1995年,面臨景觀中道路系統顯而易見的矛盾和對此生態學視角的理解的缺乏,Forman博士開始與交通部門和野生生物學家合作為建立“道路生態學”做出基礎性工作。他早期的文章提供了一些綜合性分析和概念。這項工作在第一次由14位生態學家、水文學家和交通專家合著的作品中達到了頂峰。(《道路生態學:科學和對策》(Forman et al. 2003))這是第一本關于道路生態和交通工具綜合型的圖書,有效地使該領域跳轉到一個了聯合發展的時期。道路生態學進一步的研究包括其理論發展和對交通和土地問題提出的對策。
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中國 道路景觀生態學研究進展
摘 要:道路景觀生態學目前在國內還是一個較新的概念,作者認為該領域主要包括三方面內容:道路生態學影響、道路景觀美學評價、道路景觀規劃與設計。[詳細]
Abstract: Pinpointing major objectives as a vision for transportation and society provides a cost-effective framework for numerous detailed solutions along the road network. Three major objectives, with road ecology a central player, are highlighted: (1) improve the natural environment close to the entire road network; (2) integrate roads with a sustainable emerald network across the landscape; and (3) integrate roads with near-natural water conditions across the landscape. These are briefly described along with examples of possible key steps ahead. In effect, this big picture or vision is a cost-effective route to achievement and benefit for transportation, the environment, and society.
Abstract: The field of road ecology, slowly emerging over two decades, offers great promise to transportation, nature and society, and a recent book, Road Ecology: Science and Solutions, should help catalyze the field. The objective of this article is to provide additional insight into the book by highlighting its process of development, and pinpoint some underlying bases for expecting the field to accelerate. The book evolved from: recurrent environmental problems; early international work; and TRB and ICOET initiatives. [詳細]
Abstract: Improving ecological conditions around the road network is emerging as a significant objective of transporta-tion, along with providing safe and efficient mobility. Reading landscape patterns is a key to success. The prime goal of this article is to identify ecologically appropriate and inappropriate locations for road construction, removal, and mitigation in the network. Other goals include understanding the effect of road location between two large natural patches, and progress in developing an ecologically optimum network form. [詳細]
Abstract: Ecological flows and biological diversity trace broad patterns across the landscape, whereas trans-portation planning for human mobility traditionally focuses on a narrow strip close to a road or highway. To help close this gap we examined the “road-effect zone” over which significant ecological effects extend out-ward from a road.[詳細]
Abstract: As transportation-related environmental issues and associated public concern rapidly grow, fortuitously, the science of road system ecology also emerges. To link broad ecological flows across the landscape with key engineering dimensions immediately around a road, simple spatial models appear particularly promising.