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  • 《景觀設(shè)計學(xué)》2023年第6期

    作 者:
    王志芳(WANG Zhifang),趙警衛(wèi)(ZHAO Jingwei),劉東瑜(LIU Dongyu),鄧淑惠(DENG Shuhui)等
    類 別:
    出 版 社:


A Call for Holism Research in the Realm of Territorial Spatial Planning and Landscape Design









Nowadays, territorial spatial planning and landscape design face a perplexing paradox: research in these practical realms often directly adapts the research methods from other disciplines, gradually losing its connection with planning and design practices. This results in a contradiction between the “scientific nature” of research and its “relevance” to authentic practices. This dilemma stems from the fact that the demands of holistic and integrative decision-making in planning and design practice differ fundamentally from the reductionist framework of modern scientific research.

Reductionism and holism represent two fundamentally divergent epistemological approaches to understanding complex systems. In contemporary scientific inquiry, reductionism is often the predominant paradigm, grounded in the assumption that the intricacies of complex phenomena can be unraveled by dissecting them into their constituent elements. In contrast, the practice of planning and design is inherently holistic, requiring practitioners to respond to multifaceted site problems, develop solutions, evaluate feasibilities, so as to make “holistic” site-oriented decisions. This has led to the disjunction between modern research and the practices of planning and design. The solution to the disjunction lies in highlighting holism research for related practices, focusing on the following three aspects.

First, enhancing the systematic extraction of practical experiences. Although the professional of planning and design is inherently practice-oriented and always makes holistic decision-making, there is still a lack of refining and synthesizing the knowledge and lessons learned from practical processes. Throughout Chinese cultural history, knowledge has been imparted largely through the systematic extraction of experiences, particularly in Chinese cuisine. In contrast to the specific measurement of salt by grams in Western recipe for scientific accuracy, Chinese recipe often use phrases such as “l(fā)ittle salt” to convey the amount needed. This tradition has been passed down through generations, contributing to unique culinary flavors. We should learn from the wisdom of our ancestors and continuously summarize and synthesize lessons from practical experiences in planning and design. Relevant experiences can be better promoted and passed down by refining them into principles similar to those of Chinese cuisine.

Second, strengthening the holistic exploration of system science. We should focus more on related research methods and approaches related to complexity science, to probe into the urban–rural relationships from a more systematic and holistic perspective. While the technological barriers of complexity science may be formidable, future research can at least embrace some relatively comprehensive concepts, including ecosystem services (to explore different types of services), trade-offs and gaming (to explore relationships between different demographics or functions).

Third, promoting the synthesis of interdisciplinary knowledge. Relevant disciplines in both ecology and humanities have made substantial achievements in modern reductionist research. It is necessary to assimilate, integrate, and apply existing interdisciplinary knowledge and research outcomes, then transform them into principles and guidelines for planning and design practices. Reductionism views systems as a combination of different parts. Therefore, synthesis and translational research play a pivotal role in assembling reductive results in order to make decisions based upon existing research.

Planning and design practices require holistic decisions. Reductionist research offers insights into specific phenomena, but only holism research can truly support the practices of territorial spatial planning and landscape design.



