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曼谷Infinity Field互動(dòng)裝置設(shè)計(jì) | SOFTlab

經(jīng)典案例 2020-10-14 來源:gooood
  • 項(xiàng)目名稱:
    曼谷Infinity Field互動(dòng)裝置設(shè)計(jì)
  • 項(xiàng)目地點(diǎn):
  • 設(shè)計(jì)公司:

由Mike Szivos領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的SOFTlab工作室近日于曼谷市中心ICONSIAM(暹羅天地)的七層露臺上創(chuàng)作了一個(gè)新的鏡面裝置“Infinity Field”。這是SOFTlab的第一個(gè)永久性互動(dòng)裝置,一系列反射柱會(huì)在游客穿越其中時(shí)做出反應(yīng)。

SOFTlab, an NYC-based studio led by Mike Szivos, has created Infinity Field, a new installation of mirrored chambers on the seventh-floor terrace of ICONSIAM, a mixed-use development on the banks of the Chao Phraya River in downtown Bangkok. The project is SOFTlab’s first permanent interactive installation, whose reflective columns respond to visitors as they pass through it.


▲項(xiàng)目概覽,overview ?ICONSIAM

▲視頻,video ?SOFTlab

Infinity Field包含50個(gè)垂直的菱形柱子,其外部覆蓋著單向鏡面玻璃,并置入了聲音感應(yīng)式LED燈。每個(gè)立柱高6英尺(約1.83米)、寬2英尺(約0.61米),深度為1英尺(約0.3米)。這些柱子的排列方式便于人們穿行其中,猶如分散在森林中的樹木。

Infinity Field consists of fifty vertical chambers clad in one-way mirrored glass and embedded with sound responsive LED lights. Each measures 6-feet tall, 2-feet wide, and 1-foot deep. Arranged in a pattern that allows visitors to weave through and around them, the columns collectively evoke trees scattered through a forest.


▲裝置鳥瞰,aerial view ?ICONSIAM


▲鏡面菱形柱子,the mirrored chambers ?ICONSIAM

白天,自然光比立柱中的LED燈更亮,這時(shí)候玻璃就成了一面鏡子。游客和他們周圍的環(huán)境,包括高樓林立的城市天際線都將在其表面上反射出來,并在鏡面立柱構(gòu)成的場域之間變化和彈跳,成為“mise en abyme”(鏡像迷宮)里的一部分。無限且持續(xù)變化的反射讓這些鏡面產(chǎn)生德羅斯特效應(yīng)一般的奇妙感覺。


During the day, when natural light is brighter than the columns’ internal LEDs, the glass acts as a mirror. Visitors and the surrounding environment, including the highrise-studded Bangkok skyline, are reflected in the surfaces. Depending on a passerby’s location, reflections bounce between the field of mirrored chambers. As visitors approach the inside of the mirrored landscape, they become part of a mise en abyme (“placed into abyss”) or image within an image. Called the Droste effect, the mirrors produce an ever-changing and infinite reflection.

At night, the mirrored chambers are lit from within by LEDs that respond to sound, whether it is music piped onto the terrace or the voices and steps of visitors. The lights are activated by sound in a variety of animated behaviors including a random matrix of light to a large light pulse that extends through the environment. The ambient state of the light field resembles a subtle wave, evoking the Chao Phraya River that passes through Bangkok directly in front of the terrace. When the LEDs are activated, the one-way mirrored columns transform into infinity boxes that reflect their light patterns countless times, deep into the core of each chamber.

Infinity Field的菱形立柱依據(jù)露臺廣場的瓷磚圖案排布,營造出一個(gè)沉浸式的環(huán)境,將聲音、光線、游客動(dòng)線以及曼谷天際線背景混合在同一個(gè)場景之中。燈光本身產(chǎn)生的色彩細(xì)致的光譜是從曼谷的日落中提取而來,使裝置進(jìn)一步與遠(yuǎn)處的天際線景觀融為一體。“在晚上,垂直且重復(fù)的立柱與天際線的鏡像會(huì)讓你感覺自己正在以一種奇特的尺度在城市間穿行”,Szivos描述到:“而玻璃表面形成的反射與透明之間的擺動(dòng)則為周圍的聲音賦予了實(shí)體的品質(zhì)。但更讓我們感到興奮的是,我們并非簡單地使用燈光,而是通過燈光和動(dòng)態(tài)材料的結(jié)合實(shí)現(xiàn)了某種更具空間感的東西。”

The diamond-shaped chambers of Infinity Field follow the tile pattern of the terrace plaza and produce an immersive environment that remixes sound and light with the movement of visitors and the backdrop of the Bangkok skyline. The light itself emits a subtle color spectrum that is sampled from a typical Bangkok sunset, which further blends the installation with the Bangkok skyline beyond. “At night, the vertical repetition of the chambers and the reflections of the skyline gives the impression that you are walking through the city at a strange scale, while surrounding sound is given a material quality through light and the oscillation of the glass surfaces between reflective and transparent,” says Szivos. “What is exciting to us is that we aren’t simply using lights, but lights along with a dynamic material to achieve something that is more spatial,” Szivos continues.


Infinity Field是在SOFTlab過去設(shè)計(jì)的一些臨時(shí)感應(yīng)式裝置的基礎(chǔ)上產(chǎn)生,例如紐約東河岸的“Nautilus”和弗吉尼亞亞歷山大的“Mirror Mirror”等。Infinity Field是SOFTlab完成的第一個(gè)永久互動(dòng)裝置,而完成互動(dòng)所需的軟件定制則是設(shè)計(jì)中最具決定性的部分。“我們在做非互動(dòng)作品時(shí)就完成了大量的軟件定制和編程,因此這種向交互式項(xiàng)目的過渡可以說是非常自然的結(jié)果,這與我們工作室一直致力于以前所未有的方式來利用技術(shù)的做法是相契合的。”

Infinity Field builds on past temporary responsive installations designed by SOFTlab, such as Nautilus, installed on the banks of the East River in New York City, and Mirror Mirror in Alexandria, Virginia. It is the first permanent interactive installation realized by the New York-based studio. The software customization required for interactive work is a defining quality of SOFTlab’s overall creative process. “We do a lot of software customization and programming for our non-interactive work, so the transition to developing physically interactive projects came about naturally,” says Szvios. “Our interactive work has developed coincidentally because of the studio’s interest in leveraging technology in new and unexpected ways.”


SOFTlab在Infinity Field中使用了在紐約進(jìn)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化編程的LED方案,鏡面立柱則是在曼谷制造。制作和裝配方面的挑戰(zhàn)主要在于玻璃的細(xì)部優(yōu)化以及在廣場瓷磚表面的下方完成每個(gè)立柱的布線。Szivo表示:“要確保所有的事物都能夠滿足戶外條件的要求,這是一項(xiàng)很大的挑戰(zhàn)。我們一直在探索如何使我們的作品與公眾形成互動(dòng),無論是通過環(huán)境框架、空間關(guān)系還是材料的使用。”

For Infinity Field, SOFTlab used standard programmable LEDs which were programmed in New York, while the mirrored chambers themselves were fabricated in Bangkok. Fabrication and installation challenges involved the glass detailing and wiring the chambers individually, below the tiled surface of the plaza. “It was a big challenge making sure everything was specified for outdoor conditions,” says Szivos. “We are always exploring how our work can engage with the public, whether it is through contextual framing, spatial relationships, or material.”








