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  • 《景觀設計學》2019年第6期

    作 者:
    尹犖懿(YIN Luoyi),徐磊青(XU Leiqing),言語(YAN Yu)等
    類 別:
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Wonderland Is a Slow Place, By Yu Kongjian












Not far from my hometown of Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province is the famous Lanke Mountain. Legends tell us that during the Jin Dynasty, a woodman named Wang Zhi went to this mountain to harvest firewood and was attracted by two boys playing chess. Before a round of game finished, his axe had been found rotten. Hurrying home, he was shocked that his house had collapsed and his family was no longer there, and then learned from the villagers that around ten years had passed in the world outside the Lanke Mountain, which meant that he had been to a wonderland by accident: one day in the wonderland, a millennium in the real world. Such wonderlands are commonly seen in ancient Chinese literature, among which the best known one is the Peach Blossom Land described by Tao Yuanming. In that place, people lived in happiness and peace, even did not know the alternation of dynasties. In fact, the wonderland is a representation of human desire in the real world, including health, longevity, a harmonious society, and idealized landscapes[1], and essentially a “slow place” where slowness is greatly valued. For example, planted in the wonderland in the Journey to the West, the slow-growing peaches are of higher quality than the fast-growing ones. Besides, the ancient Chinese literati pursued a slow and poetic life and sighed the passing of time. Yearning for the “slow” wonderland is not unique to Chinese culture — desires for the paradise with “slow” as an important quality also exist in western culture. The common aspiration for “slow” reflects a fact that the life pace in real world is too fast!

Technological development and urbanization since the Industrial Revolution can be considered both a blessing and a curse, but modernization has undoubtedly made everything faster. Fast speeds have become an important benchmark for measuring social development. Rapid-speed construction, river canalization, and shortened food producing and processing have meant that humans are far away from the wonderland they have dreamt about. What a huge paradox!

Finally, while serving the fast-paced urban life, the efficient infrastructure also undermines natural ecosystems. City streets are full of congestion and smog, while fertilizer exposure and hormone-producing foods have deviated from our desire for a healthy life. Then, initiated by the food columnist Carlo Petrini, a Slow Food Movement against fast food started in Rome in 1986. As a later version, Citta Slow was raised and its first conference was held in Orvieto, Italy in 1999, and soon spread across Europe and began to gain influence in China in the early 2000s. In November 2010, Yaxi Town in Gaochun District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province was recognized as the first Chinese Citta Slow by Cittaslow International — My team participated its planning and implementation process. Today, seven Chinese Citta Slow cities are under accreditation. While they have been more like a marketing buzzword used by local governments to attract investment and tourists, far from the original intention of the Citta Slow movement, they do demonstrate that China has been longing for the slow “wonderland” again, which has been, however, relegated to the countryside in the rapid urbanization over the past 40 years. Therefore, the Citta Slow movement in China can be understood as a New Ruralism Movement for urban residents, and the Citta Slow in China envisions a romantic ideal of the Beautiful Countryside. Regrettably, today many rural areas are still victims of fast development: new highways are replacing countryside trails; channelized water infrastructures are replacing historic civic water systems; rustic villages are torn down for new construction; and artificial ripening crops are prevailing in farms nationwide.

Citta slow in rural areas only offers a refuge to urban residents for a temporary relief from urban problems. We have to face the changing and challenging circumstance in cities. Therefore, the concept of the “slowing city” is proposed. Different from Citta Slow, “green city,” or “smart city,” the slowing cities which operate at a moderate speed can create more pleasant and livable environments through the smart use of space, an energy-saving development, and harmony between man and nature. In the critical period of Beautiful China construction and the new stage of China’s urbanization, five principles are proposed for designers and developers to apply into planning and design of slowing cities. These “slow principles” are:

First, slow down the traffic by building traffic infrastructure that combines regional fast transportation with local slow one. Although the former is vital to a city’s mobility and vitality, cities should avoid unnecessary highways, emphasizing and guaranteeing safe spaces for both pedestrians and cyclists to insure that children, the elderly, and the disabled can travel safely with dignity. In particular, connections between cities and waterfronts, mountains, and green spaces should not be compromised by the pursuit of rapid transit so that the relationships between people and the natural environment would not be damaged.

Second, slow down the flow of water and build resilient ecosystems. Nowadays, agricultural activities including irrigation, fertilization, and drainage aim for higher efficiency. However, the flow of water needs to be slowed down so that plants can absorb enough nutrients or purify more pollutants, groundwater can be fully recharged, droughts and floods can be mitigated, and soil moisture can be adjusted. The slow flow of water can be in the form of a winding stream, a lush lake, a riverbed where birds could stop, or ponds and wetlands in varied depths. They are all homes to wildlife and the ecological base for a poetic landscape.

Third, slow down the nutrient flow and create a recycled material chain. Elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the material basis for a sustainable ecosystem, and they circulate between land, water, and living species. During urbanization, these flows have been regulated, separated, extracted, and made to accelerate product and use. Manufactured fertilizer can be easily gotten and sprinkled on fields, running off and being discharged into channelized rivers then polluting water bodies. Re-establishing nutrient flow is key to restore and improve ecosystems.

Fourth, slow down the speed of construction, improve quality, and keep unique urban memories. This means resisting large-scale demolitions and using local materials, techniques, and craftsmanship instead. Slow construction does not mean always keeping the old, or returning to the past, but meeting modern needs while appreciating the importance of past practices. Between the old and the new, time stays interlaced with materials and spaces, creating experience where people can linger.

Finally, slow down the pace of life. We should advocate for new lifestyles and new models of urban space experience, encouraging people accustomed to fast-paced lives to enjoy well-cooked organic food, have time to read and experience art, listen to birds singing in the morning, observe spiders spinning webs in the corner, and appreciate the maple leaves falling.

“The purpose of China’s development is to improve the lives of our people.”[2] We should realize that people’s vision for a better life is limited by the times, and is constantly evolving. Under the background of rapid construction today, we cannot forget that wonderlands are still an aspiration and that the slow places never go out of style.



[1] Yu, K. (2019). Ideal Landscapes and the Deep Meaning of Feng-Shui (Patterns of Biological and Cultural Genes). San Francisco: ORO Editions.

[2] Party Literature Research Center of the CPC Central Committee. (2014). Important Literature Selection since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Vol. 1). Beijing: Central Party Literature Press.





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