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溫德斯海姆莊園的步行橋建筑設(shè)計 | NEXT AR

NEXTAR 2022-03-23
  • 項目名稱:
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  • 設(shè)計公司:
  • 施工單位:
    Buiting Staalbouw
  • 委托方:
  • 建成時間:
  • 圖片來源:
    Eva Bloem, NEXT architects


Aerial view ? Eva Bloem


由NEXT architects設(shè)計的8座新步行橋,將溫德斯海姆這座不朽的莊園裝點得愈發(fā)別致豐富。 這些橋在園路中串聯(lián)成一系列鮮明的景致與座位區(qū),優(yōu)雅的拱橋在風(fēng)景中若隱若現(xiàn)。 設(shè)計絕非刻板的重建,而是用現(xiàn)代語素詮釋了古跡的風(fēng)采,使過去與當(dāng)下相互交融。  

The monumental estate Windesheim has been enriched with eight new bridges, designed by NEXT architects. Together they make a series of recognizable connection points and seating areas on the walking route through the park. The elegant arch bridges appear and disappear in the landscape. The design is not a literal reconstruction, but an interpretation of the style characteristics of the historical heritage, with a modern, contemporary twist. Past and present come together.


The elegant arch bridges appear and disappear in the landscape ? Eva Bloem

H+N+S景觀事務(wù)所承擔(dān)了莊園的歷史研究與總體改造規(guī)劃。NEXT architects設(shè)計的8 座橋為莊園增添了一個新層次,使公園景觀變得更具吸引力且方便易達。

The historical research and the master plan for the renovation of the estate were drawn up by H+N+S Landscape Architects. NEXT architects designed 8 new bridges for the estate to add a new layer and make the park more attractive and accessible.


Windesheim Estate

溫德斯海姆莊園占地約660公頃,位于荷蘭茲沃勒南部,上愛塞省的溫德斯海姆鎮(zhèn)附近,其歷史可以追溯到14世紀(jì)。配套的公園由荷蘭景觀設(shè)計師雅各布·歐騰·赫斯利(Jacob Otten Husly)于1789年設(shè)計。莊園的中心是座古老的建筑—Huis Windesheim遺跡。遺址上的歷史建筑,以及紀(jì)念性的柵欄、橋梁、花園和花園裝飾物都是受保護的國家歷史文物。

Windesheim is an estate of approximately 660 hectares located near the town Windesheim in the Dutch region of Overijssel, south of Zwolle. The history of the estate dates back to the fourteenth century. The accompanying park was designed in 1789 by the Dutch landscape architect Jacob Otten Husly. In the heart of the estate are the remains of Huis Windesheim, an old estate house. The historic buildings on the site, as well as the monumental fences, bridges, gardens, and garden ornaments are protected national monuments.


Project overview (in progress) ? NEXT architects



The new bridges are designed with a modern vision and contemporary means but in the spirit of the historic estate. The location of the original bridges is known and a hand drawn sketch by Husly shows his intention for the design. However, it is not known whether all the bridges were actually built or whether the overall design was similar to the sketch. For this reason, a new design was made that matches the specific location of the various bridges in Husly's plan. Together the bridges form a family, although each bridge has its own unique elements. For example, the arches of the bridges vary in height. In addition, a fence with the same characteristics has been designed. 


hand drawn sketch by Husly ? Stichting Landgoed Windesheim



Jewellery of the estate


With the construction of the park bridges, an interesting layer of 'garden jewellery' has been added to the estate in the style of Husly's romantic park design. The eight new bridges are important landmarks on the walking route and are part of the landscape. By following the shape of the meandering path structure, the bridges accompany the carefully programmed walking route. The Ruin Bridge is an exception; this structure has been designed as a viewing platform above the moat, which offers a view of the remains of the historic mansion. It is a unique viewpoint where the different historical layers of the estate become clearly visible.


The bridges follow the shape of the meandering path ? Eva Bloem



The Ruin Bridge ? Eva Bloem



All bridges, except the smallest, have an integrated bench as a resting point on the route. The bridges play a strategic role as viewpoints by guiding the passenger's gaze through the landscape. Due to the asymmetrical placement of the benches on a number of bridges, the spectator’s view can be intentionally directed by its orientation. As a result, the most beautiful places of the estate are highlighted and surprising new perspectives are being displayed to the viewer. 


The bridges have an integrated bench ? Eva Bloem


The spectator’s view can be directed by bridges and benches ? Eva Bloem


Integration with the landscape

各個橋梁在風(fēng)格上保持英式園林建筑的特點。莊園的東部為English Bosch,但豐富的歷史痕跡已然消失殆盡。莊園這片區(qū)域有兩座拱橋,塑造了水景觀景點,游客可立于橋頭欣賞全景,橋面與欄桿平緩過渡到道路結(jié)構(gòu)之上。在莊園的北部,道路狹窄,該處的橋梁被設(shè)計成水面上只有單側(cè)欄桿的通道。

The various bridges are in line with English landscape architecture in terms of style characteristics. In the eastern part of the estate, the English Bosch, traces of the rich history have largely been lost. Two arched bridges have been realized for this part of the estate that offer a view of the water, lifting the passenger above the landscape. The bridges connect to the path structure with a smooth transition of the deck and railings. Landscape and bridge flow into each other. In the northern part of the estate, the paths are narrower. The bridges that are located here are designed as a gangway over the water with a single railing.


The various bridges are in line with English landscape architecture in terms of style characteristics. ? Eva Bloem


a fence with the same characteristics has been designed ? Eva Bloem


By using Corten steel, the bridges appear and disappear in the landscape. On the one hand, the brown rust colour of the material blends in seamlessly with the forest, but on the other hand, the material is fairly rough and sharp, which offers a contrast with its environment. The white railings reinforce that contrast and accentuate the bridges and their leading lines. The deck features a perforated pattern that is based on a bridge constructed from wooden slats. The slits in the deck offer a small view of the water and emphasise the seamless integration of the new connections in the Windesheim estate.


The deck with a perforated pattern ? Eva Bloem


The white railings reinforce that contrast and accentuate the bridges and their leading lines  ? Eva Bloem





設(shè)計公司:NEXT architects 

施工單位:Buiting Staalbouw




圖片來源:Eva Bloem, NEXT architects









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