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加拿大蒙特利爾移動的沙丘裝置設計 | NóS

經典案例 2020-11-19 來源:gooood
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Moving Dunes is inspired by the early arts. It is an extension of the temporary exhibit From Africa to the Americas: Face-to-face Picasso, Past and Present, at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA). The plastic approach of cubist painters questions the role of perspective in visual representation. Anamorphosis, which is the distortion of the subject reconfiguring itself according to the position of the body in space, is one of the methods used. Through this process, Moving Dunes introduces the public to the essence of this approach in a playful way.


▲項目外觀,external view


By manipulating the street surface, large ripples are generated, recalling the features of a body or a face. Reflective spheres and geometric shapes amplify patterns and multiply points of view. As the observer moves, the street transforms, shapes are reversed, the ground comes alive and destabilizes. Moving Dunes is an experiential mirage in the heart of Downtown Montreal. Along the way, the passer-by discovers the presence of spheres reflecting the different buildings of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, all unique in their architecture and history. Moving Dunes brings together the real and the virtual worlds and awakens the senses.

▲鳥瞰,項目位于蒙特利爾當代藝術博物館旁的街道上,aerial view, project located on the street beside MMFA

▲頂視圖,項目兩側不同風格的建筑,top view, buildings in different styles along the project

▲金屬球反射周邊環境,spheres reflecting the surrounding environment

蒙特利爾當代藝術博物館將Du Musée大道上的人行區域激活,使其成為了市民和游客必去的場所。項目的目標是創造一個臨時的標志性空間,讓行人可以在街道上走動。設計的挑戰包括發展與展覽主題相關聯的設計概念,激活公共人行空間的同時保證緊急車輛的通行,以及在有限的預算下創造高媒體效果的體驗。

The MMFA animated the pedestrian area of avenue Du Musée, which has become a must-see for citizens and tourists alike. The goal was to pedestrianize the street and to create a temporary signature layout. Among the challenges encountered were the development of a concept in relation to the theme of the exhibition, the activation of a pedestrian public space while allowing the passage of emergency vehicles, and the creation of an experience with high media impact on a limited budget.

▲供人漫步的夢幻街道,mirage street for people to walk


▲人與項目的互動,people playing in the project



Location: Avenue Du Musee, Montreal

Client: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Designers: Charles Laurence Proulx, Gil Hardy, Negar Adibpour, Jean-Benoit Trudelle

Project manager: Charles Laurence Proulx

Collaborators: MU

Budget: $50 000







