2023 WUPENiCity城市設計學生作業國際競賽與城市可持續調研報告國際競賽由WUPEN(World Urban Planning Education Network)世界規劃教育組織、聯合國教科文組織iCity網站(IKCEST-iCity Website)、城鄉空間規劃前沿雜志(GUIHUA Journal)聯合舉辦,面向全球各高校與城市創新有關專業的在讀學生(包括但不限于城鄉規劃、建筑學、風景園林、環境設計、服務設計和工業設計等專業)發布。
2023 WUPENiCity International Competition on Students Course Works of Urban Design and WUPENiCity International Competition on Urban Sustainability Reports is co-organized by WUPEN (World Urban Planning Education Network), IKCEST-iCity Website, Guihua Journal. The competitions are open to all students major in urban planning and related disciplines.
We aim to enhance students’ capacities in connecting planning and design knowledge with practical issues in ecological environment, economic growth, social progress. At the same time, we encourage international students and cross-disciplinary students to join this competition, to promote the development of international planning and design education as well as open communication among students.
Competition Registration: March 27, 2023 (Monday)
Final submission time of International Competition on Students Course Works of Urban Design: 12:00 July 10, 2023 ( UTC+8 )
Final submission time of International Competition on Urban Sustainability Reports: 12:00 July 17, 2023 ( UTC+8 )
Announcement of awards (except Popularity Award): End of August 2023
Popularity Award voting opens: mid-September 2023
Popularity Awards announced: December 2023
International Competition on Students Course Works of Urban Design
1. 基地選擇
2. 作品要求
1. Base selection
(1) You can choose your own base or the base recommended by the organizing committee(will be published in the future);
(2) The design range is no larger than 1km2.
2. Requirements for the work
(1) You should submit Display panel file, Cover file and Introduction;
(2) The works can be written in Chinese, English or both Chinese and English.
International Competition on Urban Sustainability Reports
1. 內容要求
2. 作品要求
1. Content requirements:
Illustrated with pictures and texts, required format, reflect the application of investigation methods; The content of the report is authentic and the viewpoint is clear, which must be completed by the investigator himself and has never been published in public publications; The source of the report content is legal and compliant.
2. Requirements for the work:
(1) You should submit report file, cover file and introduction to the work;
(2) The works can be written in Chinese, English or both Chinese and English.
▲ 2023 WUPENiCity 城市設計學生作業國際競賽主頁
▲ 2023 WUPENiCity 城市可持續調研報告國際競賽主頁
More events, activities, and latest news will be announced soon, stay tuned!
賽事官方網站(The official websites):世界規劃教育組織http://www.wupen.org/
賽事官方微信公眾號(Official Wechat Subscriber):WUPENiCity
賽事官方郵箱(Official E-mail): qa@wupen.org