地址:北京市海淀區中關村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
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寧波諾丁漢大學建筑與建筑環境系|Department of Architecture and Built Environment, UNNC
洛桑聯邦理工學院建筑、土木與環境工程學院|School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), EPFL (Lausanne)
浙江大學園林研究所|Institute of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang University
中國美術學院環境藝術系|Department of Environmental Art, CAA
英國皇家建筑師學會 | Royal Institute for British Architecture (RIBA)
The joint summer school, “Horizontal Metropolis Yangtze River Delta: Entangling Capitals,” is aimed to expand the knowledge and understanding of the urban transition in the Yangtze River Delta mega-urban region under the concept of “Horizontal Metropolis.” Taking the territory of mega-urban regions as the medium for interdisciplinary synthesis and spatial integration between urbanism and environmental disciplines, the summer school will develop a new framework in design-led research through the definition of a comparative methodological protocol for the description and the assessment of adaptive design strategies in metropolitan urban landscapes. Thus, the summer school will formulate new urban models and translate interdisciplinary scientific results to a non-specialized audience which will be made accessible through a physical exhibition at the Ningbo Urban Planning Exhibition Centre.
Starting from three selected case studies, Nantong, Ningbo, and Jiaxing in the Yangtze River Delta, the summer school aims to elaborate multidisciplinary strategies to enhance the resilient and sustainable development of the areas. Framed within an interdisciplinary context, the summer school will develop upon the notion of synergic Capitals, with the scope of formulating synergic design strategies along three research axes:
Social and Cultural Capital: explores hybrid multifunctional rural-urban territories reflecting between long-term construction of micro-infrastructures and spatial development of the built environment, which integrates new forms of urbanity in the rural context.
Ecological and Environmental Capital: considers the relation between open and built spaces and their ecological assets drawing upon the UN-SDGs to foreground design strategies for recycling and restoring ecological and environmental capitals.
Economic and Energetic Capital: Understanding and fostering links between sustainable economic processes and energy consumption upgrade.
It is encouraged the participation of 30 Bachelor and Master students in the fields of architecture, urban and landscape design, economics, agronomy, and geography. The official language of the summer school is English. All candidates must submit a CV and a portfolio (only required for students with a design background, PDF format, max 10MB) to hmyrd@nottingham.edu.cn before 17th July 2022. The announcement of selected participants will be published on 18th July 2022.
2,500 元/人。含住宿、課程(如模型制作材料、圖紙材料、打印費用)和田野調查費用。餐費、往返寧波的旅費和其他費用不包括在內。
2,500 RMB/student. The fee includes accommodation, consumables (e.g., model-making materials, drawing materials, printing), and a site visit trip. Meals, trips to and from Ningbo, and other expenses are not included.
Every participant who successfully attends and completes the summer school will be awarded a certificate issued by each institutional university partner and accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
The summer school will take place at the campus of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, from 10th to 20th August 2022 – depending on COVID-19 restrictions.
Dr. Andrea Palmioli
(寧波諾丁漢大學 | University of Nottingham Ningbo China)
Assistant Professor in Architecture and Built Environment Department at the University of Nottingham Ningbo. His research fields concern the ecology and planning of bioregional territories, transitional landscape patterns of Chinese urbanization, cultural landscape and visual identity of Chinese geographical place names.
Dr. Eugenio Mangi
Eugenio Mangi is an Assistant Professor in Architecture in the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. He has been an adjunct professor at the Master Program of the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. His research interests focus on the sustainable urban transformation process in China, local community engagement and participation, urban morphology, and heritage re-use.
Prof. Paola Viganò
(洛桑聯邦理工學院,威尼斯建筑大學 | ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne, IUAV University of Venice)
建筑師和城市學家,洛桑聯邦理工學院的城市理論和城市設計教授,她領導著lab-U實驗室和跨學科人居環境研究中心。她也是威尼斯建筑大學的教授,以及幾所國際學校的客座教授。自2015年以來,保拉·維加諾工作室一直致力于歐洲的城市、景觀和公共空間項目,贏得了一些國際競賽,包括萊科湖濱水空間、安特衛普的兩個大型“ring parks”,和沙勒羅瓦Porte Ouest總體規劃。
Architect and urbanist; she is a professor in Urban Theory and Urban Design at the EPFL (Lausanne), where she heads the lab-U and the new interdisciplinary Habitat Research Centre. She is also a professor at IUAV University Venice and a guest professor in several international schools. Since 2015 Studio Paola Viganò has been working on urban, landscape projects and public spaces in Europe and has won several international competitions, including recently the competitions for the Lecco lakefront, the design of two large-scale “ring parks” on the future capping of the highway in Antwerp, and the masterplan for the “Porte Ouest” in Charleroi.
章勤一 | Dr. Qinyi Zhang
(PaolaVigano工作室 | Studio Paola Viganò)
Architect and urbanist in Studio Paola Viganò, a leading designer and project manager responsible for urban and landscape projects, metropolitan visions, and exhibitions. He received the diploma of PhD in Urbanism at IUAV Venezia in 2018, and his thesis “Elements in desakota, Yangtze River Delta, China” was partially exhibited in the collateral event “HORIZONTAL METROPOLIS” at the Venice Biennale 2016. From 2018 to 2020, he was a Postdoc researcher at the Lab-U and Habitat Research Center in EPFL, Lausanne.
謝雨婷 | Dr. Xie Yuting
(浙江大學 | Zhejiang University)
Dr. Yuting Xie is a lecturer at the Institute of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang University in China. She is the director of the China Urban Landscape Lab at the Technical University of Munich, which is dedicated to landscape character assessment and landscape typology research in rapidly urbanizing areas and corresponding landscape protection, renewal, and critical reconstruction strategies. In 2019, Dr. Xie co-founded a collaborative research platform-Jiangnan Lab, using “regional design” as a tool for bringing cross-sector spatial planning, landscape architecture, and urban design, and multi-level governance together in the Yangtze River Delta Integration process.
蘇弋旻 | Ir. Su Yimin
(中國美術學院環境藝術系 | CAA Department of Environmental Art)
荷蘭注冊建筑師;中國美術學院環境藝術系、寧波諾丁漢大學建筑與建成環境系客座講師;代爾夫特理工大學建筑學、城市學與建造科學碩士; 杭州體機維四建筑設計院有限公司(SUn Architects)聯合創始人。她的主要研究方向為既有建筑及城鄉區域更新,實踐項目范圍從住宅、商業、文化建筑到裝置和展覽。
Ir. Su Yimin is a Dutch registered architect. She is a guest lecturer at the Department of Environmental Art in CAA, and Vertical Design Studio at the Department of Architecture & Built Environment in UNNC. She Co-founded SUn Architects in Hangzhou. She received her master’s degree in architecture, urbanism and building science from TU Delft. Her research concerns the renovation, modification, intervention, and transformation of buildings in urban-rural areas. Her practice ranges from residential, commercial, cultural buildings to installations and exhibitions.
Professor Paola Viganò, ENAC, ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Dr. Andrea Palmioli, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Text: Andrea Palmioli 謝雨婷
Graphics: Andrea Palmioli
Layout: 張皓洵