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這座2.3m x 3m的小小佛教寶塔,用材僅是千年不化的古老石材與科技技術集成之現代鋼筋。寶塔以積極地姿態迎向現代生活,讓人們感悟到佛教的精髓,以及我佛千百年來的影響。 公元前588 年,Siddhartha(釋迦牟尼佛)在菩提樹下成佛,并用自己的悟道讓很多人跟隨,佛教在蓬勃發展幾個世紀以后已在衰落,目前,佛教正在努力適應現代社會,而作為佛教徒的眾生在現今社會已經很難放棄便利和舒適的現代生活。宏偉的殿堂之后群集的是僧侶而不是眾人。為此,建筑師設計的這個空間僅為空間而存在,信眾并不需要拋棄舒適的生活而進入苦行的自然。但這個空間卻延續了我佛2600年前坐落尼泊爾菩提樹下之精神。
From the architect.In 588 BC, Siddhartha attained a fully enlightened being under the Bodhi tree and then taught the Buddhism to people. Many people have renounced the world and followed him. However, after several centuries flourishing, Buddhism has been on its decline. Currently, Buddhism is struggling to adapt to modern society.
As Buddhists, we are wondering whether it is too hard for renouncing conveniences and comforts in the modern life. Buddhist, nowadays, prefer living in magnificent temples and monumental and the dedications of people has exceeded the needs of ordains. They left everything behind to be monks and now, they are the most who depend on it. From this, would mindfulness be attained?
Thus, we make a pagoda, a place dedicated to the spirit, where users are not driven by the needs and comforts of life, as animals living among nature. And this space, after all, is just as the Bodhi tree where the Buddha was sitting in Nepal more than 2,600 years ago.