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  • 《景觀設計學》2023年第4期

    作 者:
    陳潔萍(CHEN Jieping),布魯諾·德·繆爾德(Bruno De MEULDER),凱利·香農(Kelly SHANNON)等
    類 別:
    出 版 社:


Can Topography Facilitate the Refinement of  Landscape Design Methods?






Landscape is an ambiguous and multifaceted concept. It is not only the diverse world we see, but also a way to see the world. Therefore, the concept of landscape has always been entangled in the unity and opposition between subjectivity and objectivity[1], individuals and society, making it difficult to extract professional and scientific landscape design methods that maintain sensitivity and openness to artistic expressions.

Terrain, as a fundamental element of landscapes, is also ambiguous. Although referring to the physical space where we live, it often goes unnoticed. Only when the terrain is distinctive enough and its scale is within the range of human perception, can it be directly sensed. Most of the time, we pay attention to the terrain depicted on maps or represented in models. These representations have been abstracted and imagined, expressing our understanding of the world and implying the distance between us and reality.

The perception, understanding, and manipulation of terrain are not only fundamental skills for landscape architects, but also key issues to be addressed in landscape engineering practice. From site surveys to landscape design and from small-scale sites to national territories, terrain is always the object of landscape design and a medium for manipulation. Developed from Geography, the traditional Topography overemphasizes the technical aspects, only reflecting the abstract characteristics of terrain but detaching from human’s cultural perception. This has resulted in a single interpretation of terrain and stereotyped practice in landscape design, where topographical design is always simplified into terrain grading.

In the era of Anthropocene, terrain is becoming more artificial, rather than natural. As the techniques for terrain mapping and manipulation are constantly evolving, more and more advantaged presentation of terrain and surface features reflects the complex and changing human-land relationship. It is imperative that we explore in-depth how the rich connotation of topography can facilitate refining landscape design, especially regarding the dual natures of terrain, both from scientific and perceptive aspects. This exploration opens up infinite possibilities for linking science and perception in relation to terrain. In this process, topographical studies will be promoted to break through the limits of scale and the boundaries of disciplines. Topographical design may also be one of the most comprehensive landscape design approaches to unifying scientific knowledge and artistic expressions. In realizing this goal, the core competitiveness of Landscape Architecture will undoubtedly be enhanced.

[1] Cosgrove, D. (2022). Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape (J. Li, Trans.) (pp. 13–23). The Commercial Press. (Original work published 1984)



