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2018年,由法國藝術家Xavier Veilhan的裝置“V?rberg巨人”被選為斯德哥爾摩V?rberg藝術大賽的獲獎作品。該作品由Veilhan和他長期合作的布景設計師Alexis Bertrand共同完成,是斯德哥爾摩市歷史上規模最大的藝術作品和藝術投資項目。經過兩年的制作,這兩座針對場地設計的雕塑于2020年10月17日正式在斯德哥爾摩西南郊V?rberg區的兩塊草地上正式揭幕。
In 2018, Xavier Veilhan’s project V?rbergs J?ttar (The V?rberg Giants) was selected by a jury as the winning proposal for the V?rberg Art Competition organized by Stockholm konst and the Stockholm City Executive Office. The work, which he co-signs with Alexis Bertrand, scenographer and longtime collaborator, is the largest work of art in the history of the city of Stockholm and its biggest artistic investment. After two years of production, the site-specific sculptures were inaugurated on October 17, 2020, in Str?kparken and Pelousen, two meadows in the borough of V?rberg, a southwest suburb of Stockholm.
▲視頻,video ? Andreas Nur
▲巨人Pelousens,the Pelousen giant ? Andreas Nur
▲巨人Str?kparken,the Str?kparken giant ? Robin Hayes
Pelousens j?tte (the Pelousen giant) is 19 meters long, 9 meters large and 5 meters high. The lying figure is a bearded giant without the threatening characteristics of a Gulliver: he is the enlargement of a potential Pelousen resident, resting in the grass.
? Andreas Nur
?Naina Helen Jama
The artwork is constructed by an in-situ assembly of 85 prefabricated self-standing blocks made of blue concrete with the color pigmented in the mass. Most of the blocks have a 98,5 x 98,5 cm base and a variable height. These cubic bricks strongly evoke a digital dimension, like concrete voxels, a giant Tetris game. The sculpture has an internal core of basic independent gray concrete columns. A small platform appears on his bust: a stage for the public that encourages activity and creativity.
? Robin Hayes
?Naina Helen Jama
Str?kparkens j?tte (the Str?kparken giant) appears in the middle of the large slope on Str?kparken. This female bust emerges from the ground, resting her arms as if sitting at a table. The work is 3 meters high and, just like the first sculpture, built by the in-situ assembly of 5 prefabricated self-standing blue concrete blocks. A 30 cm wide ring made of the same material surrounds her. This concrete circle, a sort of hula-hoop, suggests the idea of movement and was designed as an open stage.
?Naina Helen Jama
The two giant bodies are fully accessible to the public. They can be used as a bench, a table, a meeting place or a playground: an interaction is created between the representation and the actual experience of the site; two islands in an urban environment.
? Robin Hayes
Xavier Veilhan和Alexis Bertrand選擇將雕塑中的每一個橫向和縱向體塊染成淺藍色,在反映天空的色彩的同時,也讓雕塑能夠從四季的景色中跳脫出來:不論是冬天的白雪還是春天的綠草,隨著光線的變化,它們將呈現出不同的形態。
Xavier Veilhan and Alexis Bertrand chose to color each of the horizontal and sculpted shapes of the works in a light blue. This shade reflects the color of the sky; it will stand out from the snow in the winter, from the green grass in springtime and from the dry grass during the rest of the year. As the light changes, during the day and during the year, different shapes appear.
? Robin Hayes
借助3D捕捉技術,Xavier Veilhan邀請他的好友和幾位公眾人物為他擺出一些造型,并將他們的形象融入到雕塑當中。由3D掃描器生成的點云構成了被描述人物的數字副本,隨后再被用于實際作品的構思,最終完成這個從真人變化為抽象物體的過程。
Thanks to 3D capture techniques, Xavier Veilhan has both close friends and public figures posing for him in order to create their portrait in sculpture. The 3D scanners generate point clouds that construct an identical digital copy of the person. This computer file is then used to conceive the actual piece: a portrait ranging from realistic to abstract.
? Robin Hayes
? Andreas Nur
V?rbergs J?ttar [The V?rberg Giants], 2020
Xavier Veilhan in collaboration with Alexis Bertrand
Commissioned by Stockholm konst / City of Stockholm
Courtesy of Andréhn-Schiptjenko
? Veilhan, Alexis Bertrand / ADAGP, 2020