Dietmar Feichtinger Architects

Dietmar Feichtinger建筑事務所于1993年在巴黎成立,目前在巴黎和維也納擁有約30名員工,以其創新結構設計和設計研究思路贏得了良好的聲譽。設計團隊將建筑與工程相融合,同時探索這兩個學科之間的動態關系,并通過不斷努力,希望在優雅、敏感的建筑中融合自然和人類,融合環境與可持續發展。創始人Dietmar Feichtinger名列歐洲當代建筑獎密斯·凡·德羅獎的七位候選人之一,并因其卓越的設計在國際上獲得了諸多建筑獎項,發布多部出版物。2014年,他被任命為柏林藝術學院常任理事。

Dietmar Feichtinger established his firm in Paris in 1993. With about thirty employees between Paris and Vienna the team operates mainly in Europe. The studio has built a strong reputation for its inventive structures and its investigative approach to design. Its work links both architecture and engineering whilst exploring the dynamic between these two disciplines. In a constant strive Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes is looking for integrating environmental and sustainable development, in an elegant and sensitive architecture, respectful of nature and humans. Dietmar Feichtinger is, among seven nominations for the European Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award and internationally honored with architecture awards and publications for excellence in design. In 2014 he was appointed permanent member of the Academy of Arts Berlin.

  • 法國巴黎
  • +33 1 43 71 15 22
  • @dfa.architectes
  • dfa.architectes
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