Mega Foodwalk是購物商場Mega Bangna擴建部分的半戶外景觀。項目施工完成于2017年,融合了景觀設計和工程技術手段,營造了一個含有秘境森林般的中庭景觀、休憩景觀階梯以及體驗步道,讓游客可穿經舒適的“微氣候”特色景觀通往商場餐飲空間。
Mega Food Walk is an extended semi-outdoor expansion zone at Mega Bangna. The project teams completed the expansion project near the end of 2017 in a collaborative effort of design and engineering that contains an enjoyable landscape courtyard with a relaxing amphitheater and experiential boardwalk that brings visitors into a vibrant F&B commercial space and through interactive landscape features within a comfortable micro-climate.
▼ 休憩景觀階梯
The relaxing amphitheater ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 森林般的中庭景觀
The forest-like courtyard ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 體驗步道
The experiential boardwalk ? Rungkit Charoenwat

Mega Foodwalk 內的“微氣候” 景觀是通過景觀設計結合創新工程技術手段創造的一系列特色景觀水景實現的,而這些水景又激發了場地的活力,孩子們沉浸于互動水景游戲的時候大人們也能享受周圍的環境。
The microclimate within Mega Food walk is controlled by the integration of landscape design and innovative engineering resulting in a waterscape that is a successful catalyst of activities, where adults can enjoy the atmosphere while children line up for the interactive water features.
▼ 交互性場地為孩子們提供水景游戲的場所,同時給予大人們宜人的休閑環境
Interactive venues provide places for children to play with water features, while offering adults a pleasant leisure environment. ? Rungkit Charoenwat

The water features are also used as cooling system by circulating cold water generated from solar-powered chillers. The cool water flows along various features in the landscape, as the changing physical form of meandering flows, ripples, and cascades of water delivers unique forms of water splash and an evaporative cooling effect at each bend. In addition, concealed jet fans create a breezy airflow which distributes cool moisture from the water features’ surface. As a result, the microclimate is adjusted to an ideal human comfort zone while also providing added moisture for plants to grow.
▼ 小型階梯式水景
The small stepped water feature ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 轉彎處水景效果
Waterscape effect at the bend ? Rungkit Charoenwat

An integrated cooling system provides additional benefits to the space by controlling the humidity and temperature at an ideal temperature for growth of a softscape scenery inspired by the Scandinavian forests of Sm?land, Sweden. The designed ‘forest’ uses a softscape palette of plants indigenous to a sub-tropical to tropical climate, including finely textured ferns and moss, to create a unique commercial landscape that blends the surrounding restaurants with natural greenery.
▼ 肌理精致的蕨類與苔蘚植物景觀
Finely textured ferns and moss landscape ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 四通八達的交通系統溝通了景觀空間與商業界面
The comprehensive traffic system connects landscape and shops. ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 主要景觀步道坡度徐緩
The main pathways with gentle slope ? Rungkit Charoenwat

User-based landscape design creaes a new way to experience both landscape and shops that are located at different levels. The lower level is dropped to create a sunken plaza space for various events. Amphitheater seating with genuine wood finish provides cozy spectator seating throughout the day and night, but more importantly serves as generous crowd access to the lower level plaza from the higher main entrance level of the mall. The pathways are friendly to all users with gentle slopes that are handicap accessible. The experiential boardwalk that floats above the water features and traverses through the forest green, is intersected by crossing granite stone pathways and giant slate slabs stacked to display the contrast in form and color of refined and unrefined material. The landscape design is a very interactive and experiential space that encourages visitors to be in contact with its material design. A major highlight of interactive design can be seen with the water levers made of stainless steel. The handles of the levers were specifically designed for users to feel the cool rush of water carried through the thermal conductive pipes.
▼ 新潮的戶外式購物空間
The trendy outdoor shopping space ? Rungkit Charoenwat

Mega Food Walk的設計嘗試探索戶外購物空間一種新的可能,用景觀的手段創造了更好的小氣候環境。景觀設計成為把建筑、購物體驗及顧客的活動等所有元素都整合到一起的有效手段。
Mega Foodwalk landscape design demonstrates the new possibility of creating a better outdoor shopping experience by using landscape to create a better microclimate. Landscape design become a linkage that brings all elements together from architectural design, shopping experience, and customers' activities.
▼ 總平面圖
The masterplan ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 概念設計方案
The concept design ? Rungkit Charoenwat

▼ 空間結構圖
The spatial structure ? Rungkit Charoenwat

項目名稱:Mega Foodwalk
設計時間:01/10/2016 至 01/04/2017
建造時間:15/04/2017 至10/12/2017
項目地址:Megabangna 39 Moo 6 Bangna-Trad Rd., Km.8 Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn, 10540 Thailand
項目規模:12000 m2
景觀設計:Landscape Collaboration Co.,Ltd (LCO)
公司地址:487 Thanon Si Ayutthaya, 5th floor, BSV Building, Phaya thai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400
公司官網: www.landscapecollaboration.com
聯系郵箱: info@landscape-co.com
委托方: SF Development Co.,Ltd.
主要承包方:Ritta Co.,Ltd.
首席景觀設計師:Somkiet (Boyd) Chokvijitkul
景觀設計團隊:Pavin Banternghansa, Priyanuch Sreechan
景觀施工圖設計團隊:Hattapon Ninpech, Weerachat Mangiew, Thodsaphum Kaimek
建筑設計:FOS Co.,Ltd.
室內設計:PIA Interior Co.,Ltd.
平面造型設計:PIA Interior Co.,Ltd.
照明設計:FOS Co.,Ltd.
結構設計:Aurecon Consulting (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
機電工程:Aurecon Consulting (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
造價咨詢:RHLB (Siam) Ltd.
工程建設:Arcadis Thailand
景觀承包方:Ped Garden Co.,Ltd.
Project name: Mega Foodwalk
Year of Design: From 01/10/2016 to 01/04/2017
Year of Construction: From 15/04/2017 to 10/12/2017
Project Process: Completed
Project Location: Megabangna 39 Moo 6 Bangna-Trad Rd., Km.8 Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn, 10540 Thailand
Site Area: 12,000 sq.m.
Landscape Architect’s Firm: Landscape Collaboration Co.,Ltd (LCO)
Company Address: 487 Thanon Si Ayutthaya, 5th floor, BSV Building, Phaya thai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400
Website: www.landscapecollaboration.com
Contact email: info@landscape-co.com
Client: SF Development Co.,Ltd.
Main Contractor: Ritta Co.,Ltd.
Lead Landscape Architect: Somkiet (Boyd) Chokvijitkul
Landscape Design Team: Pavin Banternghansa, Priyanuch Sreechan
Landscape Construction Design Team: Hattapon Ninpech, Weerachat Mangiew, Thodsaphum Kaimek
Architect Design: FOS Co.,Ltd.
Interior Design: PIA Interior Co.,Ltd.
Graphic Design: PIA Interior Co.,Ltd.
Lighting Design: FOS Co.,Ltd.
Structural Design: Aurecon Consulting (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
MEP Engineer: Aurecon Consulting (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
Cost Consultant: RHLB (Siam) Ltd.
Construction Manager: Arcadis Thailand
Landscape Contractor: Ped Garden Co.,Ltd.