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上海籬外·時光的圓民宿酒店 | 元秀萬建筑事務所

Goddess 2019-03-27 來源:GOOOOD
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Located in a small village next to Disney in Shanghai’s Pudong District, the Rustic Charm Inn is a three-story boutique guesthouse hotel with just 16 rooms, converted from four residential houses and pigsties.

▼河岸視角,view from the riverside


The inward-looking courtyard is the starting point of this design. The high stone walls in the west open the city further, and the incomplete walls parallel to the two buildings in the north separate the neighboring villages, approaching the inner courtyard space that is more suspicious, mysterious and weakens the desire.


▼殘缺圍墻把鄰近的村落隔離開,the “incomplete” enclosure walls


▼庭院戶外平臺,courtyard outdoor platform

In order to generate the tension and texture of the space, several inner courtyards were extended from the original building, one facing north and south and the other facing east and west.This makes the guest rooms on the first floor not only more quiet and private, but also with the outside of the city in the polar changes. Guest rooms through the courtyard through the high and low strewn at random and crisscross of the courtyard wall and the external have a selective dialogue, the region of the city opened more distant.

▼內院使一層的客房變得更加安靜與私密,the inner yard provides a quiet and private space on the guest room level


The use of a smooth logic will be the whole building with another simple logic and material wrapped up, two roofs connected into a piece, the front and rear left after the process of change of the wooden house has dynamic, interspersed between the wooden grille of the white mechanism will be white wall and white clouds together, it seems that the whole building is floating up. The upward ramp in the middle moves the vision to the sky. The right scale of the ramp gives the guests a feeling of crossing the country road and echoes the shape of the village behind. The dramatic change of the steel plate also makes the walk more dignified and wild.

▼兩個屋頂連成一片,two roofs connected into a piece


To the end of the super-large frame hole ramps and blue sky link together, let you through a lost memory of the time tunnel.Constantly changing white walls erase the tedious memories of the past and guide you to better bring the scenery into your visual category.

▼框洞將坡道和藍天連接在一起,the frame connects the ramp and the sky


The window holes and floor-to-ceiling Windows of the guest rooms on the second floor allow the outdoor scenery to be introduced into the interior to form a differentiated view.A north-south window view connects the bamboo forest on the other side of the river to the unused green space on the north, exposing the guest rooms to a more wild nature.

▼酒店主樓外觀,exterior view of the main building

▼二層客房大小不一的窗洞為室內引入風景,the openings on the second floor vary in size and shape, bringing the outdoor landscape in

▼窗洞細部,detailed view


▼接待室、餐廳和下沉平臺,reception room, dining room and the sunken platform

▼室外庭院,outdoor yard

▼首層客房內部,guest room interior view

▼俯瞰位于庭院后方的獨立圓形體量,aerial view to the independent volume at the back of the courtyard

▼從圓內望向酒店主樓,view to the main building from the circular volume

▼庭院景觀,courtyard landscape


▼帶浴缸的室外庭院,outdoor terrace with a bathtub

▼圓形套房內部,interior view of the circular volume


There is a place in Shanghai where you can forget time, place, trouble and yourself…

▼酒店鳥瞰,aerial view

▼首層平面圖,ground floor plan




