and reconstruction of ecosystem have become the biggest challenge of this project. Based on the design objectives and the existing situation, we formulated the following design strategies and try to solve the problems of Xigan Canal step by step:

1. Research on the pollution source of Xigan Canal, understand and solve the water pollution problem, rebuild the water ecosystem and make the water self-purifying.

2. Construct the ecological environment at the surrounding area of Xigan Canal and create the transition space of blue and green belt and wetland space synchronously. Enrich regional animal and plant species, make the whole ecological cycle system form a closed loop, and finally achieve the goal of sustainable development.

3. On this basis, we are trying to rebuild the spatial function of the river bank and guide the residents to enjoy and use it through the design, and make the living life and the river ecosystem co-exist harmoniously, and finally realize the design vision.


Research of pollution sources


After plenty of field investigations and discussions with relevant experts, we found that the two main causes of water pollution in the reconstruction area of Xigan Canal are as follows:


The internal pollution source of canal







1 )Upstream water pollution

The upstream water of canal has brought plenty of garbage from agriculture, construction and household including dry branches and leaves, plastic things and wasted farming products, which combined the aquatic plants and algae along the way in the canal into flocculation and thus exacerbating the outbreak of water eutrophication and algal bloom.

2) Floatation pollution

Pollutants floating in the canal, including decaying aquatic plants and household garbage, interact with each other and gradually form into humus-like products. This would not only affect the water surface landscape of the canal, but also increase the organic matter content in the canal and aggravate water pollution, result in the continuous deterioration of water quality.

3) Sediment pollution

The continuous formation and deposition of anaerobic sludge and humus in the canal would increase the concentration of water pollutants. The microbial degradation of organic pollutants in the bottom sediments would consume the dissolved oxygen in the water. At the same time, the adsorbed pollutants in the suspension process of the bottom sediments would diffuse and release to the surrounding water, causing secondary pollution. These impacts would continuously reduce the dissolved oxygen in the water and form black and foul water, resulting in a vicious cycle of water eutrophication in the canal.


▲改造前河道現狀:上游來水、渠道漂浮物及底泥污染為其內部污染原因 The situation of canal before reconstruction: upstream pollution, floating pollution and sediment pollution are the main cause of internal pollution. ? 翰祥景觀


The external pollution source of canal





3) 面源性污染


1) Sanitary sewage

Sanitary sewage showed high concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matters, in which ‘black water’ (including fecal urine and toilet flushing water) and ‘grey water’ (e.g. bath, laundry and kitchen wasted water) are largely different from each other in water quality and quantity. Some sanitary sewage also contains heavy metals and toxic, harmful substances which leads to great fluctuation in water quality. The self-purification function would be overloaded when sanitary sewage entering into the canal. Sanitary sewage is an important external pollution source of canal which can easily cause water eutrophication.

2) Household waste

The household garbage of the villagers around the canal, solid food garbage and the waste in the construction process would be discharged into the canal and pollute the water body to different degrees. Meanwhile, during the garbage stacking process, a large number of acidic and alkaline organic pollutants including dissolution of some heavy metals, could be washed into the canal by raindrops and thus polluting the water.

3) Non-point pollution

Non-point pollution includes plant-unutilized fertilizers, pesticides and nutrients applied in agricultural production process, and surface runoff of sewage generated by road greening etc. These pollutants would enter the water through surface runoff, drainage and underground leaching in the process of precipitation, irrigation and discharging, thus forming into non-point pollution. They would harm the natural ecological function of the water body, make surface water eutrophication and nitrate content of groundwater exceeding the standard, and finally affect the sustainable use of water resources.


▲改造前河道現狀:生活污水、生活垃圾及面源性污染為其外部污染原因 The situation of canal before reconstruction: Sanitary sewage, household waste and non-point pollution are the main cause of external pollution. ? 翰祥景觀


Ecological water purify system






Based on the results of our pollution sources research, we found that the problem of sanitary sewage and non-point pollution of upstream could not be solved in the reconstruction process of Xigan Canal. It is particularly important to purify the water ecologically in the reconstruction area. Therefore, the first key emphasis in our reconstruction work is to design a water purification system. We hope to establish an adequate ecological purification system and help the canal develop and gradually improve its own purification capacity, furthermore building a healthy self-purification cycle and minimizing artificial intervention, and finally achieving sustainable goals.

Step 1: Purify the upstream water by ecological means, such as sedimentation, filtration etc.

We choose to purify the upstream water before it comes into the canal. The upstream inlet adopts biological interception to isolate large suspended solids such as domestic garbage, and sets sand sink to remove suspended particles. Only after the water quality is optimized by the combined purification method of ‘microbial purification微生物凈化’, ‘surface runoff wetland purification表流濕地’ and ‘underwater forest purification水下森林’ can it flow into the reconstruction section of Xigan Canal.

Step 2: Build ‘underwater forest purification’ and ‘surface runoff wetland purification’ through the whole basin and develop self-purify capacity of the canal.

In order to provide the attachment space for microbial growth, we are trying to plant a large area of Vallisneria spiralis underwater, which is the main vegetation and can endure cold and survive through winter. Together with the planting of emergent aquatic plant such as Nymphaea alba, Acorus calamus, Iris tectorum etc., ‘ underwater forest perification’ would be built and help increase the content of oxygen in water. We have created nearly 20 wetlands with different sizes within the 1.5 km canal that reconstruction completed, which would provide habitats for living creatures and create a harmonious environment between nature and human.


▲西川的生態水凈化系統,The ecological water purify system of ‘Xichuan’ ? 翰祥景觀

▲經過生態凈化的西川水清澈潔凈,達國家三類水標準  The Xichuan water becomes clear and clean which meets the national three-class water standard after ecological purification ? 琢墨攝影



Step 3: Restore the natural shape of river band by removing the artificial, hard riverbed.

On the other hand, in order to solve sediment pollution and floatation pollution and improve the self-purify capacity of the canal through ecological methods, we broke the original structure of the canal and restored the canal morphology of natural meandering river form. We removed the artificial, hard riverbed and expanded the cross-section of the riverbed (from 6 meters to 10-15 meters), in order to slow the flow rate and allow aquatic animals and microbes to make home there. Moreover, we created porous structure using ecological methods such as stone cage石籠, piled stone壘石 and cedar piles杉木樁 to reform the concrete revetment, which would provide a smoother water and habitat for amphibians and spawning fish. So far, the reconstruction section of the ‘Xigan Canal’ has been reborn into ‘Xichuan’.


▲改造示意,reconstruction diagram ? 翰祥景觀


▲改造前,Before reconstruction – ‘Xigan Canal’ ? 翰祥景觀


▲改造后,After reconstruction – reborn into ‘Xichuan’

▲駁岸生態工法,Ecological revetment method ? 翰祥景觀


▲駁岸完成效果,Scene of ecological revetment completed

6. 構建河川生態系統

Build a river ecosystem


The key factor in enhancing ecosystem stability is to increase plant species diversity. Therefore, we are trying to facilitate ecological restoration through multi-dimensional design of different kinds of plants. Through field survey and research on the local species of food source plants to provide possibility for biological feeding, we listed the plant species as follows: main tree species as Salix babylonica, Pterocarya stenoptera, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Sapium sebiferum, Sophora japonica, Broussonetia papyifera, Cedrus deodara; shrubs using water-resistant perennial as Miscanthus sinensis cv., Pennisetum alopecuroides, Iris tectorum, Lythrum salicaria, Cortaderia ‘Pumila’. At the same time, we also chose emergent aquatic plant and floating plant to match them to create a diverse vegetative environment.


▲河心島種植耐沖刷沉水植物,駁岸邊緣種植耐沖刷、深根系挺水植物和濕生植物 ? 翰祥景觀

▲已完成的西川擁有喬木品種165種,灌木品種102種,水生植物20種 The finished ‘Xichuan’ owned 165 species of trees, 102 species of shrubs and 20 species of aquatic plants  ? 琢墨攝影

根據不同食性和活動特點的動物對生境的偏好,豐富棲息地食物鏈結構,同時提供安全可躲避的免干擾環境 ,保證生物棲息、繁衍和遷徙。分步驟培養消費動物,最終架構出健康可持續的生態體系。

According to the habitat preferences of animals with different feeding and activity characteristics, we have made great efforts on enriching the structure of the habitat food chain and providing a safe, avoidable and interference-free environment for the aim of ensuring habitat reproduction and migration.



▲依據動物食性與偏好設計多樣的棲息場所 Design a variety of habitats based on animal feeding preferences ? 翰祥景觀


▲分步驟培養消費動物,最終架構出健康可持續的生態體系  cultivate different animals as consumers step by step, ultimately creating a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. ? 翰祥景觀


▲西川第一段建成一年時間,第四級消費者已在現場出現  One year after the completion of the first part of ‘Xichuan’ and the fourth-level consumers have appeared here. ? 琢墨攝影


▲在今年夏季,甚至發現了國家保護野生動物“黑水雞”在此安家 This summer we found Gallinula chloropus, one of the national protective wildlife, settled down in ‘Xichuan’. ? 琢墨攝影


Define the riverbank functional space 


We regarded the riverside promenade as a relatively independent system, which would enhance the connection and contact between water and people through the change of its own form. A safe waterfront space was created by widening the canal surface (from 6 m to 10-15 m) and reducing the bottom depth (from 2 m to 0.8 m). Various kinds of hydrological geomorphology would bring us different scale experiences of the canal, which would add fun to the journey. The construction of residents’ life rest and social arena would create life memory points, thereby improving the residents’ sense of responsibility for environmental protection.

▲西川水文及地貌分布,Hydrological and geomorphological distribution of ‘Xichuan’ ? 翰祥景觀


▲剖面1-1 林蔭步道夾岸河道空間,Profile figure 1-1. Tree-lined walkway aside the canal ? 翰祥景觀

▲林蔭步道夾岸的河道空間,Tree-lined walkway with space of canal bank ? 翰祥景觀


▲剖面2-2  連接生活平臺的河道空間,Profile figure 2-2. Canal space connecting the living area ? 翰祥景觀

▲連接生活平臺的河道空間,Canal space connecting the living area ? 琢墨攝影


▲西川活動動線分析,Dynamic analysis of human activities in ‘Xichuan’ ? 翰祥景觀

▲綜合考量步道、橋梁與游船動線,構建出豐富的游逛體驗  Make comprehensive consideration of the footpath, bridge and cruise ship moving line, for the aim of building a rich wandering experience? 琢墨攝影


▲西川活動空間分析,Analysis of human activity space in ‘Xichuan’ ? 翰祥景觀

▲河濱步道做為獨立系統,以各種不同方式與西川發生聯系  The riverside promenade, as an independent system, is connected with ‘Xichuan’ in various ways ? 琢墨攝影

▲西川豐富的活動空間讓城市居民得以感受河川帶來的多樣趣味  The rich activity space of ‘Xichuan’ enables urban residents to experience diverse interests ? 琢墨攝影






Urban development and natural environment have always been separated from ancient times, while they should be integrated now. The aim of increasing the resilience and capacity of the city is vital on the face of extreme climate change in the future. The success in ‘Xichuan’ can help our city to better facing the future challenges.

After ecological reconstruction, ‘Xichuan’ is capable of self-purifying and alleviating the problem of rain and flood. It is able to provide habitats for wildlife and create more entertainment space for citizens, which would provide more opportunities for residents to get close to nature.

So far, 1.5 km of ‘Xichuan’ has been successively renovated, and its water quality has reached the third-class water standard. Aside from the native species, we have found 20 species of wild plants, 12 species of birds, more than 60 species of insects and some amphibians have settled down here. The species diversity of the canal has increased by 30 %, and even Gallinula chloropus, a national protective wildlife, have been found nesting and breeding here. We have achieved the initial success of the construction of aquatic ecosystem, and expect the continuous construction of ‘Xichuan’ would take on a more natural and complete appearance over time.


▲航拍實景,Aerial view ? 琢墨攝影


Ecological restoration landscape design of Xichuan, Zhengzhou

設計公司:翰祥景觀 Horizon & Atmosphere Landscape Co.






建筑面積:139,000 平方米


客 戶:普羅中國









  • 上海徐匯區
  • www.hsland.com.cn
  • tangqin@hsland.com.cn
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