張唐景觀認為,任何好的設計都離不開大膽的構想和深入的研究。因此,張唐景觀創立了藝術工作室(Art Workshop)以及自然工作室(Biophilic Lab)。藝術工作室透過對創新材料及構造方法的研究,使張唐景觀的設計能力得到顯著提升,同時透過全尺寸模型的制作、測試和生產,確保交付產品質量;自然工作室則致力于推進張唐景觀“參與性生態”的景觀實踐工作,在場地設計中積極應對當下來自水環境、能源、棲息地及物種多樣性等議題日益嚴峻的挑戰,以提升項目的科學性和可持續性。根據其不同特質,藝術工作室和自然工作室將在不同程度上支撐景觀項目全生命周期下品質的創新性及持續性。
Z+T Studio was founded by Dong Zhang and Ziying Tang in Shanghai in 2009. Since then the uniquely diverse work the firm completed has ranged from city furniture, ASLA award-winning research center to master planning. Z+T Studio’s portfolio has gained solid and critical reputation for the firm for its ingenious, yet original landscape design answers to the projects and sites.
Considering landscape architecture’s social and psychological impact to people’s sense of well-being, Z+T Studio is interested in making a place where the fundamental natural landscape elements and principles could integrate and optimize the increasingly urbanized environment for the inhabitants. By inviting and encouraging people’s participation and exchange among themselves and nature, the placeis cultivated and enriched by the site’s cultural associations. Z+TStudio approaches to the project by seeking the understanding of the particulars of each site, program of each project and the context. As design always encompasses these understandings with the designers’ evolving sensitivities to nature, life and society, the landscape connects people to the physical and social environment.
Zhang and Tang’s extensive academic and practicing experience both in the US and China laid the unique foundation for the firm to embrace the perspectives and sensitivities of West and East. Guided by the two founding principals, the firm emphasizes focused, intimate and multi-disciplinary collaboration. Countering the over growing and quantity dominating trend in China’s design field, Z+T Studio has resisted the commercialization of the practice and kept moderate size of atelier. The commitment is enabled by its atelier design intelligence, culture and the team members including landscape architects, architects, urban planners, artists, horticultural specialists and ecologists.
Every design starts with research and daring ideas. In order to better develop the ideas, Z+T Studio has founded and integrated an Art Workshop and a Biophilic Lab. The workshop has significantly expanded the design capacity utilizing innovative materials and tectonics. The workshop’s capacity in making full-scale mockups, testing and production has guaranteed the quality and consistency of the final deliverables. The Biophilic Lab offers research and analysis in soil, water, vegetation and ecology of the project site and the proposed design. It is essential to ensure the projects beyond superficial style or merely form oriented. The workshop and lab are both pivot supports to the implementation of the design and maintenance of the project after the completion.
- 上海崇明縣
- info@ztsla.com
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