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  • 2023中外風景園林大師講壇:過程中的景觀





The "2023 International Landscape Architects Symposium" with the theme of "Landscape in Process" will be held at Beijing Forestry University on November 11th-13th, 2023, which is advised by the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, and hosted by the Beijing Forestry University. 
Since 2015, Beijing Forestry University has held 7 symposiums on various topics, making it one of the most concerned, attended, and influential symposiums in the landscape architecture field. This year’s symposium consists of outstanding and influential contemporary landscape architects in the main part, young scholars in the young scholar part, as well as non-public seminar. Leading experts and youth scholars in the landscape architecture field from various countries and regions around the world will be invited to discuss various topics in depth.

講壇主題 Theme

過程中的景觀 Landscape in Process



Landscape architecture is rich in natural and human elements, such as rivers, plants, animal migrations, changes in human behaviors and traces of life - these elements are always in flux, and therefore landscape architecture is always in some kind of "process".
According to the observation, research and operation cycle of a landscape object, it can be classified into the process of cognition, practice and evidence-based approach. These three stages correspond to 'cognitive process', 'practical process' and 'evidence-based process' respectively. Being aware of the 'process' attributes of landscape architecture, fully understanding and utilizing these processes, will contribute to a more efficient use of landscape resources and the improvement of the human environment, and provide a guarantee for the optimization of the global landscape pattern and the creation of a better habitat for human beings.

嘉賓信息 Guest Information

特邀嘉賓 Honoured Guest


吳志強 WU Zhiqiang


Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Academician of German National Academy of Science And Engineering, Academician of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Honorary Fellow of American Institute of Architects, Honorary Dean of College of Architecture And Urban Planning, Tongji University, Member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. The first convener of the urban and rural planning discipline evaluation group, Member and Convenor of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Strategic Advisory Expert Committee. Counsellor, Shanghai Municipal Government, and the Chief Scientist of the Key Laboratory of Spatial Intelligent Planning Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China.

主論壇嘉賓 Main Forum Guests

(Arranged by the strokes of the surname)


馬蒂亞斯·科道夫 G.Mathias Kondolf


Tenured professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Chair Professor of  Beijing Forestry University. He has served as co-director of global metropolitan research, director of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, and dean of the School of Environmental Design. The research directions include environmental planning, river restoration, flood risk management, etc., and more than 200 papers have been published in the research field.


朱育帆 ZHU Yufan


Deputy director of the Department of Landscape Architecture of Tsinghua University, Professor, doctoral supervisor. Member of the National Steering Committee for Graduate Education in Landscape Architecture, Member of the council of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Director of the Theory and History Committee of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, and Deputy director of the Landscape Architecture Branch of the Architectural Society of China.


伊萬·瓦林 Ivan Valin 

香港大學景觀建筑學部主任及實踐副教授,VALECHE Studio創始合伙人。研究內容和設計領域立足于多學科背景,探索戰略、技術和細節交叉點的城市和環境設計。目前負責景觀設計課程(MLA)教學,探討策略性景觀規劃和景觀設計的材料應用等議題。

Head of the Division of Landscape Architecture and an Associate Professor of Practice at the University of Hong Kong and the founding partner of VALECHE Studio. His ongoing research and design is seated in a multidisciplinary background and explores urban and environmental design at the intersections of strategy, technology, and detail. At present, he is responsible for the teaching of Landscape Architecture Course ( MLA ), discussing issues such as strategic landscape planning and material application of landscape design.


汪芳 WANG Fang


Boya Distinguished Professor and Doctoral Advisor at the College of Architecture and Landscape, Peking University, and the Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. She is also the Professor of the Peking University’s Institute of Ecology, as well as the Chinese Director of the NSFC-DFG Sino-German Cooperation Group on Urbanization and Locality (UAL). Her research concerns the localization and adaptation of the built environment in urban and rural areas, aiming to promote the inheritance of cultural heritage values and the synergistic sustainable development of urban and rural areas


佛羅倫思·梅歇爾 Florence Mercier


Landscape Architect. After graduation from the National School of Landscape Architecture in Versailles, Florence Mercier founded her practice 30 years ago in Paris. She works in landscape projects of varying scales, from gardens to territories, both in France and abroad. Environmental issues are at the heart of her thinking. She also takes part in conferences and events around the themes of sustainable cities and landscape.


瑪加利·派瑞斯 Magali Paris

凡爾賽國立高等建筑學院( Versailles School of Architecture )及LéaV研究中心副教授,學術期刊《Ambiances Journal》主編。自2012年以來深度參與大巴黎生態網絡的跨學科規劃設計。她還是The Square Forest國際研究設計項目的創始成員,該項目致力于解決再野化和非人類中心主義的挑戰。

Landscape Architect by training and practice. She is associate professor at Versailles School of Architecture and its research laboratory LéaV and editor in chief of the academic Ambiances Journal on sensory environment, architecture and urban space. Since 2012, she is professionally involved in the multidisciplinary design of Greater Paris ecological networks. She is a founding member of The Square Forest international research by design program addressing rewilding and non-anthropocentric challenges.


章明 ZHANG Ming


Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Director, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University.
He is also the Chief Architect (Landscape) of Tongji University Architectural Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd(TJAD), Member of the council of the Architectural Society of China /Vice Chairman of Landscape Architecture Branch, Deputy Director of the Professional Committee on Building Renovation and Urban Renewal of the Architectural Society of China; Member of the council of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Standing Director / Director of the Academic Department of Architectural Creation, Shanghai Architectural Society, as well as the member of the Architectural Design Professional Committee of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.




Dean, Professor and Doctoral Advisor at School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University. He is also the China official representative of International Federation of Landscape Architects, Secretary General of China National Landscape Architecture Graduate Education Supervisory Committee,  Editor-in-chief of Landscape Architecture Journal, Chairman of CHSLA Youth Working Committee, as well as the Vice Chairman of the Planning and Design Branch.

講壇基本信息 Symposium Information

時間 Date 


November 11 (Saturday), 2023- Young scholar Forum

2023年11月12日(星期日)- 主論壇

November 12 (Sunday), 2023- Main Forum

2023年11月13日(星期一)- 非公開圓桌討論

November 13 (Monday), 2023- Non-public Seminar

地點 Location


Academic Research Center, BFU

語言 Languages


Chinese + English + Simultaneous Interpretation(Main Forum)

組織機構 Organizations

指導單位 Guidance


Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

主辦單位 Host


Beijing Forestry University 

承辦單位 Organizers


School of Landscape Architecture, BFU


Urban and Rural Ecological Environment Research Center, Beijing


Beijing Landscape Architecture Journal Co., Ltd.


Beijing High-Precision Discipline Project, Discipline of Ecological Environment of Urban and Rural Human Settlements


Beijing Forestry University Chinese Landscape Architecture Philosophy Research Center

媒體支持 Media Support


Chinese Landscape Architecture


Landscape Architecture Academic Journal


Landscape Architecture Frontiers Journal


Guangdong Landscape Architecture

 《城市 環境 設計》

Urban Environmental Design


The forum is free and open to the public, and those from outside the university need to register in advance by scanning the code.


Scan the QR code below and fill in the correct personal information.




