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西安融創曲江印藝術中心景觀設計 | 魏瑪景觀

魏瑪景觀 2020-11-04
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From the beginning of 2019, Weimar Design has the honor to participate in the construction design and plants design of the project ——Xi'an Rongchuang Qujiangyin. For nearly a year, the whole process was such beautiful and arduous with continuous communication and collision. We repeatedly deliberate and simulate every detail, solve every problem, and implement new ideas that emerge suddenly. Finally, Xi'an Rongchuang Qujiangyin is delivered perfectly.

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舞動的飄帶 Ribbon dancing


The design without soul cannot impress anyone. In the reinforced concrete city, the dancing ribbon in the green forest will take us to find the lost temperature.

From isolated circular tubes to meandering steel plates, it hides in the awn grass, or climbs on the terrain, or shuttles among the lush, connecting the inside and outside of the site, continuous, ups and downs, from the first floor to the second floor, from the footpath to the overpass, from the roof to the park. Without the bulky reinforced concrete and the cold steel, it draws a white and flexible ribbon on the site, lasting forever.



It’s a dragon-shaped continuous winding handrail, looks like just a simple curve, but the process has gone through several rounds of repeated deliberation and test. 



There are many large ornamental grasses in the park around the ribbon. The planting designer cleverly used three types of ornamental grass in the site——pampasgrass, miscanthus and pennisetum. In planting design, we use the method of High and low collocation, evergreen and deciduous collocation. These three kinds of plants do not fall down even in winter. They still keep the seasonal alternation. We hope to share people a story about the "life change" through the plants’ seasonal change.




We used hundreds of Sapium and cedar trees to recreate that long-lost forest in Xi'an Rongchuang Qujiangyin. We used a large area of ornamental grass to awaken everyone's softest inner heart. That white ribbon is like people's expectation and exploration of life, will keep moving forward.


村口的大樹 The big tree at the village entrance



Everyone has the youth age of "waiting for you beside the big tree at the village entrance" in mind, which witnesses our youthful and mature time.

For the big tree at the village entrance, we chose the local saponacia tree with a height of 15 meters and a crown width of over 10 meters. The tree has spirit. We have always been in awe of the tree that has experienced the vicissitudes and years. Because of transportation reasons, choosing a tree with the height of 12m and the crown width of 8m is the limit values for a plant designer in the usual design. Such a huge tree, the difficulties can be imagined, we are afraid of any mistake.



During the excavation and transportation, the grass ball curtain is covered with water, the trunk is filled with liquid and inhibitor, and all kinds of medicines are fully equipped. We followed the whole process and did not dare to take the slightest care. Since the weight of the tree has reached a staggering 27 tons, it took us a whole day to move the tree smoothly when we planted it with 130 tons and 30 tons of double cranes worked together. In order to ensure the survival rate, we have completed the transportation and backfilling of all the original soil, accurately restored the original growth direction of the tree, and guaranteed the original growth environment and light to the maximum extent.

孤獨的舞者 Lonely dancer





Every tree is a story. Fortunately, we have participated in every story. 

Good-looking skins are the same, but the interesting soul is the one in a million. We had crossed multiple provinces and cities for finding the tree we want. After repeated comparisons, finally we find the perfect one for the design.It seemed lonely in a seemingly cold and industrialized space. But the different senses created by the connection of the tree and the venue, the mirror, the light and shadow, and the environment. All these interactions give the “lonely dancer” a new life and vitality.

Here is the stage for her. The stage only belongs to her. She is a dancer. She will be graceful while only standing quietly. When the sun drips from the atrium and diffuses in the sparkling installation, everything is blooming with the light, it is just gorgeous.


行走的水苑  Walking water garden


When visitors passed by the water garden, they met Sapium trees passing through a three-layer water surface, and then transferred to the art gallery. The space under the three-layer water surface reshapes the layout of the art gallery. The dappled light and shadow, the flowing water curtain and the swaying Sapium in the middle of the lighting box become the main art exhibits in the gallery. Among them, there are very important 18 Sapium trees standing here.




18 Sapium trees, 24 hours, a whole night working, the early selection of seedlings for each tree, the corresponding position node of each tree ... perfectly presents the artistic atmosphere and spatial structure that this design wants to convey structure.



When you enter the space, no matter from the corridor (front), the glass corridor (back) at the back and the second floor overpass (top), you will find that the Sapium in each position has its own style, but you can never see the whole picture.


森林的魔幻 The magic of the forest


Magic forest is our most proud creation.In order to find a better way of presentation, we are based on the original design inspiration, on which we carry out subversion, search, immersion and reconstruction.

微信圖片_20191204143552.jpg 我們從充滿野性的自然森林,與細膩自然的水上花園中獲得靈感。巧妙的借用藝術長廊的東西地塊,在被混凝土夾雜的空間中設計一片魔幻森林。魔幻世界的光線透過樹冠打下來,一道道光影形成光柱。時間在這里靜止了,明與暗的界限從未如此的分明,但是卻又如此的協調與舒適。

We get inspiration from wild natural forest and delicate natural water garden. Ingeniously borrowed the east and west plots of the art gallery to design a magical forest in the space mixed with concrete. The light of the magical world hits through the canopy, and light and shadow form beams of light. Time is still here. The boundary between light and darkness has never been so clear, but it is so coordinated and comfortable.



Everyone enters this magic forest, what they see, hear and feel will be different. The change of plants and the flourishing and withering of leaves brought by seasonal change will also bring people into four different light and shadow experiences in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Let's take a walk here and feel the light, shadow and nature.




There is a light outdoor revolving staircase in this site. At first, because of span, structure, construction period and other problems, they are trying to turn the creative revolving staircase to mediocrity, which is often encountered in the process of project landing. But we stick to the original design without any compromise. From the scheme to the construction landing, in a series of communication and collision with the manufacturer and the construction party, the rotating staircase is finally restored to the ground to a great extent and presented in an elegant manner.



莫奈的花園 Monet's garden


If there is a forest in everyone's mind, the roof on the second floor is a secret garden in everyone's heart.



We boldly used dozens of ornamental grasses to create this unique garden. Visited in many nurseries in Chengdu and Shanghai, we selected garden materials suitable for the extremely cold weather in Xi'an. In the selection of ornamental grass, we should pay attention to the selection of the vertical type of the main varieties to ensure the effectiveness even when plants are withered in winter. At the same time, some kinds of evergreen ornamental grasses, such as various pampas grasses have been added, which will also make the scenery impressive in the withered and depressed winter. All kinds of perennial plants are interspersed with each other to increase the romantic and artistic atmosphere.



In the design method, the traditional block and dot shape are put aside, and the aesthetic feeling of lines is no longer emphasized. The mixed planting form is boldly adopted, and various varieties are mixed to blur the Bush lines, so as to strive for a natural garden form of integration.There has never been such a garden, and its life change is so obvious and distinctive. Calm down and get lost in the passage of time.



后記: 每一次理念的聆聽,每一次思路的碰撞,每一個細節的推敲,每一次圖紙的推翻,每一個現場的打樣,每一段大膽的嘗試......我們希望將融創曲江印做出創新,做出細節,做出不一樣。而事實證明,我們做到了,一切辛苦和付出都是值得的,一個優秀的作品,就是在這樣不斷的摸索中慢慢呈現出完美的樣子。感謝為這個項目付出過的所有人,是你們的嚴謹與卓越,共同打造了西安融創曲江印。

Postscript: Every listening of ideas, every collision of ideas, every detail deliberation, every overthrow of drawings, every on-site proofing, every bold attempt... We hope to create Qujiangyin that more innovative, more detailed, and more unusual. Actually, we did it. All the hard work and efforts were worth it. An excellent work is to gradually present a perfect appearance in such constant exploration. Thank you for everyone who has contributed to this project. It is your preciseness and excellence that created Xi'an rongchuang Qujiangyin in a perfect way.




項目名稱: 融創曲江印藝術中心      【2019-2020第六屆地產設計大獎?中國   銀獎】

完成年份:  2019

項目面積: 17,000㎡(紅線內)+21,000㎡(市政綠化帶)

項目地點: 中國西安

設計公司名稱(景觀/建筑): 上海魏瑪景觀規劃設計有限公司

公司網址: www.weimargroup.com

聯系郵箱: shannel@weimargroup.com

景觀設計:T.R.O.P : terrains + open space

景觀設計團隊:Pok Kobkongsanti,任扶桑,銀華梅,唐韻雅,Lhek Pitchayut




合作方: 建筑設計:GAD;景觀施工承包商:蜀漢(紅線內)+ 新綠洲(市政綠化帶)

攝影師: 何震環

攝影師網址或聯系方式:  河貍景觀









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